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Posts posted by Lykos

  1. Eh, huge grammatical and spelling errors.

    Including those dreadful commas... Please fix these problems... I see no problem with the character you have made, just the spelling and grammar... They are a bit dreadful

    There is a possibility that another Aelkos or Xerdun himself will accept you with the application as it is, but from me, it's a no.

    This is not a personal attack on you, nor is it me "poking fun" at you.

  2. The Bio is all creative writing, not meaning to depict past of future rp events and their outcomes.

    As for the Gary Stu, there are quite a few flaws to him as a character.

    -is not social in any way

    -will not try to solve things diplomatically

    -may rely on anger at most times to get through situations, anger= frustration, frustration= mistakes.

    -Relentless to an almost insane degree at times, at many times costing him greatly, be it in life, limb, or wealth.

    There is also more to be added in a future VA that is required for me to lead an army that regularly enslaves its prey.

    In the VA, he will be explained even further, delving into the depths of his Psyche.

    This character was not written to be a perfect one, and to denounce the "High positions" "powergame", Xerdun had already given me the position of the Military Aelkos before our creation lore was scrapped.

  3. Ri'Shajiir

    mc name: xXDylanXx1013




    rp name: Ri'Shajiir




    Skillset: trained at an early age, Shajiir knows only military skill, be it planning a siege or disemboweling an enemy up close and personal. (100 swords, 100 blacksmithing, 75 wrestling)




    Appearance: A strange specimin, Shajiir towers above most Kharajyr. (7'6", 453lbs.) (male) (36 years old) (Pantera)




    Personality: Shajiir is laconic, ever serious, only speaking freely to those who have earned his trust. He has an undominatable personality, and those who go as far as to insult him would most likely be decapitated with no warning other than a growl. His eyes almost seem to glow with the fire of determination.




    Ambitions: To serve Metztli and the Tlatlanni in dishing out their wrath to those who would oppose them.


    Under a crimson hunter's moon, when Metztli shone brightest in the night sky, a stalker loomed in the shadows...

    ~The criminal had been thrown into the forrest in order to provide sport for the nobles in hunting him for his crimes. He had easily lost the noble hunters easily, having grown up inside the jungles instead of growing up in bejeweled plazas like the nobles... But he could not shake the feeling that he was still being hunted, and even worse, he could sense that eyes were upon him. He sniffed the air and pricked his ears up, trying to percieve his phantom predator, but he found nothing. No leaves crinkling under the weight of a Kharajyr's paw, no shadows leaping across the moon's light. Yet he did not let himself fall into rest, as he knew there was something out there, watching his every step, seeming to see everywhere he walked, no matter where he hid. As he looked over his shoulder to hear the sound of the nobles' calls of the hunt, he turned to run... But something stopped him. He yawled in pain and looked down to see a beautiful blade gleaming in the moonlight, and upon its blade, a deep crimson highlighted by the blood-red moon above. His blood. The sword was through him. His eyes ran up the blade, past the fingers, then up the arm of his predator, but lost the outline of the arm in the shadows... He did continue to seek his killer, then saw the only proof that the hunter was even there, luminous golden eyes that pierced the darkness as the blade had pierced his body... The hunter grabbed him by the neck with its free hand, ripping through the flesh with its claws. After he let a pained gurgle out into the jungle's night air, the hunter withdrawled his blade and let go of his throat, then seemed to dissolve into the darkness. The criminal had held to life desperately, but the noble hunters found him in his incapacitated state, then took the kill for their own, along with the credit. The stalker only watched this unfold from the darkness, unseen, unheard, untouchable.~

    Jharir of the Draali clan had been born into a family of merchants and craftsmen, but he grew into a more militaristic role. Instead of counting beans and creating furnature, he counted heads that rolled and created ways to entertain the masses of Kharajyr that were audience to the bloodshed of the arena. Instead of following the examples of his family members, he followed his own way, the way of war and bloodshed. Early in life, he had snuck past guards to watch the arena games. He saw many Kharajyr champions rise and fall, many beasts slain, and many criminals executed. He watched the warriors fight, and he replicated their movements with a stick on his walks back to his home, training himself to fight.

