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Everything posted by Alzonias

  1. Your Name: Acastus Tarus Your Age: 29 Your Race: Adunian Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?: Mage If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is: I am not, but the son of a skilled magic user What affinity of magic are you skilled in? None (( OOC: MC Name: Alzonias When did you join the server?: I don't remember the exact date but it was the day the server moved to Asulon If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered: Null, but I understand if I need to prove my rp capability If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier: I have no prior magic ability ))
  2. OOC: Minecraft Name: Alzonias Timezone: EST Do you have teamspeak and/or skype: Yes, Skype Do we understand that we do not allow 'minas or die' RP? That we provide Roleplaying combat regularly and use PvP occasionally or if the opposition wants it? That we don't accept poor quality RP?: Yes and I appreciate that some people still prefer RP over PvP on an RP server. ----------------------------------- IC: Your name: Acastus Your Age: 27 Your Race: Mixed (Mostly Elf) Are you an assassin, bandit, or thief: You could consider me a bandit but I would also make a good and prefer to be a thief. What is it that you do for a living in your criminal and civilian life: I used to be a guard of Abresi but was removed for drug use and assault on the captain, I am now unemployed and homeless Are you aware that if you leave this gang without consent, you will be placed on a blacklist in every city we operate in?: I am already blacklisted in Abresi so you could say I'm used to it. Where do you live and/or operate mostly: Abresi and outlying cities
  3. I like this idea! I just thought maybe dual dungeons both ending at the same place and 2 different groups competed to get there fastest and maybe an RP fight would ensue at the end
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