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Status Updates posted by Nigthhealz

  1. Haven't been on here for a while ~~

  2. Man this site looks a lot better than it did a couple of years ago, still really good nostalgia to come on here and look at everything

    1. Zezimus


      Always a place here if you ever feel like hopping on, Blackaxes still going strong six years on. ;D

  3. are you recruiting for the Black Axe?

  4. (( i just but my application for the black axe ))

  5. aye if you need to build your base again ((in 1.8)) ill help you build it

  6. Well can i be a warlord and just when 1.8 comes out ill help you build and make your base again but i think he is going to make it save the map because or else the Cloud Temple and all the citys and evrything destroyd

  7. ((i am curios are you paid to be in Black Axe and if you need to make your base again i have an idea having floating islands and things

  8. ((where can we meet in-game ??))

  9. ((i cant get on now because its night where i live sorry ))

  10. ((i died in the water down the mountain on your base can u take my stuff and take me there tommorow because i gtg ))

  11. ((i would like to meet you but i updated to 1.8 by accedint))

  12. ((can you help me get to The Black Axe place and can you come online now to help me

  13. ((thats not that good because when you are going online its more then midnight where i live ))

  14. ((thats not that good because when you are going online its more then midnight where i live ))

  15. ((want to meet in game plz))

  16. ((i know i was going to change it but my sister took our only computer and submited the message thats why that happened i am hoping i cant dont get banned

  17. ((i know i was going to change it but my sister took our only computer and submited the message thats why that happened i am hoping i dont get banned*))

  18. ((i got good news i did not get banned because it was all an accident so yeh just wanted to tell you))

  19. ((and want to meet in game if you are playing?))

  20. ((not good that you cant get on now its 3 hours to midnight were i live :/

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