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Posts posted by V0idsoldier

  1. But the thing is, do we need another group of evil murderous things? We already have necromancers, shades, the Harbingers (at the moment), and the various raiders and bandits. I'm not against the idea so to speak, but I feel they'd be a little redundant.


    I very rarely see necromancers. At the moment shades are at a standstill, Heero himself stating that they are not seeking public attention. The only two of those that are active are the Harbringers. Yes, there are bandits. A lot of them. Too many of them. That is the entire point of having something unique like this. Having something that is immersive. More immersive than minas or die. Would the be redundant? Not at all. Redundancy stems from creating more of the same thing, I find vampirism and such things related to it almost a romantic villainy. It creates a feeling no other thing can. 


    I think that vampirism, a unique take on it, serves a role in this server. I think it would fit greatly. 

  2. Minecraft name: Voidsoldier

    Skype ID: Voidsoldier3


    Time zone: Central Time Zone


    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: I have, though the last one was well over 8 months ago and as such I don't have the link. 


    Do you hold any other staff positions? No, though in the past I was application team. 


    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member? Honestly? All of them. I don't have any hard set characters at the moment as I am just returning. So any characters I have I would be willing to rid myself of in the hope of aiding the team and the community. 


    What race/group do you think your events would best cater to? I hope to not cater to any specific group, rather I hope that I can create events that cater to ALL groups. I am not affiliated with any groups so I wont hold bias in that aspect, instead I will simply strive to create fun for all. 


    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? There are several keys to a successful event. Proper planning. Flexible structure. Immersive orientation. Those would be the three most important keys I believe. 


    When was the last time you saw a event? ​It's been a while due to my absence from the server. I would say about 6 months ago.


    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Tell us!


    My strengths lie in my creativity and flexible nature. I have always been one to have a million ideas. I excel at creating unique situations that immerse players. I have always striven to create a experience unparalleled for the players. I love writing unique stories and lore so a position that allows me to bring mine, and others, creations alive would bring me great joy and give me the maximum power for creating happiness in players. Another strength is my experience, I have played on the server since near release and have learned a lot in my time here. Finally I believe one of the strongest strengths I have is that I am just returning. I am free from commitment and bias. I have no intention or need to bias a certain group so can focus on creating fun for all.


    Some past, unique, lore I have made!





    Why do you want to be part of the ET?


    I would like to claim that is was entirely selfless, but that would be a lie. I want to find reason to join the server and be active in the community again. I want inspiration  and I want to create. After all my time on this server I want to assume responsibility and do things for others. I think it sounds like a incredible time, creating memorable events for other players. 


    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize. 1) For one-3 person 2) For a group of 5-10 3) For a group of 20+




    A singular torch lights up the dark recesses of the dungeon opening. A eerie aura radiates off of the entrance, forming a dark trance that grips the two adventurers by their hearts. ENTER, it seems to screech for if there had ever been a place worthy of exploration it was this dungeon. The two brothers were brave but even this entrance enthralled them, playing with their fear. They had hunted for this entrance for the past year, following clues left behind by a mysterious benefactor. Tales of riches, tales of death, surrounded this mysterious place. It was up to them to decide their fate. 




    His nest was growing. They used the term "He" loosely for even now it still not known what the huge creature inside the cave on the outskirts of town was. Some screamed Giant, Ogre, Troll. Others swore up and down it was a dragon thirsty for gold. Yet whatever it was, it was there, looming within it's cavern, waiting to strike again. His nest was growing, filled with the loot of slain adventurers, decorated with the blood of fallen soldiers. The leader of the town knew he had to do something, it was no longer a option. Eventually this creature would become bold enough to attack his beloved town, and if that ever happened it would send his people into a array of madness. His posters spread across the lands as swiftly as he could manage. He needed brave warriors to help him take down this... monstrosity once and for all. The weak had no excuse to come, for only the bravest of heroes would save his town from destruction. 



    ((This would help if the lore I linked is noted, Floating islands.))


    It was truly madness. A island, they said, fallen from the heavens. Ha, madness... Surely madness, right? That was the word of the people as this rumor spread across the lands. A floating island, a paradise in the sky, brought down by the gods to our lowly world. This was no small piece of land either, judging by rumors it was as large as the Human capital! Though that was just the beginning of the rumors. Soon more spread. Treasure, power, magic, all apparently filled in this magical island of the sky. It was said that those who found it would be granted all their earthly desires. All they had to do was break in to the temple mounted on it, fight off the hordes of possessed fallen monks and skeletons, solve the various puzzles, and... Well, surely it's all just rumors. It couldn't be THAT hard to break in. Twenty able bodied men is what the posters called for, the mysterious Alfred Drake, ancestor to Jack Drake whom first discovered these floating islands, was mounting a expedition. He needed many types of men, warriors, miners, architects, scribes, and so on. He was a driven man, and he would take all the men he could get to crack this puzzle, the puzzle of his life. 


    How long do you plan to stay in the ET? I have no planned time, I will stay as long as time permits me and have no need to leave in the foreseeable future.


