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  1. MC Name: chillman1212 RP name: Azgon Age: real-13 game-23 Race: Human Gender: Male Time Zone: EST -5(Toronto) Brief Description of your characters personality: helpful, trustworthy, funny, serious, strong and knowledgeable Biography: I lived in Al'khazar all my life. My father was a weaponsmith and taught me how to fight with a sword and bow. My brother died in a battle with the undead and so I want revenge. Why do you wish to join?: To protect the forest from evil and to practice my fighting skills, my father would be so proud to hear I made it and also I think it a good pay for what I enjoy doing. Roleplaying skill(I don't want a bloody story!): I just started playing and I may not be the best role player but i think this is a great opportunity to help me. I will try my best! What does your character prefer to fight with?(Include skill level too if possible): A bow(I just started so none) Can your character build?: Yes Any other special skills?: A good spy Will you uphold every rule, and if necessary, enforce them?: Yes i will, with my life. Skin: http://www.minecraftskinspro.com/default.asp?action=readreviews&link=11232 LotC app link: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/18881-azgonoths-app-for-teh-server/page__p__80710#entry80710
  2. IGN: chillman1212 Character Name: Azgon Age: Real-14 In game-23 Timezone:EST -5(Toronto) Race: Human Roleplaying Skill: I just started playing and I may not be the best role player but i think this is a great opportunity to help me. I will try my best so please don't just skip this because of terrible RPing. Why you wish to join?: To protect the forest from bandits. I'm an amazing spy and will do anything that will help the rangers. My father always told me i was very good with a bow and he would be so proud to hear I made it. Will you uphold every Rule: I swear to uphold the rules with my life. Link to your Application: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/18881-azgonoths-app-for-teh-server/page__p__80710#entry80710 Sorry for the other post it wasn't in the right format.
  3. My Application IGN: chillman1212 Character Name: Azgon Age: real-13 game-23 Race: Human Why you wish to join?: I just joined and feel like this is the job for me. I wish to help the city in any way possible. Will you uphold every Rule: Forever and for my life.
  4. when you say i cant post more than one app in a time span of 2 days does that mean i cant even write a knew better one? please answer my question and write as a comment on my profile.

  5. Please look at it, I've waited about 7 days for it to be seen. I try re-posting but it doesn't work.


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