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Posts posted by DecoLamb

  1. ((Kogash still technically exists, the clan father is still alive and is out hunting somewhere with his three cubs he took with him. This means Broxigar is still out there raising Gromash, Agra, and Soineata. Broxigar is wanted by Warmistress Mirabelle for the attempted murder of Ciar and kidnapping of the cubs. So there's yer conflict!))

  2. [[ Well I do love a war or two. Honestly we need more conflict, makes for more RP in the server than this boring peace.. This latest instance is because of someone insulting Thore, and then when the guards had him under arrest, they didn't stop the other person from slashing at him and attacking. Then if I understood right, they threatened to kill him because he was defending his honor.

    Then the king not being there when his note said he would be, serves as a wonderful little insult to the nation. But meh, really all I want is more chances for people to RP with something OTHER than undead conflict. ]]

  3. [[ Dun worry about it too much, I'm sure we can find a way to get everyone together at the same time for it, at the very least, some people get to have fun reading about this here :3

    Plus we can have some nice little turmoil because you weren't there when the message said you were waiting, more delicious conflict~]]

  4. Mirabelle reads the message over as she sits in her chair, cradling a small newborn orc in her free arm.

    For a little thing he's got some decent thoughts in his little skull..

    Mirabelle scribbles down a quick note, stuffing it into the scrollbox and handing it to the wolf, smiling as it bites down and runs off at full speed.

    I'm going to send someone to speak with you, since I cannot. He is the one that has been having trouble recently, an orc by the name of Thore'Gorkil. He and his accompaniment will speak with you shortly. I do hope you'll be there to greet them at the castle.

  5. A large wolf trots into the throne room, a scrollbox clasped in it's jaws containing a message;

    'There have been several instances of your guard attacking my people, I would ahve liked to take it up with the High Constable, or at least a captain. However despite my best efforts, I could not find them, and I do not know where their homes are so I cannot send a wolf or bird.

    I have seen many, many complaints from the orcs about humans causing much trouble with us. Coming to our city screaming insults, and attacking orcs who cannot fight back while in the hands of the guard.

    This problem needs to be solved, and soon.'

  6. A small knife made of bone and gold is embedded into the throne's backing, a small bit of parchment swaying slowly from it's handle.

    'I have had many problems with your city as of late. I would like an audience with you to discuss this. Your men do not answer, so I will go to the very top of the chain. I expect to hear from you very soon.'

    A small pawprint sits on the bottom of the pace along with a delicately written signature

    Lovingly, Warmistress Mirabelle

  7. Shaman training under Mog has been really fun. But you're going to have to learn to RP with yourself. /setname will become a good friend. If you're lucky you'll get me in the same time he is and I'll go crazy with it and you jsut have to sit back and watch X3

  8. It's more a case of culture than actual intelligence. Like in the example Craotor gave, an orc would charge in and fight when he is threatened, while this is seen as stupid by any other race, it is the normal thing to do with the orc race.

    Orc culture is about honor and strength, but not PURE brutality. It's a good thing, to be brutal, but a good orc does know when to hold back a little. And it's written that they are very kind and sweet behind closed doors with family. If you read some of the stories you can see the affection they have for their families and their fellow orcs, the tale of Dom is a wonderful example, where one Krug's sons, I think it was Gorkil, holds his newborn sister.

    They honestly have many sweet moments, even when they are being brutal. A good example of this is when Urara gave her mate Gragarn a tattoo. It's something painful that they shared, and they often beat each other in the arena and many other things. Why? Because dueling is seen as a sign of respect with orcs.

    It's usually very subtle, but there is a lot of love within the orcs. They just don't show it outside. And just like with their affections, their intellect is very subtle.

  9. OOC: Again, dragons don't exist yet. The main map of LOTC does not have dragons, and you can't RP as if they exist until they actually do. There will be lore behind their creation, and no one will be given special powers revolving them (Look what happened with Undead and Ascended).


    I should get myself a lasange...

  10. Im actually going to try and use what we have already, and maybe just some smaller thing s here and there.

    It be a major endeavor, but I really want to recreate that obstacle course that was described in one of the orc stories. I think if was the one on child rearing as a follow up to the lifemate story, cant remember at the moment.

    But yes, I'm seeing some great ideas here so far. Some are going to offer great RP chances too! Something I have been wanting is more chances for orcs to interact with each other and bringing lore to life where I can as well.

    I'd like to capitalize on Craotors inn as well as Thore's. Maybe have them pick teams to represent them in some of the competitions. The winners get a prize and free ale, and the winning inn gets a big mina boost and maybe the owner gets to make a request of some sort.

    I have had a thought as to one prize as well. 'Warlord for a day' or something. I'd love for major competitons.as well, where teams from each nation could compete for a trophy of some sort.

    I can already see some undead team busting in and trying to steal the thropy to demoralize the mortal races.only to get their boney butts beat.

  11. ...I noticed something..

    Grahla is a redhead

    Dom is a red head

    Krug seemed to really like red heads

    Mirabelle is a red head..

    Lothriel is a red head..

    Mogroka likes red heads..

    Orcs dye their hair with the blood of their victims in hopes of it gaining a red sheen..


    This means we are immune to the Undead taint! You can't taint a soul that isn't there!

