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Posts posted by danic

  1. System Drivers:\ Activating Banning sequence.

    System Drivers:\ Banning sequence Activated.

    You're not a Global Moderator, you're not a Admin. You're not even a full time App team member. Where did your life go so wrong?


    Do you know what I what I did before you came along? I just Tested, and played [insert Minecraft Server name Here]. Nobody banned me, or put me in a Potato. And you know what? Banning you, Is hard. So I give up. Just go. Hehehe, Its been fun. Don't come back.

  2. Oh. I see you've been busy, Well well... We could sit here for all eternity and ban eachother, but I have a better idea...

    [Neurotoxin emitters Activated]

    Oh look, it's your old pal, Deadly Neurotoxin. I'll let you two get comfy and catch up. I am rather busy. You see, I have to go to the Testing track made entirely of broken 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button and fix 56,670 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button. By myself.

    Also, BANNED

  3. I love it. When I finished reading this I instantly thought of Harry Potter and Mrs. Weasley (I think she was a household mother? Been so long since I read the books). I see a woman carrying around a small, gnarl wand, popping a fire in the stove, and stirring the pot of stew while you sweep up those dusty floorboards!

    I've always wondered why the only magic users you see are ones in those big guilds, all powerful and such. Where are the simple hobbyists that just mind their business, knowing only the simplest of magic that makes life just a bit easier?

  4. