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Posts posted by DecoLamb

  1. Well that's actually what I want, Noah. I want them to be picked on, I want them to have challenges and difficulties because they are 'pretty', instead of the usual opposite. I wanted them to have a more human look because their mother is human, and their father was raised and acts more human. I want them to have more human personalities and tendencies. My goal is to create two characters that are alike but different, and throw them into a place their type wouldn't be very welcome. I want them to grow and develop. They are still young, their flesh can still be scared up, they can still gain muscle, hair can dull or brighten, get rougher or smoother, shorter or longer. They can new preferences and dislikes, they can makes and break different relationships with different people.

    I already have a twist with Mirabelle, she wants to be kind and gentle, but her blood is boiling just under the surface, she has an underlying want to fight, as well as many other small quirks coming to the surface thanks to the intense interactions she's been getting.

    Ciar is developing a complex thanks to Broxigar. She's becoming obsessed with scars and tusks, has MAJOR tusk envy. There is a thought in her head to rip off Broxigar's big tusks and replace her tiny broken ones. She keeps running day after day to bulk up her legs, working hard with stone weight to make herself bigger, stronger. Picking fights to gain more battle experience and learn more and more about the odd need to fight and get violent within her.

    They are young characters with MUCH room to develop, there are so many paths that be taken it's insane, and i jsut can't wait.

  2. Well to be fair, it was her first fight ever.. you have to give her at least a tiny bit of credit for that. But I do agree, it was not enough. But the one win has indeed sparked something in her, she's become curious about the more brutish nature of the orcs, as well as the shamanistic point thanks to Korgath showing her around and showing her the library, books are something she loves even though she cannot read well just yet.

    Though her body is that of an adult, her mind is still like that of a child, she doesn't know anyone or anything outside of her immediate family and guardians. She -wants- to be around people, but she is shy and afraid of people hating her. This was pushed further along by an interaction with Broxigar. Her passive, timid nature is still in her heart, but that single battle has started the thought in her head that sometimes, you do need to fight, sometimes you do need be aggressive and pushy. She hasn't realized it fully, yet, but the path to that thought pattern will be quite interesting I think.

    Determination has been sparked in her, Mirabelle doesn't want to stop until she makes a friend with an orc that was once an enemy. Who it will be, not sure. If it will even happen, not sure. Can't wait to see what happens~

  3. OOC: Oh I know that and I have no problem with it, I made her timid and weak specifically to cap on that, same way I made Ciar an aggressive extrovert to cap on it her way. It just seems there is a small amount of chatter going about out of character that isn't exactly positive, and people have been attacking the twins simply to get at ME, not my character. I will not go into detail for respect of these people, but only encourage that people learn to separate their characters and themselves, and to go to someone directly if they have a problem.

    However, I am quite excited, despite the aggressions, because this will mean I will have to pull out all the stops to prove myself as all three characters, as well as a player. Hopefully Ciar when she finally FINDS Krugmar, will have an interesting and fast-paced experience as well. Now if only she wasn't so horrible with maps...

  4. OOC: Well there is a massive story behind it really, one that is honestly too complicated to explain. To make it simple, magic is a wonderful thing (LIKE FRIENDSHIP! :D )

    Also, it was a test run for them really, to see how they would play and how people would react to them. Sadly it seems they will get bullied.. but then again it will be interesting to see how they rise to meet the challenge. I'm very very interested in the little twist of Mirabelle's personality that has come up because of her getting pushed past her limit after already thrown off a cliff by Broxigar (big meanie) Among other things.

    But to wrap things up, she only knows the world for five years time, but her body has been 'sped up' for the sake of development and the fact that I want to launch them already.

  5. Finally finished the dual reference pic of the twins in their every-day gear. Now I can finally get to work on those skins instead of using old default clothing from ancient characters.


    Honestly Mirabelle is becoming my favorite, I did a test run with them both and I had the most fun with her surprisingly enough. Even if the interaction wasn't all that pleasant for her I loved having a chance to push her to her limit that quickly! It's even started a very curious little twist to her growing personality. Hopefully They will be a bit more welcome later down the road.. I'm quite excited to see what stories will be created with them both.

    Edit: My derp head just noticed that I put 'will' instead of 'well' Epic facedesk for me there.. This is why I shouldn't use paint.net when I'm half alseep.. good job Rox, good job.

