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Posts posted by danic

  1. Going about your usual business in Branborough, you hear yelling from a familiar voice, looking down the river, you see Finnlyn rushing toward you, fear and confusion in his eyes. He stops, panting frantically, sputtering out a ramble of gibberish. Finnlyn takes a swig of water desperately and starts explaining why he's so bugged out.

    'Here's some'hing in Tookwa'er! An' i' ain' Terror! I saw i' wit' me own peepers! I was jus' fishin' 'bout like me usual day, caugh' a big'un tew! Bu' as I reeled in 'he catch, I looke' 'own an' saw i'! I' stood like a 'all one, bu' i' was shor'er. 'E 'ad long ears like an elf, bu' 'hat's no' 'he weirdest par'!

    'E WAS BLUE! 'AD ALL T'E FEA'URES OF A FISHY! BU' IT S'OO' ON 'WO LEGS! I' jus' walked along Tookwa'ers sandy bo'oms, uncarin'! I 'hink he saw me 'cause 'e go' scared and disappeare'! I don' know where 'e swam off te, bu' I don' 'hink I wanna know!

    I don' know if 'e be friendly'or'Demon! Maybe a spawn o'Terror? Maybe an' evil Sea crea'ure frum te Big wa'ers? Er maybe 'e be a new people comin' frum te Big Wa'ers.

    Finnlyn pauses, trying to collect his thoughts for a moment, he snarls lightly but in good humor.

    Or maybe i' be BILI pullin' 'no'her' prank on us! Oh if i' be 'im I'll give 'im a good Shovelin' I will! Eh... I'm ge'in' off 'opic. I don' know wha' te do, I've never deal' wit' such a 'hing."

    ((Hey! The "sea monster" is actually a character of a friend of mine, The_Blind_Seer, he made this character awhile back but never truly got to RP with anybody. Now with the deep sea diving helmet added he can properly RP his character living underwater. His character was approved, and if you have any question just ask him. As of right now I have set up a little home with a single torch and a "bed" (RPed as sand and Seaweed) in the small cave in the river.

    His MC name on the account is called "UltrahViolet". The reason I wanted to do this was because I missed RPing with him, as I could not currently until now. Both of us thought the idea would be fun to have his fish character live in the river, possibly giving the real feel of having the "Tookwater Terror", he will in no way replace Terror.

    I probably should have asked first but we both got so caught up in the idea we started instantly. I promise you he is a top notch RPer and will not break any rules. And if he, forever reason, does, I am willing to take full responsibility for any consequences. I hope I did not angry anyone with this, and I hope you have fun:) ))

  2. I'm more of a Beagle person.


    I don't see how religion has done anything good. It causes stigma and more seriously wars and 'I KEEL IN NAME OF GAWD' scenarios.

    Aeran, you're so close minded to the negative. Religion has also brought millions together, kept people from suicide, or the criminal life. It gives hope to those willing to believe when their life is bad. And it does so much good charity wise. Isn't doing good all that religion wants?

    Yes, it has caused so much death and destruction, violence. Some might say it caused more bad than good.

    Also, I love Corgi's :D

    Edit: I am in no way religious, I am simply stating observations and facts.

  3. ... Are you serious? How are you basing your beliefs off of no proof? What? No logic or anything? Not even half baked theories?

    Many of humanity simply do not need proof. Religion has kept our race going and hopeful for millenniums. Some truly believe that life can't be THIS bad or THIS good that it's actually a trial or gift from some magical being.

    And then others believe in science, logic, and reasoning. I personally believe in these three things. If something happens, there is always some scientific reasoning behind this, that we may just not know yet.

    I'm going to say this, Evolution did happen. The facts are hard and there, and if you deny these facts you haven't actually read up on them. But that does not disprove religion. Who's to say a unknown being just started cooking it up and letting life do its thing? Because that's all life is; A recipe, waiting to be cooked and served. Throw in some of this and that and BAM. You got yourself a steaming bowl of primordial soup.

  4. Walking down the street, Finnlyn holds a tannish piece of paper tightly in his hands. Walking up to the board, he confidently pins to to the paper onto the wall, waltzing away with his fishing pole hanging over his shoulder. Pausing a good few meters away, Finnlyn smacks himself, rushing back to the message. He snatches the paper off the board, pulling out a piece of charcoal and scribbles down his name. Re-pinning the piece of paper, double checking he had everything written down, and walks away.

    "Hello, Halflings of Branborough! If you have not met me before, I am Finnlyn Wheatlocke, Finn for short. Lately I have been doing my favorite pastime to... Well... Pass the time! Fishing! As my time of fishing these past few days, I realize I have collected a large amount of the buggers. Not wanting them to spoil, I had cooked them all, expecting it may lower the amount I have. This obviously did not work as it only increased my supply! Now, I may eat quite a bit, but I don't believe my little ol' self would be able to eat this much fish!

