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Posts posted by Admiral_Ackbarf

  1. fjEJW.png

    NOTE: You need to make sure you do not power-game killing anyone for any reason unless both parties RP the fight before the attack actually happens.

    Please wait patiently for a game moderator to promote you in game.

    Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

  2. IoAvx.png

    Here are a few reasons why you'r application was denied...

    -Your definition of power gaming is a little off.

    -You need to put a little bit more effort into your sentences.

    -You didn't answer all the questions asked.

    -You need a longer biography.

    You may re-apply in 24 hours

  3. IoAvx.png

    Your were denied because of the following...

    -You're lacking effort into your In Character and Out Of Character answers.

    -You need to deeply expand on your character's Biography.

    -You need to post your application for reference.

    -You didn't post a screenshot of your skin. If you need help posting a link of your skin all you do is hit the link tool up above and then copy the URL into it

    -Incomplete sentences

    You may re-apply in 24 hours

  4. IoAvx.png

    Here are a few reasons why you were denied...

    -Your app contains power-gaming such as yourself saying you will back stab and kill the people at the trading camp for no apparent reason.

    - You need to put more detail into your answers.

    -Your bio has nothing to do with Lord Of the Craft. It just talks about the 21st century. Please re-read the lore.

    You may re-apply in 24 hours.

  5. ((MC Name: )) Angrygorillaman

    ((How long have you been on the server?: ))Almost nine months.

    ((Do you enjoy RP, if so, why?: )) Yep. I enjoy RP because It gives your world a whole new dimension of language and imagination.

    Your Name: GoldBeard

    How skilled are you with the pick?: Level 95 at the moment. I might be getting a skill reset soon though.

    Have you mined in any other prominent mines? Have you been part of another mining guild or group?: Iv'e been in no other mining group before but I have mined in Kjell's Greed Mine. That place is filled with great ores.

    Do you have any family in the guild who you can use as reference?: At the moment no because it seems that I happen to be the first applicant.

    Do you intend to follow the guild rules and provide a reasonable amount of ore each week?: Yep. I'll help bring the kingdoms flow of money back into play.

  6. "I notice that we lack things in a kingdom, a kingdom such as the dwarfs and their 'ome in Ire. I notice the communication and ideas of a whole is significantly lacking to a point that we can no longer prosper as Dwarfs. I appreciate Kjell very much But I feel as If we need to put the said ideas in to action and make the Dwarfs once again a true nation. A nation where we once brought fear into our foe and crush all evil that lurked. This is the type of Nation I want and here are a few major ideas that I feel would be the most worthwhile things to accomplish."



    We need to really plan the city out more and decide where everything will go properly. I for one am always walking around looking fer things to do and I will never hesitate to help. If we can all get together and plan an idea out then Mount Ire can start becoming something great.

    ((For now these are two of my ideas but I think we need some more so please pop some down in the comments.))

    "These are the building blocks for a kingdom that will eventually glow with trade, money, and Pride for all that inhabit it. This is One Of Many."

    (( Took out Number 1 for further editing. ))

  7. Xerdun I know how hard you have worked on this race and your contribution to the server with bedrock VIP and I really hope that you can stay. Whether or not you choose to continue playing Minecraft is your decision but we will find a way to make sure the Kharajyr's race stays and that we can maintain all of the people who join into our wilderness area and not wonder off into Ausulon. We need to make sure this happens for our race to continue and I think i'll put out a post very shortly explaining this better. Well anyways Xerdun I wish you the best.

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