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Posts posted by Old-Rattlesnake

  1. IG

    Full Name: Tau'ri Jolinar from Salvus

    Age: 29

    Combat Experience: Fine swordsman clever in the arts of self defense. I've participated in many wars in all my years including the War Against the Undead and the Salvus World War (Salvus Side).

    Former Professions: (Plugin Not Available YET)

    Weapon of Choice: Swords and Unarmed

    Past Crimes: No Records


    MC Name: whiteberry14

    How long have you been on the server: My account has been whitelisted since probably 4 months after the server started. After some time I quited for a while then came back during the Salvus War and left again. You could say I've bee whitelisted for more than a year, but have been online only 5 months and I just came back. Dont know how to say this but Im old but also new.

    Time-Zone: Central Standard -06:00

    How do you rate your roleplay skills: 7/10


  2. Any soul wishing to find fame and glory within the ranks of the Salvus Shields are required to present this completed document to Ser Knight Constable Julien, upon which you will be evaluated and issued your set of guard armor.


    • Full Name:
    • Age:
    • Combat Experience:
    • Former Professions:
    • Weapon of Choice:
    • Past Crimes:


    • MC Name:
    • How long have you been on the server:
    • Time-Zone:
    • How do you rate your roleplay skills:

    *By signing this document you hearby swear to uphold the values of the kingdom of Salvus, for the protection and glory of it's people.


    Active Members

    Constables: Constable Julien - Constable Garland


    Initiates: Josile Fur - Addison Ventrus- Tau'ri Jolinar

  3. Knight Constable Julien gestures to his men after hearing the announcement, "Ahy wahnt z'eze roahds pahtrolled during ze night, if anyone zuzpiciouhz ehnterz ze zity I wahnt to know abouht it. We ahre guardzmen, not bouhnty 'unterz, ay want no z'eatricz from any of you!" He commands before dispersing the guards and returning to his labour at the barracks.

  4. You know this unwanted rp could end up being used for some better rp. I haven't been playing much for awhile but would happily come back if there was some good rp to be had. What could be done is the halflings go out looking for help because realisticly the halflings would be the punching bags of sorts. And then a group of people come to help. This could all be organized into some interesting roleplay instead of just people getting angry.

    I believe the Halflings are trying to keep their distance from conflict roleplay. Turning a generally unwanted situation into another generally unwanted situation might not be the best course of action.

  5. Maybe you should get yourself some protection

    RP is also often being broken by coming to the Vale because our boat can't carry the weight of Orcs and our skipper would never bring them here uninvited or without a halfling escort.

    Or maybe these Orcs can stop breaking realism. If they weren't using an OOC tool to circumvent IC restrictions then the Halflings wouldn't need protection. I'm not affiliated at all with the Vale and even I hear about how much these guys come across the boat and how many times the Halfings have tried to shut down the boat because of it.

  6. o-o. I doubt the Nawari would do this, but I never saw the Nawari lore.. But my lore is ENTRELY DIFFRENT. The only similar thing is the premise, of gypsies. And the Nawari don't move. o.-

    The back-story is much more vague with details, sure. And we DID move, the only reason we still don't is because of the OOC drama that follows it. Nowadays we set up stalls in cities on occasion and travel to personally sell things. If the Nawari and this new group were put side by side, people would have trouble telling the difference.

  7. Not psychedelic smoking.. Inhaling harmful fumes, for halucinatinos. o_O;; Also. I will change the Seer aspect, I aplogize.

    Psychedelic- of or noting a mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion and hallucinations and by extreme feelings of either euphoria or despair.

    Not much of a difference there.

  8. Upon having several camp members murdered in their sleep/when awake/during RP/when fishing/doing anything I decided to go into a single-player world and recreate the 200x200 block area that pigmen are able to attack you in as well as a basic 25x25 village charter space. This is what I found:


    It's not much better for towns either.

    Now not only does this forgo an aesthetically pleasing village/town in the sense that it's a requirement to have a wall or fence around the entire plot, it also restricts RP in the sense that you either have to sit inside your fortified plot the entire night, hide in your home, or stand on top of a really large object until daybreak. I understand that we're trying to go for a, "Oh goodness gracious there are pigmen out and about, don't travel at night!" type of roleplay but by having an attack-range so immensely large this inadvertently ruins a lot of more-personal, more-interesting roleplay. So I propose a compromise: cut the attack-range of pigmen in half, a 100x100 area. This will still allow the roads at night to be treacherous but not utterly ridiculous (five pigmen is much better than ten) while also halving the amount of pigmen attacking small villages and towns as well. We still get the 'living-in-fear' effect, but also make the penalties of roleplaying outside of protected areas much less impossible.

  9. Then don't sacrifice anything, Make your character build enough skill to do the job. Why do you think that we have the /delevel command? You obviously aren't independent if none of you can do a simple job. Just pick people in your Troope to harness these skills so they become more of an asset to you? Get what I'm saying?

    We're independent when we can do our job BEFORE this patch. The /delevel command, while nice to have for minor fixes, is extremely inconvenient for the majority of the players in this case. Why should WE, the players, be forced to spend time and effort fixing our stats because of a patch that makes our stats useless. If we were all allowed a stat reset it would allow the players to recover from this patch quicker and be able to get back to work at their normal efficiency. Farmers that made bread can continue to make bread, Miners that made their own tools can continue to make their own tools, if they so choose. Also, stop being a jackass.

  10. Hmm, then maybe you stop being cheap and hire someone who "can"? I mean, do the Nawari not have money, or are they so stingy that they aren't willing to pay a person with the proper knowledge, like a normal person would, to do it better than you could. I'm starting to think that people aren't understanding the Purpose of this new Patch...

    I can see this patch working if a skill reset became available to the players. You don't just, all of a sudden, make every single person's everyday work become impossible for them. Casamir and his post are an example of this. Oh, and are we cheap? We're gypsies. We live in tents, We're independent, and we are NOT sacrificing our RP as independent travelers simply because YOU apparently think we're cheap, uneducated, and not 'normal'. For god's sake we're upset because it's inefficient to make STONE TOOLS and CHESTS! These are BASIC necessities for not just survival, but Roleplay, and they're essentially unavailable to us.

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