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Status Replies posted by darthalex99

  1. Anyone up for some League of Legends while servers down?

  2. Anyone up for some League of Legends while servers down?

  3. T_T Auv needs a new skin.. Anyone got ideas?

  4. 3 Comments today so far... Is it leave Neko a comment day?

  5. Going to Flordia for spring break. Will be back next Sunday. wont be in game or on forums

  6. We're going to be handing out donation packages to those who participate in the creation of informative / entertaining LOTC videos soon, more info this weekend ~

  7. Anybody play or have played Allods online? Pros and Cons?

  8. damn i telport to my soul place getin dammage of sufcating and i log out, now minecraft.net is down :(

  9. Stuck in the middle.. Who do we believe? availer or vaquixine?

  10. For those in New England and such, weather is almost 70º the entire week. Holy dayum! :P

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