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Posts posted by V0idsoldier

  1. the_old_man_by_teresamurphy-d4ept3c.jpg

    A thousand wrinkles riddled the man's face, his gaze a near squint under the weight of tissue. His breath so smooth it was only but a whisper against the candles steady burn, and his hand met the paper with a quiver. Yet words still flowed, as well and as smooth as even the youngest of writers. He lifts his eye from the books, and peer yonder towards the now open door reaching ever so slowly for his snow white beard, laced with brown specks. Is it a trace of his past, or perhaps simply dirt? A contemplation crosses the mans weary mind before he speaks.


    "May I help you?"


    His voice alone grants the passerby a hint into the wisdom contained within the mans aged mind, a voice as smooth as silk and as calm as the eye of a storm. Four simple words combined in such a melody that they sounded benign. T'was a man unknown to most, yet respected by those whom found him, a man whom contained a library of knowledge in his head. A traveling writer across the lands filled with insanity.


    ((Unable to play right now, but still wanting my fix. A small roleplay scenario that extends to ooc. To anyone wanting to roleplay out their characters writings, or to anyone needing writing done for basically anything, I am available.))



  2. This dudes been doing fun role play events since Aegis, long before the concept of a E Team. He's been one of the most influential villains of the server, as well at times one of the most influential heroes. He is a great leader, creator, writer, and in general a brilliant thinker. Giving this man E Team power will only result in great events, without a doubt. +1

  3. honestly, i hate to be blunt but...

    Who cares? How is it affecting your rp, what, MONTHS since the end event?


    It's mostly about consistency. If someone breaks the law and isn't found out until years later, that person will still go to jail. Just like if someone hacks on this server and isn't found out till later. Just because time has passed doesn't make it any less relevant, and it makes sense that we need to come to terms with what the policy is regarding PK of Harbs. 


    I think final decision should be Kai's.

  4. "That knight is going to get the wrong end of that axe. It's going to go straight over the top of that shield and he's not even doing anything about it. That's terrifying. Why would I want to join now? Bad propaganda.", comments a terrified prospect. 


    Karasu comes across the picture in his journey, and whilst contemplating he overhears a man cry out in oblivious ignorance. He glances across and speaks up "You are aware of what a painting is, correct? Paintings do not move. If you were even the least bit intelligent you would realize that the knight has plenty of time to correct his stance before the Goblin swings the axe." He grunts and shakes his head "On top of that should the goblin commit itself to such a grievous swing, he would be deathly out of position and be entirely open for the knight to position a counter attack." He shrugs, going off to find more information on the order. 

  5. ((This is an amazing brick of text, and very true. But that's not the problem. One of the members has been acting very trolly, thus giving this group/faction/whatever a bad reputation, having staff to speak with us. Thank you for the support though.))


    ((I'm not aware of your group or what you did. I'm speaking for the server in general. I wont let it go down a path like that. I'm old enough to know that groups like this have existed since Aegis and it shouldn't be limited. Breaking rules is one thing, but this server is not a pure 'medieval' server. It is and always has been a fantasy server.))

  6. ((While I understand this may be a roleplay thread and what not, I am going to make this very VERY clear. This is a MEDIEVAL Roleplay Server. This means that anything that you create MUST BE BASED ON MEDIEVAL LIFE. If you would like to make this Lore it's own proper culture, firstly you should make it so that it is strictly medieval based. From what I have seen of the roleplay of this group, it has become something resembling a modern London gang. That is not right. Swearing every since sentence is ALSO inappropriate. We may allow some swearing, but excessive swearing like the kind I have just seen is not right. Should any member of the staff come across another encounter with this group that seems much MUCH more modern than it should be, there will be consequences. Just so you are aware, this includes the IC name of "Glo' Gang" as the word gang did not come to mean anything of the sort until late renaissance. Keep it Medieval people, or your group will be removed.))


    ((I'm not sure if this is actually a staff decision (which would be highly ill advised and very poorly thought out) or just your own personal opinion, but either way I believe that your post is wrong. This server is not and has never been a medieval role play server. It is a fantasy server. People have been wearing suits and ties since Aegis. People speak with modern english, because they are comfortable with it, and have been doing so since Aegis. If someone wishes to create a Victorian esque 'gang' and call it a gang, they can. You or any of the staff would be very ignorant to suddenly crack down on this. 


    Just because Oren has become a huge power house and enforces pure medieval roleplay on their members, that is not what this server is. A group should not be threatened because they do not adhere to Orenian standard. While I appreciate Oren for what they are, they are not everyone, and their standard is not a rule. I myself have ran a Victorian gang and was quite successful with it for many months. Do not inhibit someones role play because it is not 'medieval'. As long as he is not breaking into modern (or anywhere near modern) technology then there should be no problem.))