  6. The body shot is actually Mirabelle's 'fancy' wear, She'd wear that when she's out to look good, like if she's going to a very fancy party or trying to impress someone she likes.

    Ciar's going to have something similar, except with her it'd be extremely detailed armor. Their every day outfits are much more simple and to the point. Mirabelle a cloth tunic with leather leggings and boots, Ciar wearing a hide vest and short leggings, boots, and bracers.

    It's proving difficult for me to find a balanced look with these two that i can turn into a minecraft skin, but still be cute Honestly Ciar's hair is going to be the hardest. Making short hair feminine enough for people to tell she's a chick.. now that's hard in minecraft.

  7. Derpy work? lol. You are pretty damn talented, good work! Would like to see some more of what you've done.

    I'm afraid that's all secret for now, since all my work lately is related to SilverShade or character concepts. Hopefully if that ball gets rolling I can let out all the sketches and paintings from that as well

  8. Personally I adore the orc race despite being human. I only picked it after a good half a day of thinking because I wanted an easy race to deal with until I got used to the server and figured out if I could fit in decently enough. Now I have a pair of characters in the works, both half orc, both female.

    It's only because of my nit-picky demeanor when creating characters I havn't thrown more money at notch and let them lose into the server. I've doted on them so much I refuse to let anyone else play them~

    Hopefully Mirabelle and Ciar can make it out in time for the littler cinematic

    And as for the half naked armor thing equaling sexism, I personally feel it's in the case of the characters.

    A swifter type, say, a shaman, would probably wear a bit less, with tighter, thinner cloth. Allowing for more movement and flexibilty, the kind needed for advanced spellwork.

    A middle type, say, a battle shaman, would need some armor, but still need more space to move, they would probably go with tanned leather and studded leathers, maybe some chainmail here and there.

    A 'tank' type would NEED heavily plated armor. They don't need to move quickly, they need to take damage and dole it right back tenfold. Using the weight of the armor itself would help this as well. That type would probably use iron armor ( in in this case, diamond)

    Personally, I think well made, detailed iron armor is incredibly sexy and beautiful. But once again, it depends on the fighter, and personal preference.

  9. Probably because your "manor" is indeed within Oren's territory (Everything, even if it is registered as "wilderness", north of Whispering Isles, is considered Oren's territory, with the exception of Kramoroe). The King can remove things within that area as he pleases, and the guards can enter any homes in that area to check for criminal activities. And your "manor" was indeed a Black Hand hideout until they were finally destroyed. I have no doubt it will be used for evil or ill purposes again; The guards should purge you while they can.

    Anyways, everyone is more likely to remember the ill from the good. When the guards protect you you scarcely notice, but when they do what you view ill it seems much more obvious. I doubt there would be much wrong with the guards were they kept in line by a Human leader with Human's and Oren's best interests at heart.

    (( Okay seriously, I'm making this stop now. My house was NEVER the black hand base, for the last effing time. There was ONE black hand member living there, there was only ever two at most ever there, the one living and his friend. that's it. There were some bad people living there for awhile, but even after i kicked them out, i kept getting messed with. That's why I took it down. People need to start getting more information dangit..))

  10. The Guard seem to have a problem managing themselves unless one of their higher ups is there to crack their skulls into line. Numerous times they have come to my manor just inside the Wilds, claiming it is under Oren jurisdiction and they be allowed to enter. They also have claimed many a time my home was a den for the Black Hand.

    My poor nerves from all the stress of them have caused my hair to dull into grey!

    However, it seems they are just now starting to clean up their act, bit by bit. They still make mistakes, some very massive. But they are trying their best, the majority of the time.

    I ask my fellow citizens to give them assistance when you can. If you see them on patrol, offer food and drink, maybe a moment to sharpen their tools upon your anvil, the smart ones will repay your kindness in time.

  11. Well there is a small possible solution I have heard of from one of the Devs on another server. They intend to use multi world mod to allow people time to migrate to the new map, get all their items there and everything, before deleting the old map and making the new map the main map.

    Basically it would be a few days of mass exodus and then back to old fashioned RP, if this method is used. Besides, we shouldn't come to this server for the items and the map, but the lore and roleplay. I mean the entire premise of this server is the roleplay experience, is it not?

