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Posts posted by DecoLamb

  1. Reads the notice, eyebrow twitching slightly as she tries to put on a smile

    Oh.. Hosh.. I'm glad we 'ave an already completed blacksmith. I think.. The one I started building for Jarkarll can be taken down then.. At least I didn't put in all the Obsidian I gathered up for the basement... Heh-Heh That would habe been bubhosh heh..

    Twitches slightly and giggles to herself as she wanders off, hair bristled in mild aggravation

  2. As long as I get a few barrels of that dwarven ale I'm happy. Considering that there are a pair of dwarves in my extended family as well, I really dont want war with them. They're still to useful and tasty to hate... Now humans, they are another matter...

    Hopefully I can capture the stag I've been tracking and bring home some venison.. maybe soak it in some ale and then spitroast it... more ale and honey coated on while it cooks for more flavor...

    What goes good with roasted venison... maybe potatoes? No... maybe I should char some celery and carrots and put in some redstone spice...

    Bah, now I've gone and made myself hungry.. WHERE IS THAT SKAHIN BUCK!?

  3. ((I think this is more of a case of orcs not wanting to work with GM characters than anything else. I have heard from many orcs to complaints of GMs messing with them in and out of character. It might be best of Peyter simply works up in orc society a bit more, prove to everyone he is here to have fun and make rp chances for everyone. THEN he can start instigating wars when he is more well known and has started to gain honor for his clan.

    You cant honestly expect the nation to rally up to fight in a war at the word of some no name fresh face, can you?))

  4. ((Why dont we just go to war with them both? Like Ura said, we are the war nation. HOWEVER we do need legit reasons, just a tiny bit more than nkt liking them. Time to send Bog to Kal'Urgan to headbutt some pillars! That will get some things going!))

  5. Im sure we can find you a good spot, I'd love to help but I dont know how long my hunt will last. You'll have to make do with the Warlord for now. Hopefully I can capture my prey soon and come back home, I miss my family and my people greatly.

    ((Dunno when ill be able to get on... husbands stealing my time since i made him do laundry with me. Ill probably get on for only a few and just move my hours up instead so I get on in the.morning or something, well have to see))

  6. The only race that dies from old age is the human race. Its just that elves age the most gracefully, they tend to gain wisdom with age despite their slowing down. Older orcs would be slower, and would most likely get killed off once they cant keep up.

    Dwarves just kinda vanish due to cave ins and getting eaten, or just alcohol poisoning.

  7. Wait....Pok is missing?! But he was just here at the beginning of this cycle...

    Oh dear... I hope he didnt wander to close to Oren and get arrested again! Those hateful pinkskins will try and kill him for sure!

    I'd better whip up some hunting wolves and try to track him down before something happens!

  8. Mogroka said he wanted one hundred cubs, and Mirabelle is very happy to give him as many as she can. So who knows how many young Gorkils will be running around for poor Thore to cubsit.

    And I think you might have to pay for a reroll Lokria

  9. A small note is tacked on next to Jarkarll's

    I'm glad to see your skill has risen so quickly. If you need any supplies just send me a wolf or war boar.

    I'm going to see if I can't get you a nice little building for your smithy as well, so you don't have people bothering you to fix armor when you need to rest.

    -Warmistress Mirabelle

  10. "I really don't approve of orcs fighting each other.. there are too few of us right now. We should be making cubs and training, not fighting a war that gets us nothing but a few good meals and maybe a few dead orcs.

    If ya wanna klomp, we have two arenas. And I'm going to start sponsoring Craotor's tournaments soon so look forward to that!

    If you want ale, Both Thore and Craotor have wonderful little inns, they have food as well. And if you want a home cooked meal.. well.. I'm not the best, but I love to care for my people in any way I can. I'm more than happy to cook the meat I am brought by my beloved orcs, be it bull, bird, boar, or even a dwarf or two~

    There are a few halfling recipes I wanted to try.."

    Mirabelle wanders off, mumbling to herself about what kind of spices would go well with halfling..

  11. Mirabelle tilts her head, ears twitching as she listens

    "Mm.. I don't know much about the Dom clan, however I think I'd much rather fight with the humans. They're a bit more fun to skin and butcher, and the meat tastes better..

    Plus I tend to get a bit drunk off dwarven meat.. But a meal is a meal."

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