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Everything posted by Haldon

  1. Thank you Angelos, I really appreciate it! Also, expect an incoming PM in a little while! EDIT: I coudn't PM you so I just wrote on your profile.
  2. The Master Theives Guild The application is now out! If you would like to apply to be a member of the guild please fill out the application at the bottom of this post and submit it on this thread. Guild Lore The guild lore and story is still currently being written up. The story will be updated constantly with any important events to do with the guild and it's members. Part 1. The Beginning Part 2. An Unlikely Encounter. Part 3. Partners in Crime. Part 4. A Precious Painting General information. The idea of the Thieves guild is to teach those aspiring the better and more efficient ways of earning money in a dishonest way. It also is a way of uniting criminals, thieves and bandits together in a way like there never has been before. The guild collects profits as a whole, and then shares it out evenly ((every week)). The ranks of Apprentice Thief and above are allowed to perform their own jobs without being assigned to do so by the guild Masters and keep all the profits themselves however. Guild Rules: 1. No stealing form other members of the guild. You are all working for the same goal as a team. 2. Do not do things that your character is not yet permitted to do. I.E. if they are only at the rank of Brigand, then they cannot pull jobs. 3. If you are caught, you must swear not to give away any information about the guild. 4. We work as a team. No one man shows. Guild Ranking Information. Normal Ranks: Master Thief Master Thief is the highest rank in the guild. The Master Thieves must be knowledgeable in all the arts of thievery, stealth and deception. Their job is to teach the lower ranks the necessary skills needed to become a Master Thief themselves. They are also in charge of organising all the ranks with the times, places and descriptions of the thieving jobs assigned. All other ranks answer to the Master Thieves. Thief From here on out, you can start doing jobs on your own. Thieves can be assigned work only for themselves or in a group. However, the duty of a thief is they will be assigned to work with an apprentice thief until the apprentice is promoted. That apprentice is their responsibility until that time. Thieves must teach their apprentices how to fine-tune the skills they studied as a Brigand and put them into practical use. To be promoted to Master thief, you must be known as a good teacher and have an excellent understanding of the different skills and they must be just as excellent when put to practical use. To be promoted to Courtesan, you must first apply for the special rank before a Master Thief. Then you must devote your studies and attentions toward their ways. If, after a while, you have become very experienced with them, you will be promoted. To be promoted to Assassin, you must first apply for the special rank before a Master Thief. Then you must devote your studies and attentions toward their ways. After a while you will be tested with an assassination task. If you succeed, you might be promoted, depending on how thorough the work was. If you fail, you will continue your studies until you are given a chance to try again. To be promoted to Con Artist, you must first apply for the special rank before a Master Thief. Then you must devote your studies and attentions toward their ways. You will be tested by the number of successful cons pulled verses the failures. If the numbers are good, you will be promoted. Footpad The Footpads are now allowed to start going on certain jobs. They are the apprentices. Footpads will be under the guidance of a qualified thief who will teach them how to use the skills they studied in practical use. Footpads must follow the directions of their superior, while working on their skills to be promoted. To rank up to Thief, one will be tested by pulling a solo job. If they succeed, they will be promoted. If not, then they must do another term, length decided by their superior, of study until they will be tested again. Brigand The duties of the brigand contain less fieldwork and more study. They must dedicate their time to perfecting the necessary skills required of an apprentice thief. They will get the occasional job to help out with, but most likely just for any back up support To rank up to Apprentice Thief a Brigand must have a thorough grip on the following skills: 1. Swordsmanship or archery (You may choose one or both) 2. Stealth 3. Deception Brigands will be tested on these before being promoted Scout The Scouts are the lowest rank in the guild. Their main duty is to probe around for information. This ranges from people disobeying the laws of the town to the times and places wealthier people will be travelling either on their own or in small groups. The scouts are the eyes and ears of the guild. To rank up to Brigand one must provide accurate information and demonstrate that they are capable of stealth and acquiring information efficiently. Special Ranks: Courtesan The courtesans are a special rank that you can apply for once you reach the title of Thief. Courtesans are an exclusively female rank. Instead of using the point of a blade to get their riches, they choose to seduce men, making them fall in love and trust them, then in the end sneaking away, usually with a large bag full of their positions and gifts the men bought for them. ((This is ALL Courtesans are allowed to do. You know what I mean everyone *glares everybody down. Keep it G rated please)) Assassin Assassin is a special rank that you can apply for once you reach the title of Thief. An Assassin is a hired killer. They will be instructed to kill certain people by the Master thieves, but can also do jobs for separate and independent parties not in our government. Con Artist Con Artist is a special rank that you can apply for once you reach the title of Thief. Con artists prey on the naïve by trying to fool them into buying into a scam they have created, relying on the person to show compassion for them. Confidence tricks can range to asking for small donations to fooling a large group of people asking for the ‘new taxes’ to be paid et cetera, et cetera. The Application [Questions] MC Name: Why do you want to join? How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? [Character Questions] RP name: Biography: Personality: Motives: Aspirations: [Open Response. Answer all questions] You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery? The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery? An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery? Guild Related Graphics Skins If you would like to join the guild but don't have a skin for your character which helps keep their identity hidden, you can find one here. Just download the skin you would like, then copy your characters face, skintone, eye colour et cetera onto it. Signature [url="http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/26538-the-master-thieves-guild/"][img=http://i45.servimg.com/u/f45/17/05/15/75/master10.png][/url]
  3. Hi Availer,

    Just asking you to check your E-mail (not your forum PM's) when you have the chance, I sent you one with my donation details so I can be upgraded to Diamond VIP.

    Thank you!

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