    Later in his life, he took the mantle of being an arena master, helping the Tultelkos in planning and administrating the arena. Here, he found his life mate, Shasharri. They shared their interests in war in battle, and were equals on the battlefield. After years of standing beside her in the arena and going out on great hunts with her, they finnally had joined together under Metztli, producing triplets. During birth however, tradegy occurred.

    After the first two children were birthed, a complication came up, and the third had become stuck, and no matter what they tried, the priests could not get the kitten to emerge... So they suggested to Shaharri that they cut her open to save the kitten. She complied, and they opened her up and retrieved the child, killing her in the process due to blood loss. Before she passed, she named the children. The first, Khriin, a male, named after the word for shadow. The second, Dravi, a female named after the word for praise. And the third, the one that had been stuck: Shajiir, a male named after the word for predator.

    Jharir had become distraught over his love's passing, but he had given the kittens as much love as he could. His family almost forcibly took the kittens from him to make sure that they followed the family way of being merchants and craftsmen... But he kept the one he held the largest connectn with. He kept Shajiir with him. He wanted to allow him to become what he had wanted, so he had layed out three items on the floor on front of the newborn Kharajyr: an abacus sybolizing the merchant, a hammer sybolizing the craftsman, and a sword, sybolizing the warrior. The boy had almost instantly chose the sword, so Jharir decided to take him to his work at the arena to see the gladiators do their job.

    At the arena, the young Shajiir had sat in the shade of a balcony and watched the warriors fight great beasts, fight prisoners of war, and fight each other, and when the arena had closed and the spectators and warriors alike had left the area empty, Jharir took Shajiir down into the fighting pit, allowed him to crawl around the sands and get a feel for it. Only a couple of years later when Shajiir had barely learned to walk, his father had began training him in the ways of combat.

    Through the time leading up to the time just before he would take the trial to be considered an adult, Shajiir had grown, both in stature and in militaristic skill. Throughout the training, he had learned many things. How to control his adrenaline and anger, how to sense an attack and where it was going before it was even committed, and how to sharpen his senses and use them all in battle. He learned how to use many tools, be it the sword and shield... Or claw and fang. With training during the day, Shajiir snuck out at nights. Snuck out of his house, snuck out of the city, snuck into the forrests. Here he plunged himself to test his skills and survive, as well as honing his tracking and stalking skills, but he always emerged from the forrest and successfully snuck back into his bedroom where he would be expected to rise from for training only a few hours later. These escapades into the forrest would help him greatly in his "challenge" that he would have to complete in order to be recognized as an adult.

    As he woke one morning from his slumber, Shajiir was greeted by the smell of savory sugared meats, a delicacy in his house compared to what he usually ate. As he went downstairs to eat, he realized the reason, his father was preparing the meal to be special as Shajiir was going to be participating in the trials that night, and this meal would be the last civilized one he would eat for at least a week. After eating the meal and being ushered towards the main square by his father, he joined the rest of the youths, including his own brother and sister in front of the Tlatlanni to be told the rules of the trial... Blindfolded and led out into the deep jungle separately, the young Kharajyr were let loose. Out in the jungle, they would have to survive for a week and then make their ways back to the city, and only the first twenty to the gates would be welcomed in, and those left behind would have to stay out for another week, continuing until all of the Kharajyr returned or died. There were to be no search parties sent out for those that had not returned after the third week...

    Dropped into the jungle, Shajiir took his blindfold and found that the sun was already setting, and mother Metztli was rising... But this was a special night. Tonight, the moon beamed with a blood red color. A hunter's moon. He looked sbout and realized that he had been in the exact position he had found himself in many times in his nighttime escapes, and he knew the exact path home... But no, he would have to survive out here for a week before returning home, and without a doubt, the other Kharajyr would be hunting each other, secretly massacring others to heighten the chance of their survival. Shajiir set up in a tree atop a small hill next to a large waterfall that dropped into a very large valley. Here, he stayed in waiting, only coming down to eat berries and drink from the basin before the waterfall. After a few days of relaxation, the night fell again, the moon as red as the days past. And tonight, that eerie red light would reflect from crimson stains on the bed of the jungle.

