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Posts posted by V0idsoldier

  1. Official Bounties

    I. Sabel the Hatter - Kill on Sight

    II. Price the Hatter - Kill on Sight

    III. Corvo the Hatter - Kill on Sight


    Sabel peers through the barred gate at the Abresi city jail house. He spots a sign, gritting his teeth in mild anger



    ((Bottom middle))


    "All Hatters are Kill on sight"


    He grumbles and leaves. A few moments later he comes with a written note, leaving it on the closed gate before making his way away.


    "All Hatters kill on sight, you say? I'll check back here tomorrow. If the sign is removed or altered, I will play fair. If you continue to hunt my boys, there will be blood.

    -Yours ******* truly, Sabel"

  2. Y'know I remember a time when you were a non-Trolly member of the community. Kinda sad to see how much you've fallen. 

    Besides the fact that you literally know nothing about me, I can assure this is not trolling. People get do offended and "baffled" by such minuscule things. I am blunt, and since you claim to remember me from some time long ago you should know that. It's a sign that says Christmas, if I'm trolly for saying that then you don't know what trolling is. I promise you it is not trolly in the slightest, and I think you should jump to less conclusions simply without understand half of what is going on.

  3. The way you wrote the sign and used the word "Christmas" is unmistakable. What you did was stupid: Fact.


    Christmas derives from the root "Christ" as in "Jesus Christ". Christmas is a Christian holiday (stolen from the pagans lol). There are no "Christians" in in Anthos as far as I know. "Merry Christmas" would and SHOULD leave everyone reacting much like Blundermore did (IC I assume) because it makes no freaking sense! How your character came up with the term "merry christmas" when "Christmas" hadn't even been invented yet is beyond baffling...

    Wow, much baffle. Such startling. So bad rp!

    Or just not read so far into the lines lol?

  4. By the way, I made the sign. I am generally offended that you made a post to troll me about it. Thanks for being what's wrong with the community right now.

    See how silly that sounds? Lighten up sweetheart, I made the sign and I also say the word edgy sometimes.

  5. Mcname: Voidsoldier 


    Forum Name: V0idsoldier


    Time Zone: Central.


    About how long have you been on the server? Two years and two months roughly. 


    Why you want to be an AT member? 


    I simply wish to rejoin the AT because I feel the need once again to do my part on the server. One can post as many times as he likes, but if one does not help aid the problems he sees then they are useless. I don't wish to be useless any longer. I was AT before for a short time, around a month or so, and left due to my hospitalization. I was barely able to do much at the time, and when I got better I just didn't have the drive or energy to ask for my spot back. But it has been a while and I am ready to resume my position should you be willing to accept me ^.^

  6. I feel like the character application is a little redundant but I'm not complaining. It's better than the old system, from the looks of it.


    Not really. A account wide application is pushing it a bit. That allows players to create characters on whim just to perform certain acts and could easily be abused, so I think the character application is well placed.


    I like the new system for sure. I don't think we are ready for them to be removed, so this is a very good first step. 

  7. I have no idea how to pick a lock in real life(as you can probably tell by this guid :p), so that is why I made up this creative way. This is a fantasy server, so I don't think you should half to have a lot of ooc knowledge on the subject in order to RP something. I also think it is good to have variety rp, so if you RP it that way, and I RP it this way, then I think that is even better. Thanks for the feedback!


    You most certainly do need knowledge on something to roleplay it lol. That's like roleplaying magic without understanding how magic works on lotc. Or rping as a master swordsmen, without knowing the basics of combat. If one is going to invest the time in their character to learn lockpicking, you should study up on the subject oocly as well. It is just a sort of common sense thing.


    To add onto that, a tension wrench is a essential part of lockpicking. There is not a creative way to lockpick lol, and there really should not be a "Variety" of lockpicking roleplay. Unless you encounter two vastly different locks, the process will be the exact same. Seeing as this is a guide I think you should add realistic elements to it, and actually teach the basics of lockpicking rather than just showing how to bullshit your way through picking a lock.


    Though the guide is worded well, I suggest adding the above.


    It was as if he was dancing, jettisoning across the bar floor with no less poise than a elephant. He felt a sharp 'crack' as he slammed against the bar counter, a pained laugh escaping his already bloodied lips. "Plow me.." He managed under his breath as he lifted his onyx eyes to the men in front of him. What had he said to them, he wondered. Was it the remarks about their mothers, or their wives that set them off.. A ragged sigh escaped the tired and very drunk Urchins lips "Listen fellas... We don't gotta.." And once more he was sent careening across the floor.


