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Posts posted by HuskyPuppy

  1. Hey mate, I wont blame you lots of LoTc dedicants have lied about their ages. And don't let people judge you for anything :/ I don't care if your thirty and still playing LoTc your you. Think about that next time you tell a white lie.

  2. I talked ta Naffog 'bout t'is but I t'oug't I s'ould put me detail 'ere anyway

    Name: Isabelle

    (McName): mingsly

    Age: 170

    Race: dwarf

    Skills: I am gud wit' axes and gud at getting drunk. I can be crafty w'en I want to t'oug'

    Why do you wish to join the Edict?: I would like sum brot'er's and sisters w#o take me fer w'o i am not just w'at I look like.

    Ventus smiles looking over the note, "Aye Sister, you are welcome anytime!. Send me a bird as soon as you can." (huskyboy2k10)

  3. The Crimson Edict

    "We are a part of the Kal'Karik legion, we serve as a part of the military and as the guards for the Human District of Kal'Karik.


    “Five cloaked warriors, enter the hall of Kal’Karik three taller figures, on first glance they appear to be elven, one shorter female looking figure, and a large brute figure. The five walk into an open room, King Hiebe stands in diamond plate armor, with several other dwarves standing firmly behind him. One of the elven cloaked figured held up his hand, making a symbol the other figures behind him all kneeled to the king as they pulled off their hoods, then the apparent leader of the group pulled his off, revealing a young male Elf known as Ventus, behind him were his three loyal guildmates, Edric , Desmaii, Naffog, and his wife Eclipse. Ventus smiled to the King as he began to speak, “King Hiebe, My name is Ventus Hennington leader of the Crimson Edict, we have come to pledge our oath to you, a few of your noblemen have seen our loyalty on the battlefield. As a gift we have brought you a rare gift.” nodding to Desmaii he steps aside allowing him to hand the King a Silver blade, the blade itself seemed no different than a regular one, as the King Grasped it in his hand a slight aura began to shine off the blade it was enchanted! That night the five cloaked members of the Crimson Edict pledged their lives to Karik and its people, vowing never to dishonor their new home.”


    Master/Mistress: Leaders of the Guild.

    Aspect: Guild Dedicates who have proven themselves worthy enough to hold the title of one of the Crimson Aspect, each of which take control over a specific job in the guild.

    Co-Aspect:A Rank decided by the Aspect, each Aspect is entitled to choose one honorable member of the guild, and allowing them to help run the guild effectively.

    Brother/Sister:The Common rank for average members of the guild, we see each member as family and treat each other as such.

    New Blood:The Casual recruit, each New Blood is trained until they are able to sit among the guilds brothers/sisters as a Honorable member.


    1. Treat every member of Kal'Karik with respect.

    2.Never dishonor a fellow Brother/Sister of the Edict.

    3.Never show racism towards anyone, Racism only lowers ones own spirits and raises the victims.

    4.Your blade is only an extension of your spirit, never believe otherwise.

    5.One never truly leaves the Edict, each member will have a marking proving they are from the Edict. One who has not taken the oath and received the mark is no family to us.


    Why do you wish to join the Edict?:

  4. OOC-

    -MC name*: "huskyboy2k10"

    -Do you have a VA, and if no are you willing to make one?*: "Using this Guild as a VA structure"

    -Do you promise to obey to the OOC rules?*: "Yes"

    -Do you have Skype? ((For communications sake))*: "You already got it :3"


    -RP name: "Smoke....."

    -What do you wish to join as, why?: Smoke looks at the woman, then looks down to the group "Smoke..Wants...Blood..." he grins under his mask as he starts to laugh wickedly

    -What can you bring to the Frozen Thorns, what are you skilled in?: "Making... Blood.."

    -Race and Sex: "Male....Smoke is Male.., Human.... Smoke is Human.."

    -Do you swear to follow the rules of the Frozen Thorns? Refusing to do so will amount in your death.: Smoke nods, the blank look in his eyes is the same as always

    -Do you have any previous or current loyalties?: "No..."

    Situational RP Question ((Choose the one appropriate to the Rank you wish for.))

    Bronze---You just spotted 3 teenage girls in a forest, ideal prey. What do you do?