    Shajiir awoke from his slumber and his ears flicked up. He had heard something approaching. No, two things approaching from different directions. Shajiir easily detected the first someone approaching, a Tigrassi who's fur almost telegraphed his presence upon the night... But Shajiir could not see the other, yet he could hear every step it took, no matter how softly the pads had been placed with each step. That meant one thing, Pantera. As Shajiir looked from atop his tree, he saw the Tigrassi emerge from the undergrowth snd step towards the water basin... He was obviously thirsty. As he bent down to the water to drink however, the Pantera sprang out from the undergrowth and pounced upon the Tigrassi's back, slashing and biting all he could. The Tigrassi was taken completely by suprise, but he easily flipped the Pantera from his back into the water basin, causing a large splash. Both of the Kharajyr then jumped up into a defencive stance, but after they looked at each other's faces, they relaxed, calling each other by name. The Tigrassi shouted nearly at the top of his lungs the name of his previous foe. "Khriin". The Pantera was Shajiir's brother. As the Tigrassi came in for a friendly hug in reuniting with his friend, Khriin went in for the hug... But instead of an embrace, he slashed the throat of the Tigrassi. Khriin had only stepped back and said "Sorry, friend", before the Tigrassi fell into the water, his life leaving him through the gashes in His neck, and headed off of the waterfall.

    His brother was a betrayer, a fake. Instead of jumping down to greet him as he was planning on doing. Shajiir instead lept from tree to tree and followed Khriin. Apparently, his brother had many friends, as each Kharajyr he had met in the forrest had went in to greet him... Yet he still killed them. Shajiir had had enough of his brother's treachory. As he climbed to the ground, he nearly bumped into another Kharajyr almost as silent as himself, but he had heard the steps, so he hid behind the tree. Pantera, female. As she creapt out towards his brother, she looked into Khriin's face... She called out his name and stopped creeping, instead sauntering up to him...

    "Brother, I thought i'd never find you out here!" she said."

    Ah, Dravi! Finnally a good suprise!" he exclaimed.She pointed to the dead Kharajyr next to him.

    "What happened?" she asked.

    "Hanging death... I comforted him before he passed." he lied...

    Having enough of his brother's act, Shajiir stalked around the pair, seeking the best route in getting close without being detected by either of his sibblings. Coming up to the right side of his brother and sister, he saw his sister go in for an embrace, and he knew what was coming... And it was indeed coming. Khriin had nothing but his own survival and flourishment in mind, and he was going to go as far as to betray his own sister to be the only one to survive. He shoved Dravi to the ground and pounced upon her.

    "I am sorry, my sister!" Khriin whispered to her.

    Khriin raised his arm in preparation for a killing blow to the throat, but as soon as he tried to bring the arm down, something caught it, and he yelped in suprise. Khriin looked to his side to see a very large and a very angry Pantera above him, holding his arm from enacting its planned strike. This Pantera was Shajiir, and he merely growled as he kicked Khriin in the face, sending him 10 feet off and away from his sister. Shajiir pounced towards the fallen Kharajyr, but he had already started getting up, and was in a defensive position by the time Shajiir was to hit him. The two clashed, and as Khriin wildly and blindly tried to savage Shajiir, Shajiir grabbed Khriin by the throat and quickly came in, biting his throat and ripping the jugulars. After tearing the throat apart, Shajiir stood up.

    "Sorry... Brother." Shajiir whispered, staring at Khriin as he bled.

    Khriin only looked in horror to the only thing he could see of his brother, the golden eyes that pierced the darkness... But as much of the darkness Shajiir's eyes broke, more overcame Khriin, and he drew his last breath.

