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Status Updates posted by Beneh

  1. I love Sorsby.

  2. Data Execution Prevention. A Program from Hell.

  3. That cat, is too cute. :)

  4. Sup' Vanus

  5. You said your back. But I havent seen you yet :[


  6. I used to have a lot of respect for you , as an RP'er.....

  7. You ass. Looked at the link , without seeing the post above.


  8. " Supersodapops :Remember when Tibb's friends basically... Made Bili's woman seem like a wench? To the point of a BREAKUP?! *holds a hand to his mouth "

    .... ;)

  9. Wo' , woah , woah. You and Roxanne actually split , even though you were engaged ?


    I didnt know of this goss.

  10. Where you been Babe ?

  11. Now before these cheeky wee comments come rolling in about leaving and then comming back. I JUST COULDNT HELP MYSELF.

    When I went on the halfling skype chat once again my fate to come back to LOTC was sealed.

  12. And now... Now I must run for the hills.

  13. hey bbz

    l0ng tyme no speek

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