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Wolf Druid Ouity

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Status Updates posted by Wolf Druid Ouity

  1. inb4 can't resolve hostname

  2. Shall I play for you? Ba-rum-bum-bum-bum!

  3. I feel bad for saying it, but Rhaekn is my hero.

  4. i c u creepin booooooooi

  5. Desires! HNNNG YOURE BACK

  6. Lifetime goal achieved: 420 rep, blaze it up.

  7. As someone who had no problem making VAs, I am honestly glad to see them go.

  8. Hellooooooo Dimmsdale!

  9. Another day another inn! Woohoo!

  10. The north rolls over Malinor.

  11. Delete my status, I'll delete your life

  12. Making me grin to read all the new map speculation. Keep guessing!

  13. Covert to Druidism today!

  14. I'm bad at reading cursive please stop using that font qq

  15. Is it spam the status section day already? Darn it, I forgot to mark my calendar.

  16. Yo, I heard something about lag? If only someone would make a post about it so I could stay informed!

  17. Stay on the Sunnyside, always on the Sunnyside, stay on the Sunnyside of life! Bum badum bum bum bum!

  18. Just shamelessly stole a gif from someone's signature and put it in mine. Thank you for your "donation" Aelidar.

  19. Can't get on today. Soooob

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