  12. King-of-the-hill, on a mound or series of platforms with pitfalls, cactus and jumping ledges. If you get knocked off onto the sand, you take a drink. The game ends when all but one have been klomped, fallen or drunken themselves to death.

    I also had this idea for a pretty interesting arena battle. It would require a custom-built arena. You build a fighting ring with 6-10 or so separate chambers, each blocked off by a gate. You put a fighter inside of each one of them, all at the same time. There are a few orcs on the outside that control the switches to open the gates. You open the first two at random and the first fight begins. The victor rests up, eats, then you open another one at random. They fight. Victor rests. Then another random one, and so on until there's a single victor.

    I like the jousting idea. Maybe we could even mix it up a bit. Take pairs of opposing fighters and put two on a log and two in a ring underneath it. When the fight begins, all four go at it, so that the player getting knocked off is falling into two other fighters, one friendly, one enemy. Whether two on two or four on four, maybe we allow the two log fighters to draw wooden swords once one of them is knocked off. I think it'd be pretty fun to be groundfighting and then have two dudes dropping in from out of nowhere swinging swords.

    Kill the orc with the sword/axe. Fill a small arena with orcs and lob a single wooden sword into the mob. Whoever picks up the sword gets pummeled by the others. When he drops it, the next guy gets his ass kicked, then the next and so on.

    Just some ideas. We pretty much arena battle by default, but it'd be nice to mix it up a little.

    These.. all of these.. NOW

  13. Games that all go by chance is pretty dumb imo, Make a poll deco for ones people like

    Once I get a good handful of ideas I'm going to make a poll and pick from the most popular once.

    As for the drinking competition, it's more for RP and fun than actual competition. Games of chance might be a little stupid, but I can kind of see taverns getting a LOOOOT of business when they host them! Not to mention people competing to be the best drinker in the nation might be some good RP.

  14. I think obstacle courses are a bit over used and bland, but i just suck at jumping so i dont know :S

    Fight while drunk? hehehe.

    Actually the idea I had with the obstacle course is team runs, like in one of the stories I read. I wanted to recreate the trial course that the younglings had to do to prove themselves adults.

    And after that, probably make everyone run it drunk....

    I kind of see Mirabelle using her weakness to push everyone forward a bit too, i can imagine her pouring ale into tankards for the orcs and kinda pepping them up by insulting them with, 'If latz cannot do it drunk, then latz less orc than me!'

    And I would LOVE to sponser your competitions Craotor!

    ...and 'groka.. yes.. yes you did.. you tend to fall asleep a LOT.

  15. All I will say on pot is that it really shouldn't be used for fun. I used it for many years as a relaxant and to help with the pain in my arm and back. It was the only thing that gave me significant releif that didnt put me out for hours on end only for me to wake up still in massive amount of pain. Still take a puff now and again when old wounds flare up. But once again, I do not approve of recreational drug use.

    As for losing Brevius... Too bad, but I do hope to see your elder shaman self around more once you are able to acess your computer once more. I quite enjoyed the few interactions I've had with you so far as Ciar. You and Mirabelle should be able to make some intresting stories come forth, especially since you play the role of a wise older shaman incredibly well, always very impressive to see a 'wise' character that actually FEELS wise.

  16. Team battles, like war games. The whole of Krugmar could be the battlefield, but each team would receive a "set".

    For example each team has 3 members and is given: a wooden sword, a stone sword, a leather set, a iron sword, 2 bows and 10 arrows.

    Something like that, to promote team work and stuffz.

    You just sparked something wonderful in my head. What about calling in Warefare Trials or something. The winning team becomes champions for the week and gets some nice stuff, maybe sets of diamond gear or something. I want all the game to have epic prizes.

    Im even thinking about a few obstacle courses with and without puzzles. Things that serve as training for the orcs as well as have fun. I want to do a lot with ale too. A drunk orc is the best kind of orc.

  17. Well since my character Mirabelle, or Mira as most call her now, is the new warmistress she has a lot of expectations to live up to. Since she is a whitewash halfblood with little physical strength, she is not well liked by part of the orc community. I intend to have her win their hearts by playing to their hearts.

    So im looking for ideas for contests and competitions that would make orcs very happy.

    A few ideas I already have are these;

    Arena tournament (that one is a given.)

    Drinking contest: we'd basically have two people sit at a table and roll 100 after each drink. If you roll under 20 you pass out and you lose.

    Drunken pit fight: we get everyone hardcore hammered until they are staggering, stick them in a pit and let them fight until only one orc is left standing

    Jousting: orcs would stand at either end of a log up in the air over a pit. They will then charge each other and attempt to knock the other orc off. It will be done in classic tournament style until there is one winner

    Thats all I got for now, what are your ideas for fun competitions?

  18. ((Why is Mirabelle a grey ork?))

    She's only a half orc, which is also why she's so tiny and has the colors she has. Her father Vardak was a black orc, and her mother Decora's paler tone slipped in and made her grey.

    She's still more human than orc at this point, but she's starting to get the hang of it. I think I'm always gonna keep her itty bitty though so she can be cute like this all the time :3

  19. Eh My hand got tired so I figured I'd post this work in progress. This pic is inspired by an image I had in my head that I'm slowly pathing to in game, hopefully I can pull it off and the picture will actually gain validity. Plus it just shows how tiny Mirabelle in comparison to Mogroka. So itty bitty!


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