    That is where you come in! I am offering to share all of my fish, in return of being able to spend my time doing the thing I love. None of the fish will cost you a single mina, although I would love if you could possibly donate string or sticks for new fishing poles. It's the least I could do for all of you for accepting me into your town.

    If you wish to have a snack, a meal, or maybe even just for the future, just find me in town and I'll be more than happy to give you however much you need."


    Finnlyn Wheatlocke

  5. Finnlyn scurries along the temple, attempting to avoid sight from others. As he moves along, he hears the cold, terrifying voice coming from none other than an Orc. Finnlyn peaks from his hiding spot, seeing Sahra and the Orc. His blood colds at the violence, knowning he is sure as an orcs meal if he tries intervening.

    Quietly slinking by quieter than a mouse, he escapes to safety, away from the danger of the Temple. Pausing, Finnlyn sighs with discontent. He turns toward the Temple, tilting his small head curiously, holding an aura of confusion.

    "I of'en wonder... T'e temple is always considered a safe an' 'appy place, but why does i' always 'ave so much violence? Anytime I try an' go t'rough wit'out bein' threatened of death an' violence?

    I fin' i' ironic. T's place wer ye go an' be 'ealed is t's place wer so much violence and 'atred is habored."

    The small Halfling shakes his head sorrowfully, hoping for the best of the monk he saw. He scurries forward, continuing his journey toward The Vale, hoping he doesn't have to make the journey back again.

  6. Well, considering most of Asulon is permed, it is quite easy to run out of grass.

    This. And...

    I was wondering, would it be possible if you increased the experience you get from your skills? As of right now it would take hours upon hours, maybe even days of grinding to level a single skill up to 100. I saw somewhere that is might even be possible to take an entire month to level up completely, although that may be an exaggeration.

    I mean, I spend hours just sitting at a crafting table, inventory full of wheat, making bread just to level up 5 times >m<

  7. ((Blah! Sorry for this kinda halting to nonexistence. Like Zane said the issue is us all getting online at the same time, but hopefully we'll propell this forward into completetion~! Lifts head from bucket of ice, kicking Zane and slapping self Let's do this.

  8. I have not gotten permisson to begin constuction yet. Really what i plan to do is set this up as a test of sorts to solidify how the path in my roleplay will be once i start it. I want to do this but i want to do it right. If you have ideas on how i should do it post a comment on those you have. I will not be trying to start construction of any flying macine until i have full permissons. But before i try to get that i would like some support. I want to finalize my plan and at least a basic path the research will take

    As for what Roxthesox said i kind of agree. I have started testing with some basic rp of the few of the days. Nothing i have is really in stone. Also anyideas on how i should do this?

    I'm going to give you some advice, some of it may be a little blunt. For one, Trial and Error is going to be your best friend. You MUST be okay with the fact of failing and having to retry. Second, do not jump to conclusions like I'm seeing with this thread. Study, be willing to spend IRL time researching this stuff. While you wait for permission, roleplay researching and studying this stuff, it will give you a head start constructing and testing when you do get permission.

    I should warn you, the LM's and GM's are weary on this topic, you'll have to make a convincing thread about your work and such. It should look professional, and look good. You'll have to convince me that you can do this properly if you want me to be comfortable of you doing all this. Here are some more tips, they may be repeated but oh well;

    1.) You must RP every single little thing you do, down to the very detail.

    2.) You cannot say it worked by yourself, you need to at least /roll out of 10, and decide like higher than 5, it works, lower it doesn't. Do this for every piece of your project.

    3.) You cannot finish it all by yourself, because I truly doubt your character is a skilled Ship wright, tailor, woodworker, tinker, and blacksmith.

    4.) You cannot finish it quickly, it must take many IRL days, and IG years. As I said before, Me and my other Clockwork family members have been working on this for 2 IRL months.

    5.) Document every single bit of roleplay you do when making this, every emote, every sentence, everything. Screenshot it all.

  9. ((Ehm, I have a question; Do you have permission to do any of this? The hot air balloon, I mean. Because as of right now the only ones allowed to have access to it is the Halfling family, The Clockworks, who have been developing a hot air balloon for at least 2 IRL months. And to even be given permission to begin construction, we had to agree to all sorts if rules.

    I'm sorry if I come off rude, as one of the founding fathers of the hot air balloon, I'm just curious as to if you have permission to do this? If you do, I would have at least expected the courtesy of a heads up or have my opinion validated.

    God, I feel like I'm ruining your dreams :c ))

  10. My scanners have shown that you are quite relevant in this particular Online interaction photo visual program. Contributing your status, and overall social relevance humans call "popularity", my calculation give a resounding 7.5/10. Congratulation.

    The Aperture Science Enrichment Center thanks you for participating in this particular Census. You will be rewarded with; Cake.

  11. System Response:\ Scanning Avatar

    System Response:\ Scanning completed

    Oh. A human game designed entirely around forcefully capturing innocent animals and making them attempt to murder each other using diverse and violent attacks as a sport. Most people would find that cruel and sickening.

    Lucky for you, I'm not most people. 10/10

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