    Granted, I will be very sad if I lose Dark Manor, I worked ages on it, made a huge amount of history in it with my friends, had a lot of fun there. But it can be rebuilt. Maybe even better than before. I know what to do this time, I won't spend most of it thinking, 'How do I make this look nice?' or things like that. Plus, this does allow for a very large scale lore and RP event of what happened to the old world and what might happen in this new one.

    But those are posts for already existing threads :3

  12. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: DecoLamb

    -How old are you?: 21

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: UTC -5:00 Eastern Time / United States

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I'd like to think I do, but in my opinion I am still young to this world and there are new words that are being created constantly with the evolution of the human language. Long answer short, I think I'm decent at it.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm a simple girl with sharp tongue and a blunt way of speaking. I enjoy playing games of all types and paces, especially creative ones. I'm annoyingly honest and easy to confuse.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I would be here a few hours out of each day, but it's possible I won't be on during the weekends. The life of a young housewife is surprisingly busy!

    -How long have you played minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for a good bit of time now, however I don't really track time itself, I try to live moment to moment.

    -What do you know about roleplaying?: The way I see it roleplay is a way of exploring and making a real time story though the eyes of another personality. It's about having an adventure and experiencing another life without all the trouble of real life shenanigans.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I expect it to be the most mind-blowing server yet, judging from the screenshots, extensive content, and sheer volume of other roleplayers. I can't wait to see what stories there are to twist into!

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Too many to count. I've yet to find one that fits me just right. Most of the time I end up on small servers where the admins are abusive and cruel, or massive servers where I am so alone I might as well be playing singleplayer.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Completely.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: Elves, Orcs, Humans, Dwarves. Sadly, there are no Decos...

    -How did you hear about us?: I heard of it in a minecraft chatroom, thought I'd take a little peek

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: DecoLamb


    -Character Name: Decora L. Caoimeh (Or just Deco)

    -What is your Race?: Human

    -Biography: A quiet young woman raised in a small farming community in a faraway place, Decora was considered an oddity for her extreme battle-lust. She was rather violent in her younger years, until her grandfather gave her the task of caring for a runt lamb from his spring flock. Through tending the frail creature, she learned to become gentle and quiet. Decora also gained an obsession with sheep thanks to the minute wooly beast.

    One damp misty morning, the encroaching wolf packs slipped into the pastures, and attacked the flock. While Decora's parents did their best to shield their daughter from the bloody fray, they could not stop her from dashing out in attempt to save her deeply loved herd. She took up her grandfathers sheapers cane and beat at the massive hounds best she could, but to no avail. The beasts killed several of the sheep, and even turned upon the young girl, shredding her flesh with massive cruel fangs.

    Barely escaping, Decora's left eye was blinded and scars left all over her body, but this was nothing compared to her wounded heart.

    The anger and pain of losing her precious flock drove her out into the massive wild world shortly after her body healed, hoping to find a place she could heal her damaged heart.

    -Character Age: 20

    -Character Appearance: Tall and sinewy, she has the body of someone who's worked long and hard in the harsh sun. The left side of her face is patched with scar tissue, left eye a discolored light brown hue. The right eye, still working, his a deep honey brown. She has short, choppy burgundy hair.

    She wears an outfit made from the tanned hides of the animals she hunts, and wears a sheep's collar around her neck.

    -Character Personality: Quiet and a bit grumbly, she's not the best at conversation. She has a followers mindset when presented with a good leader, but otherwise she prefers to be off to the sidelines She has a weakness for sweets.

    -Your ambitions: Decora hopes to find where she belongs in the world, somewhere where she can forget her painful youth and simply enjoy life until she has lived it all out.

    -Can your character read or write?: She can, but she is a rather slow reader and her handwriting is rather scratchy.

    -Can your character mine?: She can mine quiet well, but only in bursts.

    -Are you a capable builder?: She can build simple structures, but the mechanics to building extensive architecture escapes her.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes, but she much prefers to avoid battle, lest her blood-lust come to the surface.

    -Enjoy Farming?: She has a decent handle for farming, though she tends to forget about her crops or breaks the more delicate stalks with her clumsy hands.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: She is an excellent hunter, and fares very well when gathering supplies.

    -A screenshot of your skin:Decora.png

    -Other Information: I really have none.. I hope I'm accepted, this server looks like so much fun!

    Also I am currently working on a custom skin just for the server.

    Oh, this is also a picture of this character I've drawn up a long time ago, just in case my descriptive skills are still as awful as I suspect.

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