  7. ((MC Name: Voidsoldier))

    A young boy standing at a respectable height for his age approaches. He doesn't seem lost, rather he looks as if he has found what he was looking for. His hair is pale along with his skin and he isn't wearing much more than rags. He approaches the nearest man, striking up a conversation about being recruited. 


    "What's your name, son?" the tall man questioned as the boy glanced upwards "Karasu." His voice was coarse and yet to be fully developed, though it had a certain ring of determination to it. 

    "Karasu... Edg..." He stops himself from saying it, shrugging lightly as he continues "How old?" "Twleve." He met each question with a relaxed, but firm, tone, not wasting time in answering


    The man, using his wondrous eye sight and quick wits determined the boy was a Human from the shape of his ears and various other obvious traits, not bothering to ask 

    "Where do you come from kid?" He asked simply, a light yawn escaping his lips. For the first time the boy seemed less than enthused to answer. Regardless, he spoke up "Nowhere worth hearing. I was born to a family of farmers in Thales. During the famine I hunted for them. Got lost one trip, ended up on a different boat over here, haven't seen them since." He pauses, hardly interested in telling his empty story. He veers off subject as he continues 


    ​"I only hope to receive a chance at becoming a Unbled Fledgling. I will prove myself from there."

  8. thats about the size of a large goblin, orcs are around 7'5 - 8'10 in size, anything above that is olog or a very old orc


    In that case yeah, orcs are monsters. I know in Aegis they were rped as huge but I felt as if in Asulon a lot of orcs toned it down. Made them more predator style. But if they are still upwards of 8 feet it would be nigh impossible to best them in one on one combat. That is undisputable

  9. I really feel Perma-Kill/Genocide should be enforced when it's a huge server-wide event, even if it's an Orc Raid.


    I honestly don't disagree with this


    But it's irrelevant. As of now that isn't a rule and thus shouldn't be brought up in order to further in force this attempt at forceful perma killing a entire group of players. 

  10. This has been attempted numerous times in rp. They have been raided and genocide has been committed to the snow elves several times it would stand to reason they would have died out already


    A few days ago the entirety of the High Elven population was killed in a Orc raid and holding of the city. Should they also go extinct? After that a huge group of Humans, myself included, raided the orcs and killed every single person in their city. Should they go extinct? The White Rose eliminated almost every elf on the server multiple times, should all elves be extinct?


    People rarely perma kill. Many races have had 'genocide' committed on them and they don't go extinct. If they did we wouldn't have any races. 

  11. No matter how bad someones rp is or how much drama it causes you shouldn't take up this as a solution. You cannot suggest the extinction of a group of rpers simply because you don't like them. While I don't agree with the Snow elves or find there to be any reason to have them, that is their rp and they chose it so who am I to suggest they stop simply because of their problems.


    It's like suggesting Human extinction because there are players who troll as Humans. 


    We have tried rply but the childish snelves don't PK their characters when executed which sucks because the snelves could have been prosperous but now it has devolved into ooc fighting

    As for that, who pks their character? Very very few people. I don't pk my character. IT is the players choice not to pk, it doesn't make them childish and if that is what makes them chilidish then 90% of the server is childish because very few people perma kill upon death. 
  12. No...Ologs have always been around 13 ft tall. Goblins are 5-6 feet, orcs are 7-9 usually (It's been this way since Aegis)


    Orc's have been over playing their height since Aegis, yes. Wiki confirms that an average orc is around 7 feet. Orcs rping at 9 feet at playing orcs wrong. Wiki also confirms max height for ologs is about 12 feet.


    A 7 foot meat head is nothing to **** with but it isn't impossible to beat in one on one combat

  13. If Im not mistaken, there is some concept art of Daud where he looks younger.


    Is it this one? I searched extensively for any younger looking versions of Daud. I found some fan art on a child version of Daud. After searching again I found this one and it fits my description much better.


  14. ((This is a WIP piece and changes may still be made. History and bio come at a later date))



    Age: Retains the youthful look of a 25 year old, while being himself 52


    Gender: Male


    Race: Human




    Height: 5'10


    Weight: 155 lbs


    Body Type: He retains a toned body that is not over muscular. He is of average stature.


    Eyes: Onyx. 


    Hair: Jet black


    Skin: Varies from pasty white to slightly tanned


    Markings/Tattoos: He carries a particular few gruesome scars from his years of fighting. His face has several blade marks on it, none too particularly noticeable, while his back, chest, and most of his body is nigh mutilated. Scars from whippings, blade marks, and minor burns litter his body. Underneath his right glove is a very intricate 'dragon' looking 'tattoo' etched out in deep black with a red tint. He keeps it hidden, though it wraps fully around his lower forearm, wrist, and centers on his palm. If observed carefully it almost seems pulsing


    Health: Ranges from sickly to extremely healthy. Depending on his status he seems to be above average in terms of health


    Personality: Slayde has adopted a unique personality throughout his life, he has learned that few are to be trusted. He is weary with who he aligns with, and very rarely will seek out the comfort of others. He is content being alone, in fact he thrives in it. Even when placed amongst a group he will seek to handle things on his own. He is forward with his thoughts, and if he feels something he will likely tell you. He doesn't care about the petty drama incited through words for he has seen first hand the real atrocities the world has to offer. He is strategic in all regards although he would rather fight than talk things out. He is not a brute, though he is animalistic in nature.