    Smoke grins under his mask chuckling lightly to himself as the Teenagers walk through the forest, the first teenager seems a bit worried as the other two continue to move through the forest, he silently yet quickly moves through the forest, pacing from tree to tree, hoping not to be spotted. After a good thirty minutes or so, the first teenager stops speaking to the others "Can we turn back now?, my parents are going to be worried if we don't hurry home..", the other two laugh as the second teenager steps forth "Oh come on, you're just scared of the woods!", the first one blushes a bit trying to hide it she defends herself "I am not!, I'm tired of you both picking on me!" she runs back toward Smokes direction. As the first teenager runs on, smoke rushes to keep up with her quickly pulling out his Chain Scythe he slings it at her legs attempting to catch her foot, luckily he did as he watches her fall forward he rushes forward punching her in the face, she screams several times after punching her one last time Smoke managed to make her go unconscious. Smoke could hear footsteps coming from behind as he rushes behind a tree the other two teenagers run toward the unconscious girl, noticing the red marks they could tell it wasn't an accident, quickly Smoke tosses his Scythe at the second girl as he rushes forward, throwing a punch at the third one surprisingly the third girl dodged the hit as she quickly crawled away leaving the other two with Smoke, "Smoke will be back for you later!" he calls out, turning his attention to the second girl, he hadn't realised that he had missed as she had sent a boot to his face, quickly falling backwards the girl attempts to lift up the second girl and escape, Smoke quickly stumbles back up as he shoves his gauntlet on the side of his leg, equipping a claw as he chases the girl, herself not being able to move fast she screams for help as smoke slashes her leg with the claw, she falls the first teenager falling on top of her as Smoke kicks the second one in the face, leaving her unconscious as he pulls out two sets of rope tying them up a he lifts up the first one, leaving the second one there for whoever to find her, "Smoke will give the one in better shape to the Thorns, yes yes...." Smoke laughs as he carries the girl off toward his hut

    Haze--- You are ordered to go to a certain Arethor noble and get the money he owes you for weapons by any means you deem necessary. ((Won't do the RP for it quite yet, but eventually I wish to make Smoke one as well but I'll start out with just one))

  5. *Kensai places a reply under the post*

    Choice 1: Admiral of the Navy

    Choice 2 (if applicable):

    Choice 3 (if applicable):

    (MC name): (huskyboy2k10)

    (RP) Name: Kensai Hennington

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Do you have a family, if so how many members will be residing with you: My Wife and two daughters (Please state your time zone): (Eastern)

    (Please state your average playing time): Monday 4:30 PM - 11:30 PM

    Tuesday 4:30 PM - 10:25 PM

    Wednesday 4:30 PM - 11:30 PM

    Thursday 4:30 PM - 12:00 AM

    Friday 4:30 PM - 2:00 AM

    Saturday 10:00 AM - 2:00 AM

    Sunday 12:00 PM - 12:00 AM

    What nation do you reside in, if any: ---

    Do you have any work experience, if so where and what: I'm an Ex-Guild Leader of a Trading/Building Guild, I'm a Master Smithy and Swordsman, and I currently Train starting warriors in the art of Swords and Daggers.

    Do you have a criminal record, if so state your offenses: ---

    Why do you feel you are suited for Job Choice 1: I've had lots of experience in training people, and Boat work. I'm able to build some designs of boats and I have small experience in artillery design. More information will be given upon request I wish to save space.

    If applicable, why do you feel you are suitable for Job Choice 2: ---

    If applicable, why do you feel you are suitable for Job Choice 3: ---

    State any comment that you think may aid you in this application here: ---

  6. Greetings, I'm Husky!, here are a few things you most likely didn't know about me!.

    • I'm an Anime Addict!
    • My real name is Tyler, but most people refer to me as Nicholas due to my middle name.
    • I'm a musician who plays 3 instruments, Guitar, Piano, and Violin
    • I enjoy many nerdy things Pokemon, Yugioh, Cardfight!! Vanguard, and DnD
    • I'm an okay skin artist :)
    • I'm actually a LARPer :)
    • I enjoy writing in all forms :D
    • My Screen name Husky was given to me when in was 11, by my neighbor because I would always walk our three Husky dogs around the block every day, so he started calling me Husky and it stayed with me ever since.

      Your welcome to ask any questions :)

  7. *walks over to the child, he reads the note, taking several minutes to translate it. He grunt then looks down at the child, examining it, trying to work out its worth, all the time muttering in orcish. After a moment he looks around, too see if anyone is nearby. He doesn't notice anyone ((doesn't mean there isn't anyone there)) he reaches down and tries to pick up the child

    Ventus narrows his eyes at the orc, putting on a fake orcish accent he shouts "Ug!, wut lats doin?"

  8. Application

    Out of Character

    Minecraft Name:huskyboy2k10

    Forum Name: Husky♥

    Server Join Date: Augest 21st 2011

    How Active are You?: Everyday

    In Character

    Name:Leon Braig



    Experience:Traveling Swordsmen with years of training behind me

    Qualifications:I was once a Bodyguard for several Traveling merchants, never once did a single one of them get harmed.

    Reasons why you are right for the job My swordsmanship will prove a useful ally on any of your ships.

  9. {♦}---{The Hennington Family}---{♦}

    {♦}The Story of the Henningtons{♦}

    Our origin is short, only breaching out faintly to the last days of Aegis, with the start of the family Dante Hennington, or known during the start Dante Brown. Dante was an orphan raised on the streets until he was Twelve, on his birthday he joined a guild where he met a girl named Iris Stross they instantly bonded becoming very close friends, over the days in the guild the two always teamed up, no one could separate them, they were stronger than anyone the guild had ever seen, that is what brought them down.