    "Sister?" Shajiir asked.

    "-Sister-? Hm... Shajiir?!" Dravi exclaimed.

    Shajiir nodded.

    "This is the last night out here, sister. I know the way home." Shajiir said.

    "How?" she asked.

    "I've known these forests for years." Shajiir said, motioning his head to the East.

    The two glided silently across the jungle floor, dodging predator and fellow Kharajyr alike. Before they reached the main road to the city, Shajiit looked back, gazing at the sun rising to the east across the valley. The pair were the first back, and only a third of all of the young that went into the wilderness ever appeared back at the city gates and back into the arms of their families.

    Once inside the gates, Shajiir said goodbye to his sister after almost being forced to say he would spend more time with her. Shajiir returned to the town square to the cheers of the townspeople around him and the others. The town quieted as the Tlatlanni had taken his place upon his balcony.

    "Before we progress to giving our new members of society their titles, I have a special announcement for you all. My mate has given birth to yet another child!" the Tlatlanni called across the city.

    He then looked behind him and took a bundle from a housemaid, then held it up.

    "I present to you, Xerdun!"

    The crowds on the streets below erupted with cheer at the unveiling of the newest member of the royal family. All of the nobles were cheering, as well as those from the middle and lower classes, though those from the lower and middle classes only cheered to avoid punishment.

    The current Tlatlanni was a tyrant in his own right, paying no heed to the middle and lower classes. He went as far as to punish those that still worshiped Metztli, seeing it a crime against his rebellion against her. This weighed heavily upon the Draali clan, as they had once been a noble house, but the laws against the worship of their creator had resulted in the execution of several key members of the house... Along with the demotion of their family down to middle class, shutting off their access to the noble district and pushing them out of their home.

    Only the brave amongst the crowd did not cheer, and amongst them, Shajiir, Dravi, and Jharir.

    After the Tlatlanni gave the bundle of fur back to a maid, he continued with the ceremony of giving the titles to the new adults.

    “All of you, step forward!” The Sostelkos bellowed.

    All of the Kharajyr that had returned from the jungle stepped forward, and the Tlatlanni went down some stairs to get atop the platform the soon to be adults had climbed up to.

    The Tlatlanni came to Dravi first.

    “I bestow upon you the title of Ja'Dravi.” He said to her.

    He went to another Kharajyr.

    “I bestow upon you the title of J'Suun.”

    He came up to Shajiir.

    The Tlatlanni looked into the golden eyes of the Pantera that stood at eye level with him...

    “I bestow the title of J'Shajiit.”

    “-Shajiir.” Shajiir corrected.

    The Tlatlanni had started to walk to the next Kharajyr in line, but was halted by this correction. He looked back to Shajiir.

    “You dare doubt me?” The Tlatlanni spat.

    “My name is Shajiir.” Shajiir merely replied.

    “Now it is J'Shajiit!” The Tlatlanni growled in warning.

    “No it isn't.” Shajiir responded.

    The Tlatlanni openly growled and threw a paw out to slap the new adult... But it was caught in the air by Shajiir.

    “My name... Is Shajiir.” Shajiir once again stated.

    The Tlatlanni nearly roared, then signalled his Moonblades to kill this boy for defying him.


    ((here is some music to illustrate the moment))


    The Moonblades lept out of the windows of the palace and decended upon Shajiir. One of them stepped ahead of the others, giving a “i'll handle this one” gesture to the others. As he came in to impale Shajiir with his blade, Shajiir twisted to the side and caught the Moonblade's arm, twisting it until it gave a snap audible across the entire plaza, then grabbing his blade before kicking him off of the platform.

    Shajiir motioned the other Kharajyr to get off of the plaza, but Dravi stayed.. As more Moonblades jumped onto the platform, the Tlatlanni retreated to his balcony.