    Tell me what you want from the ET. I simply want a group that is exciting, fun, and accepting. I wish to be part of a team that is motivated and ready to create fun. The only hope I have is that I can succeed to my fullest levels. 

  3. Cant demand anything.

    People who break rules get bans. I, for one, am happy to see more strict gms. Especially those willing to go against such a large subcommunity.


    Have you ever broken a rule? Say perhaps when you first joined, Im sure you broke them frequently. Even if on accident. Imagine if someone followed you and just screen shotted it all. Then when a time presented itself and you pissed them off in some way, they gave it over to a gm and you were banned.


    Imagine that. Just try to put yourself in those shoes. That is kind of what is happening. Knox pissed off someone in character, they brought it out of character and other people he had made mad sent old evidence against him to get him banned. I'm 9000% sure you wouldn't appreciate that and would expect your friends to back you up. 

  4. I sincerely encourage you to read the op as i explain why. As to the other demands, i shall do my best to explain the situation further tomorrow. Continue to spew hate and then get a good night'ssleep.

    Uhgg. I hate when people say that lol. "Spew hate" "Haters!" It's so silly. I have literally nothing wrong with you aside from this one ignorant and stubborn situation you are putting yourself in. Just because people are disagreeing with you does not make it hate, and to see it like that is just childish. Plenty of these points are sincere and instead of responding to them you simply leave. Why would you even make this thread if you were just going to ignore the problem until tomorrow. 

  5. Well, I opened this worried. I was afraid that yet another GM had bowed to the whining and stepped down.


    I'm glad you didn't. Don't let people's rage get to you. You did the right thing, and I for one am very happy to see you doing this. Keep up the good work. The amount of friends a person has to spam statuses shouldn't be a deciding factor on a ban.


    Again with the double standards. She specifically said she thinks she made the right decision "because people agreed with her". Yet on the flip side it is "rage" if people try to defend their friends. 


    This is literally the exact same thing on both sides. Both sides are a circle jerk. I see literally /zero/ reason to create this thread Chik if you aren't going to acknowledge these very real accusations. Did you make it just to read the comments of those who agree with you? When there is unrest in the community it is the staffs job to handle it, not just sweep it under the rug. 

  6. Your concern primarily regarded my first verdict, and not the second one. And quite frankly, i admit i don't like what Oren has become. But judging by the people agreeing with me, I'm thinking my decision was the right one.

    Edit: it is GM misconduct to be strict on rulebreaking? Interesting.


    If you have personal bias to a case, A.K.A. not liking a group, why would you specifically take a case on them? Do you not think that could lead to a rushed and biased decision? 


    On another note why would you only take into consideration those telling you you did a good job. Anyone can be a suck up and tell you that you do everything right, and while it is nice to appreciate those things the real focus should be on negative feedback. If even one person doesn't agree then you shouldn't remain blind and idle to the disagreement. 

  7. It is anything but out of place now. Not only are we in a medieval type of realm but we have seen harpies, dark armies of mutants, trolls, elementals, cockatrices, swamp monsters. Vampires and werewolves hold a lot of common knowledge.


    I think if we allow them we will see small factions creating RP fear where an antag might not be able to. Players will have the option to become this creature, ward against them or hunt them down.


    Well at the same time I think it would be a bit boring to bring "Vampires" directly into the server. I love originality and we base a lot of things on other sources, so I tried creating a original piece with more lore. Vampires are cool but I wanted to develop something that was built for the server. I love the idea of unique creations running around, Golems being one such thing I love to watch. I think it makes the server feel so much more unique. We'll see where it goes though. 

  8. The reason these two weren't allowed was because of twilight. I assume most people are now over that and we can appeal to the admin team.


    I personally would love to see these things not as event monsters but players. 


    That's my hope. At the time it was considered "Out of place" for the server. I figure now is a better time to appeal my idea. 

  9. Well since this is already necro'd I may as well post, I just resubmitted my lore from nearly a year ago directly to the admins. I was told this was the best course of action in order to get it accepted. While it is not a stereotypical vampirism, I believe it is unique enough to be accepted and play a part in the lotc universe. We'll see where it goes. 

  10. ((just gonna note: You put a picture of the Bottle-street gang up with the hatters... The two rival gangs of Dunwall.


    That's like saying "Join the Americans!" and putting up a sign with Germans.))


    [[i've played the game many a time. This isn't a representation of the bottle street gang, it is simply a concept image for the gang. Don't overthink it ;)]]

  11. The Urchin, well-fed and having given gratitude to Revan because of this, is sent from his home promptly after Revan writes a reply to this letter with the aforementioned letter carried by the Urchin himself. The letter, upon being opened by Sabel, would read the following.

    ((MC Name)):









    What shall I refer to you as?:

    "They call me Jeremy; I bear no surname. Never needed one."