    Fifteen years later, Iris and Dante were happily married, with two children their reputation for strength still follows close behind, shortly after their retirement of the guild another family shortly decided to take their spot, after attempting and failing the family instantly grew angered and charging the couple of "Cheating" the Greyem family instantly became enraged, with that the Greyem's called the couple out for a "Duel", said duel lasted for two hours in the end Dante and Iris lay defeated, the Greyem family wasn't over no, they had much darker ideals for that night. Without warning the elder Greyem struck down on Dante pulling out his sword and decapitating him, then iris shortly after. The two children were orphaned shortly after being adopted by a family with the name "Hennington". The children had no idea of their past name so they decided to take Hennington for their own, within the years the Hennington children aged, grew different traits as the generations passed farther and father soon the Henningtons came to Asulon and that where our story continues today.

    {♦}Hennington Traits and Trades{♦}

    Henningons are an odd form of humans, their eyes red as blood or blue as the ocean. Dark brown or deep gray hair. And their odd form of smithing making unusual weapon designs, swords, scythes, claws, even more can be found with each Hennington.

    {♦}Calling all Henningtons{♦}

    The Hennington leader Tyler Hennington has recently passed, with that a new head has been crown Ventus Hennington eldest son of Tyler, Ventus has decided to call for all Henningtons to send a message back to Ventus and meet with him soon. *Under the note their is a small form for Henningtons to fill out*




    [Relation to Head]:



    The Form looks well written and there appears to be several left after you take one.

    {♦}Out of character{♦}

    Hello, I'm Tyler/Husky. This is my first time doing any form of Post like this so i hope you enjoy it, to be clear the form above is for people to apply to join the Hennington Family, but i do have a few special rolls i would like filled (see bottom for more info). But thanks for taking the time to view it ♥

    Current Listed Family

    [Family Head]Ventus Hennington

    [Family Head]Eclipse Hennington

    [Family Member]Grayson Hennington

    [Family Member]Max Hennington

    [Family Member]Mason Hennington

    [Family Member]Scarlet Hennington

    [Family Member]Rose Hennington

    [Family Member]Bael Hennington

    [Family Member]Drew Hennington

  10. Application:


    MC Name: huskyboy2k10

    How active can you be?: Semi-Active, changing between different RP's so it differs.


    Wot's yeh name?: "Yeh can call me Rodkral"

    How're ye related tae us? (Required to have blood relations, even if it's something as distant as cousin's son or what have ya.): "I am yeh cousin, ye went an'forgot 'bout me didn't ya?"

    Wot's yer specialteh?: "I am a smithy, and a sword specialis'"

    How can ye aid us?:

    Do ye swear loyalteh to tae clan?: "Aye, that I do."

  11. Baron Crane sighs as his friends and family gather before him, his wife quickly rushing in to the room hopping on to the bed sitting next to him. "Everyone... I must be honest with you, I'm not as well as I claim to be, my fatal end is soon to come, that is my reason for gathering you all here.", the crowd gasps from Tyler's sudden words, his wife began to speak "W-What, are you saying?", his soldiers eyes widened at the thought of their general dying to something as different as a sickness, his right hand Naffog began to kneel "Tyler, Mi wud hab fullowed you to whatever end, lat cannut say what lat is saying..". Tyler smiles looking to his men nodding to them "Promise me this boys, be sure to keep my family safe no matter what I want them to live on father then I could imagine...", Tyler's wife still in shock just sit there her eyes open wide glancing at her husband unsure of what to say to him. The room grew quiet, shortly after Tyler stood up reaching in A pair of chests, grabbing out several weapons giving one to each of his men made especially for them, finally he walked to his Wife drawing both of his blade, two gleaming golden rapiers both shining from the torch-light, he smiles as he sets them down on her lap as he hugs her tightly smiling to the group of people. "Thank you all, for all that you have done for me" Tyler stands up hugging each of them, until he reaches his second eldest son Aradan. Tyler smiles hugging his son whispering softly to him "Be sure to protect Anna, shes the last of the Henningtons along with you, if you die like me our family line will be gone please do all that you can to take care of her, and visit your uncl-" Tyler's eyes widen as he begins to cough up blood on to his arm, falling into Aradan's arms as his eyes shut rapidly, struggling to keep them open Tyler screams as his wife and the others try to calm him, it was to late the warrior was gone...

    Two days later, after the funeral of Baron Tyler Crane

    The head guard of Crestfall walks up to the grave frowning as he looks down to it before kneeling down whispering softly, "You could not have waited for me to have died first...?", Edric lets out a sad laugh, looking to the tombstone. "It was a pleasure, thank you for being such a great friend.", Edric stands giving a salute to the grave as his whispered "The Golden Guardian of The Holy Lands, that is what your true title is..."...

    Rest in peace

    Baron Tyler Crane

    Father, Brother, Friend, Warrior

    Let Ariel guide his soul onward through our lands watching over us.

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