    The Moonblades rushed Shajiir and Dravi... Shajiir tossed the blade to Dravi, her catching it, then disarms another Moonblade for his weapon. Apparently Dravi had also taken extensive combat training. Together, they fought the moonblades, deflecting one attack while kicking another attacker, slicing one hostile's throat while kicking an attacking arm off to the side. As they danced across the platform decimating the moonblades, one moonblade kicked Dravi in the chest, sending her off of the platform into the crowd slightly below. Here, she stayed and was absorbed by the crowd to make sure she was not to be caught by the guardsmen.

    Shajiir still stood upon the platform, using his foot to bring another blade from the ground, duel wielding them against the remaining guardsmen. As he took the last three on, he blocked two swords with his own, kicked one in the knee, breaking it, then used his blades to quickly mop up the other two. After they fell, he stomped the downed Kharajyr's head in.

    He then twisted his blades around in a taunting fashion, trying to get the Tlatlanni to face him in single combat. Instead, the Tlatlanni sent out his Veteran. He sent out the leader of the moonblades, a Kharajyr named Jhasal. The two took up defensive positions against each other.

    Shajiir made the first move, going for multiple hits only to have them easily deflected by the combat master he was facing. Then, Jhasal sliced the side of his leg enough to bring him down to one knee without permanently damaging the Kharajyr. The Moonblade bid Shajiir to throw away his weapons, and Shajiir did. As Jhasal relaxed from his enemy disarming, Shajiir suddenly pounced up, deflected the moonblade's sword away, and tackled him to the ground. Shajiir grasped his hands around the moonblade's exposed neck and tore it apart with his claws. Jhasal tried to struggle, but the Kharakyr's claws had torn even his windpipe to shreds. As he faded and died, Shajiir stood up, covered in blood, and pointed to the Tlatlanni.

    “I would like to offer you a job...” The Tlatlanni meekly said.

    Shajiir's ears pricked up.

    “You are to be a personal combat trainer for my family and I.” The Tlatlanni said.

    Shajiir looked out to the crowd to his sister and to his father. They had nodded. As good as the satisfaction that that having the emperor die, there would be nothing but chaos, as there was no successor old enough to assume the throne.

    Shajiir looked back up to the Tlatlanni.

    “I'm in.” He said.

    After a few years of Shajiir being used as a trainer and a sparring partner by the Tlatlanni, he was directed to teach his children how to fight.

    Shajiir began to teach the children, but had noticed that the older ones relentlessly bullied and tormented the youngest, the smallest of the three, Xerdun.

    Shajiir did teach the other children about combat, but he only taught them the basics of handling a sword... All the while teaching the young Xerdun the things his father had taught him... How to control his adrenaline and anger, how to sense an attack and where it was going before it was even committed, and how to sharpen his senses and use them all in battle... And he taught how to use many tools, be it the sword and shield... Claw or fang. He also mentored Xerdun on other things he wouldn't teach to the other younglings, the power of strategy in single situations and in entire conflicts... He taught him to be absolutely ruthless when in the face of his enemy, and to be relentless in the face of any challenge. This training allowed him to win in virtually any single combat situation.

    Barely after Xerdun had gone through the trials in becoming an adult and being the first child back from it even past his sibblings due to Shajiir's training, there was a great festival and feast was called. As the other citizens enjoyed the festivities outside the palace's walls, the royal family held a feast of sugary treats, including cakes promised to be the best they would have for the rest of their lives...

    The Tlatlanni wanted to honor Shajiir by offering him a slice of his own cake, but he declined, telling him that he was only going to stick around until one of the Tlatlanni's children were to take the throne.

    As he leaned against a pillar and watched the royal family and its servents eat, he noticed something... A foul odor... He had known that odor since his childhood... Darlki! There was poison amongst the food! Shajiir stood up in time to see the all of the members of the Royal family save for Xerdun begin to choke and vomit, blood splattering across the lavishly decorated table... He knew there was nothing he could do from this point but to let them die... He looked over to see Xerdun with a hint of a smile upon his face. Shajiir found the same smile sprouting on his own features. The boy had done exactly what he was planning to do himself for fifteen years. Within a week, the poison killed the last remaining members of the royal family, and the Aelkos decided that Xerdun was to take the throne.