    Inventory: Carries around a skinning knife on his left side, on his right side is a intricate set of blades. A parrying dagger lies beneath a light weight bastard sword. He has been known to fight with one or both, using the dagger for surprise strikes and parrying. The rest of his kit is rather simple, he carries a water skin he keeps topped off, various rations, a leather set of armor, a bow, arrows, and various tools. 




    Alignment*: He ranges from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Evil. He has various traits of both. He is not sadistic though he has grown numb to the killing of others. Having to literally kill for a living has made him grow cold. He considers those he hunts as animals, often using the excuse "I have to hunt" in order to depart and feed the terrible curse bound to him. 


    Deity*: He worships no one.


    Religion: N/A


    Alliance/Nation/Home: Currently aligned to 2-11 Mercenary company 


    Job/Class: Hunter, leather-worker, contractor, killer. 

    Title(s): N/A


    Profession(s): Leather Worker, contractor


    Special Skill(s): He is particularly skilled with his dual blade style, using his bastard sword to do heavy blocks and long slashes while using his dagger to lightly parry blows and go for lethal stab marks. He has grown accustomed to using his dagger more than anything, often times sneaking up on the prey he hunts. He has been trained through the years in the art of stealth, understanding how to stalk prey without alerting it. 


    Flaw(s): Slayde has many flaws to him. He is shadowed by a dark past and foreshadowed by a darker future. He is scarred mentally and physically, and this shows in his personality. He is withdrawn and cold. If he has not fed upon prey after 2 days he will begin to get rather sickly. Having his own blood drained causes him to be weak and vulnerable. Because of this he likes to keep a reserve of blood on him. He is not particularly skilled in anything other than killing, and most of his experience is in melee range thus he has a huge weakness in the form of any ranged attack and magic. Magic would be his largest weakness as he has minute knowledge on the subject, this has caused a inbred hate of mages in Slayde



    Parrying dagger



    Bastard sword





    Artwork: I would best place Slayde under the category of a younger looking Daud. He has the same jaw line and various similar qualities of Daud, though he simply looks younger due to the curse that has taken him.






  15. Got raided by Chump and his boys in my Hatter base. It was like 3v8, everyone had iron on. We popped a ridiculously op brew before the fight that we got by mugging some alchemist guy. Ended up taking them all on without losing a single one of us. ((Don't tell anyone I attacked early :^) ))


    There was some really cool moments during the gang wars of Abresi. Got jail broken by a few inside men on the guard force, constantly erupted in huge fights with the 'good' guards as well as the Yakuza ran by Kais. 

  16. This thread’s severe radiation effects killed 28 of the site’s 600 workers in the first four months after the event. Another 106 workers received high enough doses to cause acute radiation sickness. Two workers died within hours of the reactor explosion from non-radiological causes. Another 200,000 cleanup workers in 1986 and 1987 received doses of between 1 and 100 rem (The average annual radiation dose for a U.S. citizen is about .6 rem). The thread'sl cleanup activities eventually required about 600,000 workers, although only a small fraction of these workers were exposed to elevated levels of radiation. Government agencies continue to monitor cleanup and recovery workers’ health.


    The meme accident contaminated wide areas of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine inhabited by millions of residents. Agencies such as the World Health Organization have been concerned about radiation exposure to people evacuated from these areas. The majority of the five million residents living in contaminated areas, however, received very small radiation doses comparable to natural background levels (0.1 rem per year). Today the available evidence does not strongly connect the accident to radiation-induced increases of leukemia or solid cancer, other than thyroid cancer. Many children and adolescents in the area in 1986 drank milk contaminated with radioactive iodine, which delivered substantial doses to their thyroid glands. To date, about 6,000 thyroid cancer cases have been detected among these children. Ninety-nine percent of these children were successfully treated; 15 children and adolescents in the three countries died from thyroid cancer by 2005. The available evidence does not show any effect on the number of adverse pregnancy outcomes, delivery complications, stillbirths or overall health of children among the families living in the most contaminated areas.


    Experts conclude some cancer deaths may eventually be attributed to this thread over the lifetime of the emergency workers, evacuees and residents living in the most contaminated areas. These health effects are far lower than initial speculations of tens of thousands of radiation-related deaths.


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