    It was a magnificent site to behold. A drunken, dirty man in a tophat twirling around the pub. As he came to a stop this time, he eased himself down to a sitting position, to drunk, weak, and depressed to even stand anymore. His jaw was slack, likely fractured just a bit. His right eye was swollen, his lips cut, and his ribs ached like all hell. But he was awake. He lifted his head, tipping his tophat just enough to rest his eyes on the three men once again. He was no match, even if he was sober and at the top of his game, he would have had his ass handed to him. And yet in all his pain, words come flowing from his mouth. "Who taught ye' to hit loike dat... yer mum?" He remarked, a weak snicker escaping from his lips in his drunken stupor. He reached for a bottle that was just out of his reach, frowning a bit. A pale hand gripped the bottle, slowly bringing the glass jar of ale to the Urchin. He smiled lightly, before realizing it was one of the men "Well fawk..." He managed to get out before being soaked in ale. And then CRACK!


    He awoke in some Godanistan awful alleyway. Around him was bales of hay and cow manure. He smelled like a mixture of throw up, piss, and ale, and if he had to describe the way he felt he would likely use similar words. As his head tilted, his tophat rolled off his dirty head and onto the filthy streets. A blue band strapped across it and several holes cut into it. He peered down at the object, as if it were from another world, his mind racing back to the past. When had he become the one to end up beaten half to death in a alleyway? When did he become the one smelling like piss, left alone to rot and be forgotten? He reached up and rubbed his head as he thought about these very real questions. At this point in his life, he didn't consider himself alive...


    In fact if you were to ask anyone who used to know him, they would have likely said the same. He had lost everything. His home, his comrades, his possessions, his docks, his city. Everything. It had been taken from him so fast he only had time to blink before he realized where he was in life. He didn't even know where he was in fact, and decided it was time to get up and move. He'd already pissed the denizens of whatever sleepy town this was off. Sabel. From Urchin, to criminal king, to a man with nothing. "What the fawk did you let happen to yerself.." He mumbled, reaching down for his dirty tophat and placing it upon his head. He had nowhere to go, but he knew that wherever he went, whatever he did, he couldn't get any lower than where he was now. Perhaps it was time to dust off the hat and get back to work, vacation would be over soon.

  9. I would like to take my Very Important petition to this thread. While this isn't really that serious, I would really like if my forum rank could be updated to the proper ranking. I don't know the exact requirements of being a brilliant breezer or fancy fedora, but I have amassed a large amount of posts and have been on the server for over a year now. If you could appease my silly wishes I would love you forever :3

  10. Stay true to the concept. If you are going to make your character blind, please stay blind. So many people develop these defects in rp and then just forget about it and make up some silly excuse to have sight again. My only suggestion is remain faithful.

  11. A large poster is printed, and pasted all over Abresi, on it,

    Abresi, your days grow old...

    Your streets grow cold, in the middle of the night

    Pay up now or face the Night Terror's Fright



    Every day a head will roll unless the minas come in, save yourself...



    -The Night Terror


    *The poster is signed in blood*


    Shy gazes at the poster for a moment. Though he is slightly on edge, he seems calm. He speaks to himself "How does one send minas to this 'night terror' if he does not give a real name, or a place to put the minas......... He should probably rethink this...." 

  12. Eh, I'll stick to the name. Been with that exact name for 3 years now, not about the change it.

    lol, in comparison to Lovecrafts near 100 years of having Cthulhu? There is a easy way to eliminate the, very reasonable, comparisons. Why not just take it? 


    Anyways the lore looks good. 

  13. A letter finds it's way via aviary bird to the leader of the Sandborn, a application enclosed within it.


    Full name, including any titles? My name is Shy. Simply Shy. I bear no titles. 

    Previous experience in guilds? I was a guard to Salvus... Before it fell. I was inducted into the princess' personal guard at one point.

    Age? I have lived for 17 winters, sir

    Experience in fighting? I am still young and have far from mastered anything, though my time with the Salvians have taught me enough to get by. 

    Are you exiled from any nations? No sir.



    I ____Shy______ swear to uphold any contract I am given in the company, no matter the cost. I will obey all company policies and follow the orders of my officers to the letter, never to release company secrets.



    List any VAs; N/A

    MCname; Voidsoldier

    Skype name; (PM me if need be) Voidsoldier3

    Google doc email; [email protected]

  14. This has always worried me. It's going to be the people who are on just as everything is spawned in that get almost everything. The mines were released just a couple hours ago and are almost completely dry already. If it's going to be a weekly spawn, these ores will belong to a very restricted group of people.


    As they should. Not everyone should have access to materials such as these.


    The miners will acquire it before anyone else. These miners will probably be part of a military force, and thus guarded while they mine. Then the ore get's placed on the market for other people to buy. Everyone technically has access to getting ore themselves, but in reality it will be hard with all the competition. And that's how it's supposed to be. 

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