    A week later, the Volcano the island was formed from erupted, undoubtably from Metzli's intervention due to her displeasure with her people, finnally becoming agitated with the people not sacrificing anything to her, not even worshiping her anymore. The new Tlatlanni led everyone off of the island, save for those that were stranded.

    Shajiir had been the first one in front of the boats, securing the area for the departure of the entire island's population. After all of the Kharajyr that could make it loaded up, he was urged by Xerdun to follow and to get into the boat... But Shajiir's family had not boarded. They had not shown up. Against Xerdun's pleading, Shajiir ran back into the city, dodging huge plumes and rivers of molten rock, leaping from building to building as if they were the trees of the forest. He reached his family's villa, and only two members of his family were visible. Dravi and Jharir. He beckoned them to follow, but Jharir turned out to be heavily wounded by the lava, his legs useless. He was far too heavy to be carried across the gaps that would need to be jumped across... So he asked Shajiir to leave him and take Dravi to the boats. After embracing his father once more along with Dravi, they left, jumping from house to house and past plumes and rivers of molten rock... Their villa had collapsed and melted away behind them... The two reached the boats as they were leaving, having to jump across a gap of water to land on the Tlatlanni's ship.

    Here, they asked the Tlatlanni where they were headed... His only reply? “To the future”.

    Leaving a burning island behind, the Kharajyr took to the seas in seach of a future...


    Ambitions: To guide Xerdun in a path to victory, to keep his last remaining family member safe, and to serve the Nation that Xerdun presides over.

    Well, that and finding glorious new ways of dismembering his prey...




    -Rp Situation Questions

    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?

    -Shajiir merely stares at the man, almost goading him to move... As the human opens his mouth to speak again, Shajiir had already dashed to him and pinned him to the ground.

    “You will do...” Shajiir whispers to the man, dragging him into the city dungeon, feeding him and quenching his thirst, only to let him loose into the jungle the next night so that the Kharajyr nobles and military leaders can have some decent quarry for their next hunt...



    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Shajiir growls, “not appreciating” the dwarf's comments... The Kharajyr only gives the dwarf an unrelenting glare...

    “Well, you little shite, why don't you c'mup 'ere and sit in me lap? Huh? HAA-” *slice

    The dwarf's head rolls off of his shoulders and onto the floor, and just past him stands Shajiir, still holding the stance that he followed through with to decapitate him...

    Shajiir sheaths his sword and walks towards the door, where another dwarf pipes up about “dwarven law” and how he was going to have to kill the Kharajyr for his “crime”, but before he could utter any threatening words, Shajiir slams a balled-up fist into the side of the dwarf's head, knocking his helmet off and his lights out...

    Shajiir casually walks out of the tavern and continues his journey.



    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    *Shajiir has an epic facepalm moment.

    “You trade your nations trust and my own in you for a slice of cake?” Shajiir says.

    “I didn't mean too!” the Kharajyr piped.

    “You could have just came to me!” Shajiir yelled out.

    “I know, I know, but I was hungry THEEEN.” the Kharajyr said.

    Shajiir closed his eyes, sighed, then opened them, staring, but not staring at anything in particular, then picks up the Kharajyr by the throat and carried him throughout the streets to the Tlatlanni's palace, where he imprisoned the criminal... Someone this stupid could not be a friend.

    The Tlatlanni would have to judge him.



    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    I will, and I swear that I shall strangle those who oppose their actions with their own innards.



    A song that I think describes what I am trying to pull with this character's personality and hardships.

  4. 1: yes we are going to have an island

    2: Native approved the Kharajyr knowing that there would be mucho sacrificios.

    3: He will be spawning in the region, and I THINK that he is also going to "manicure" it for us

    4: What I would like to think is that we only get the effects from sugars produced on the lands of Metztli.

    5: -lets Xerdun or the priests explain-

    6: *slaps forehead*

    7: we don't know.

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