    What can you do? Perhaps you are a thief, perhaps a simple thug, or perhaps something greater:

    "I hold a variety of skills are my disposal, though my most prominent lies in magical prowess. I wield the art known as "Electrical Evocation" and it does well to suit my needs, whether they be based on self defense or offensive actions (mostly the latter). I may wield crossbows and excel in utilizing such a weapon. Because of these abilities, I would do better at acting as some kind of hitman or guard or thug rather than a thief or robber."


    ((Any and all VAs. A large variety shall be accepted, though you will likely need at least something in order to qualify)):


    Revan is the same individual as Abdiel. He shares the same evils as Abdiel, though utilizes them in a different manner. Abdiel's villain application is listed below.



    Have you heard of my gang before, The Hatters?:

    "Most-certainly, and the fact that they have survived thus-far is impressive. I am not one to speak, however; had I run a gang under a city run by politically-blind idiots, I'd be dead months after it's dawning unlike you who knows what he is doing." 


    Why do you wish to join me on my crusade to the top?:

    "We share the same ideals. I'm a relatively trust-able gentleman with abilities that would suit your cause and you are a fine individual that would benefit me in turn; loyalty is passed to-and-fro because of this, and then progression follows."



    The letter returns to Sabel within a day. His eyes fall lazily glance over it before dropping a few coins into the Urchin's hand. He slinks back in his chair, pressing his nail to the paper and promptly tearing it open. His eyes read over it, a small smile crossing his lips. "Jeremy the mage. Hm..." He  contemplates before grabbing his gear, whistling for a few cronies, and going off to find this man.



  12. Hatter_Gang_Hat.png





    ​The Hatters have been a ever-present part of crime since the beginning of Anthos. Founded by a street urchin in Abresi years ago, they have since thrived to become the most influential criminal group in the kingdoms. Originally operating solely out of Abresi and her gorgeous docks, they have since spread their wings, making brash claims such as "The world belongs to us". All stemming from their mildly bat **** nuts leader, Sabel. When first founded it was a mild success. Never seeing the light outside of Abresi. After a fallout with his members and being massively backstabbed by someone he considered a ally, Sabel took a long break from the Hatters.


    After returning to the scene, he took upon two incredible partners. With their help, he once more raised from the ashes. A simple and yet deadly group, the Hatters are once again seeking to become the most dominant criminal force in Anthos.



    Currently one of the many safehouses the Hatters use it is a former blackmarket turned Hatter refuge located in Abresi. The location of which will of course only be shown after joining.








    Thanks to the help of the lovely Erin, a boat has been acquired.




    This will be used from time to time either as a safehouse or to wage war against sea dwellers.


    Though there are many more safeplaces to come, this is what is known so far.




    The goals of the Hatters are simple. Become the most dominant criminal force in Anthos. Having ties to several other groups along with powerful individuals, the Hatters will do this through sheer force. They are already well known in both the land of the upright and the lands of the seedy, and will use this reputation to their advantage. Currently their primary goal is to have every operating criminal working for or with them. They operate with supreme prejudice when it comes to dealing with enemies, using no mercy.


    Money. Power. Women. Fame. They want everything the world has to offer. And they will take it, even if they have to pry it out of Anthos' cold dead fingers. 




    OOC: The letter would only find its way to criminals that are known or want to be known. Obviously this does not fit everyone. It is up to your discretion whether you receive the letter. 




    A small urchin approaches you. He looks worn out and dirt poor. He looks up at you lazily, sticking a hand in his filthy pouch for something.



    He slides a letter out and hands it to you. Despite his condition, the letter is clean. Should you choose to open it, the following is written.


    "Good evening sir and or madam. Whomever you may be, you have been thought of as worthy to my cause. I am Sabel, head of the Hatters. I will not bother you with semantics. You are a criminal, I am a criminal, and I want you to be my criminal. You are a thug, or a thief. A brigand or a killer. Whatever you are, I like you. Working for me will be the most valuable thing you do in your lifetime, of this I assure you. Should this interest you and you wish for our paths to cross, I have sealed within a.. Application, of sorts. I do not want the unruly to be part of my gang. Without further Adeu~.


    ((MC Name)):






    What shall I refer to you as?:


    What can you do? Perhaps you are a thief, perhaps a simple thug, or perhaps something greater.:


    ((Any and all VAs. A large variety shall be accepted, though you will likely need at least something in order to qualify)):


    Have you heard of my gang before, The Hatters?:


    Why do you wish to join me on my crusade to the top?:



    Should you fill this letter out, return it to my Urchin friend and he will see to it I get it. 

    ~Your's truly, Sabel"




    We are currently mass recruiting potential criminals to the Hatters. We are not a complicated group. We seek loyalty above all else, and the willingness to break the law. The Hatters are my ideal image of a very Victorian age street gang. They are rough and tough and love to break bones, but they look damn good doing it. Should things such as thieving, extortion, illegal trade, and a variety of other criminal activities interest you, then we would love to have ya. 



  13. A very simple note is left upon every Abresi note.


    "I am going to sleep. Before I awake, she will be removed from slavery and set free to go wherever she pleases. Do this and you will be forgiven. If I awake to find my daughter still in slavery, I will kill you.


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