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Everything posted by Godman184

  1. Out-Of-Character: -Minecraft Account Name: -How old are you: 17 -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT -7, Colorado -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I'm an active high school student who is involved in many outside activities but at heart I really enjoy gaming. I play lacrosse and I am in my high school's leadership as well as NHS. -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Weekly: Approx.- 15-20 hours, depending on homework and upcoming events. -Do you know how to use Teamspeak and are you willing to use it?: Yes and yes. -What do you know about roleplaying? In a military/guild setting?: Roleplaying is exactly as the name implies, playing a role and not breaking character. In a military or guild setting the roleplaying takes on a different format in which the lesser ranks must always listen to their uppers. -Have you read, understood, and agreed to our rules?: Yes yes and last but not least.... yes. In-Character: -Character Name: Thalamun -What is your Race?: Wood Elf -Experience in militaries/guilds: Was a hired bow to hunt down an outlaw for King Enor -Has you ever been in a military/guild/clan in LoTC?: I have not been in an official military but I have had experiences in dealing with guilds more or less as a merchant or from an architectural standpoint. -How did you hear about us?: From the people of Laurelin. -Do you know where our Headquarters is located? Yes -Biography Thalamun was born in a lowly home with a dead father who left his mother bearing child alone. When he was born outside The Holy Princedom of Malinor, his mother died in labor and he was lucky to make it into this world alive. He spent his childhood as a social outcast whose only goal was to live out his life without the constant judging of others. Not many people knew of his true appearance because he never chose to show his face to the people who had made his life a living hell through his early years. He had hoped that by moving out of the city he would be able to life his life as he pleased, but he came to learn that he could not survive forever on his own. He felt that he needed the company of others and even though all of the people he had known had been cruel to him, he still felt as though he needed them in his life. Now he has moved back to the city in hopes to make a name for himself and not been seen as an outcast. Thalamun is a honest, hard working man who has learned to survive in the most basic of conditions. Over the years he has learned the ways of the merchants and knows how to defend himself and the others around him. Should the time arise, Thalamun would put his own life at risk for those who he cares about and always seeks to better the world in whatever ways that he can. -Why do you want to join the Wardens? I want to join the wardens to help provide the security the the elves need to keep flourishing and remain as a standing power in the world. I also wish to provide a service to the wardens if applicable and become a merchant for the wardens. -Do you accept the duties of a Warden; to be honest, mature, brave instead of arrogant, moral, obedient towards your superiors, and loyal to the Wardens and to Malinor in all situations presented?: I do. Link to accepted application is here
  2. Minecraft Name: Godman184 Previous Jobs: None, self-sufficing Skills: Mining and Archery Why you want to join: Have been wanting to join a guild for a while, I've just been sort of wandering around until I bought a house and now I don't know what to do from here. Rp name: Thalamun PS: I am a donator but my package hasn't been activated yet so once it is I will be able to lock things.
  3. Hey,

    I was told to talk to you about getting my donation registered in game. If there is anything you need from me please just ask.



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