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Posts posted by V0idsoldier

  1. My lore was the closet thing to vampirism that was considered, and even it was denied.




    While the lore itself had no flaws according to the lore team, it was denied upon the basis of "Not fitting the servers theme". While I didn't like this reason, there wasn't much I could do. 


    The point is, no lore on vampirism will ever be accepted. Nothing even remotely close to it will. My lore was almost flawless according to the lore team, but was still denied. I suggest you give up hope on the vampirism, and if you even think about doing lycanism, make sure you do something similar, but unique in it's own right.

  2. So...do we get anything special to protect ourselves with because now everyone is gonna start pk'ing my poltergeist

    There are very few people who can actually pk the ghosts, if the list of requirements is correct. Being T3 in any field requires time and dedication, and most people who spend that time wont bother to pk you :P


    Your a ghost. I mean, you already died once. So you were protected by being able to come back to life. You run the risk of dying forever now.

  3. I understand what you're saying, and I was reluctant at first but nations are constantly having smaller tournaments for their knights or battle-worthy warriors and something like this could create some much needed nation vs nation RP. The Orcs seem to enjoy killing each other over petty things, so they may be interested in this and as for the other races, it would be a chance to show off their strength.

    I don't see how the nations could find the time with all the killing going on, to launch a competition like this. Not only that, but if they were to do it the contestants would really need to perma kill if they die, or else it would literally hold no meaning and be boring. With those two factors alone I can say I cant see it being very successful, and I'm sure there are other reasons. I'm not trying to be negative, just real. If there were evil creatures attacking America, I promise you that football would be cancelled for a bit :P

  4. Considering there is a force impending doom upon the world and slowly taking over the world, as well as a cult of evil Iblees followers smiting people down... I don't think any nations would wish to participate in a "kill my people" contest. It's nice to think about, and would have worked in asulon with the whole "Nation versus nation" roleplay, but here it wouldn't work imo. 

  5. The Spider walks through the docks calmly, using his dark clothing and crimson mask to look like the criminal scum around him. He begins scouting out the area, his plot to wage war against crime itself growing bigger.


    Sabel watches the man with onyx hued eyes, cocking his head, a hat resting upon his jet black hair. He ponders for a moment what land this man thinks he is in, glancing around to the true criminals. His men donning suits and top hats, and urchins running free in nothing but rags and dirt. He grunts to the man and keeps a eye on him. Any supposed 'criminal' that wears a edgy mask was always up to something Sabel didn't like, and he stuck out like a sore thumb around all the true criminals of the Hatter's docks.

  6. Abresi


    A stirring pot for criminals, psychopaths, and corruption. News traveled quick in the hole that was the city, and news about a dead guard met Sabel's ears with haste. He traveled swiftly from his abode at the docks to observe what his men had told him about. Long before the body was swept away, Sabel got a good look at who it was, along with a note left on the body. While he was near dead bodies frequently, he still was not over the feeling that came with it.


    But it mattered not if a dead guard lined the cities streets. They were nothing more than the pigs of the city. Sabel watched as he was taken away. It looked like a game was being played and, if the signs were pointed where Sabel thought they were pointed, there were gunna be far more dead bodies lining the streets soon. He tipped his tophat down and headed back to where he came, thinking to himself.




    "Music... Music makes me... Happy" Sabel remarked calmly to the musicians playing away on the stage to his right, his hat tipped down over his dirt streaked face and tired onyx hued eyes. He sat, leaned back on a throne befit for a king. The music soothed his nerves. After a long day of stealing and running from authorities, the Prince of Urchins was tired. A goblet rested in his hand, yet another item taken from under the nose of the noble pigs above him. No less than 200 feet of mountain rested between him and his docks, and the corrupt pinchers in the main square. 


    He took a sip from the red wine in his goblet, though he once again realized how off putting it made him feel. He set the goblet aside, sitting up just as a young boy in tattered rags of clothes enters the room. One of Sabel's many eyes throughout the city, a Urchin just like himself, or just like he used to be. He liked to keep tabs on everyone entering and leaving the city, any freshblood Sabel knew about.


    The Serenade continued as the boy approached the throne, a anxious look upon his dirty, grimy face. "Mista Sabel. I 'ave a repor' fer ye'" The boy remarked giddily, happy to earn enough money for a few weeks worth of food. A smile crossed Sabel's lips, and he beckoned the boy closer "Wha' is it then?" He questioned, calming the boy's giddy nerves. "A man entered tha city. Stranga, neva seen'em 'ere before." His interest was peaked. If a man could catch the eye of his messengers, he might be worth investigating. He lifted a hand, gesturing for the band to stop the Serenade. "Payment's on the counter boys. Take it and get out'o'ere." He shoo'd them off stage as he turned his attention back to the boy, a half smile upon his tired lips.


    He would delve into researching this man. Perhaps a... worthwhile investment of his time. "The Hatter's could always use more..." He noted to himself as the boy finished the report. He tossed him a few minas, getting up and grabbing his spruce cane, getting ready to leave the warmth of his home.

  8. Sabel slid a dirty finger down the poster. His onyx hued eyes scanned the paper, though he only registered half of the overall message due to his lack of formal education. He was witty, though, and understood what it was seeking. After running it by one of his more educated droogs, he sat in his room contemplating it for a moment. 


    "Send a messenger. We have things to discuss" He spoke out loud to his crew after a lengthy thought process.

  9. Alright, I'll give my best to give some detailed feedback. Let's start.


    In my experience things like this never work. That's a simple but brutal truth. Anything that gives the user manipulation over future events ((A.K.A Seeing the future. Time Traveling. And so on)) Fall into a fiery grave. Why? Simply put they are generally too "over powered" Too "God modding". In a server with such a huge playerbase generally giving such power like that has never worked.


    With that out of the way, I can safely say that this is does not fall into the same category. When you brought up your inspiration being the Palantir I let out a small groan. I expected that you would copy it in it's entirety. Though you didn't. There is a safety net that keeps this lore from being /too/ over powered. Though that is not to say it is without it's faults. Having to get ooc permission to be able to see certain events will be the bane of this lore. It is a /huge/ pain in the ass because generally speaking no one likes to lose. And giving your enemy the advantage of seeing what is going to happen before it happens is something most people don't like to do. You would have to find a special player to agree to let you actually see the future. It is a sad truth.


    So I support this lore, I believe it is wondrously written and could not applaud you more for writing it, but I do not know entirely if it will work on a server with such a large playerbase. A concept like this works in a book, works in a movie, but when your playing with other real players it is a whole nother ball game. Regardless you have my unyielding +1 friend. 

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