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Xerxes_XIII 2

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by Xerxes_XIII 2

  1. The best scene of any movie... ever:

  2. TIMETRAVEL 2015

    1. Korvic


      You mean 1985*

      We still gotta find that DeLorean...

    2. Dasaro


      To time travel, all you

      must do is reach a speed

      over 80 mph, with a

      quantum defibulator

      attached to your vehicle.

      Thus time travel...

      Good luck >:)

    3. Swgrclan
  3. When the servers go to sleep, the forums wake up to play. This playing quickly degrades into people throwing eggs at eachother.

  4. Wondering if someone could change my forum rank to Total Tophat instead of gold donator. Fairly sure I have the requirements. If not, nevermind~

  5. Woop :3 summoned my first flame. Progressssss.

  6. Woop. Signature re-colored and edited mildly.

  7. You're username, sir, I approve of it.

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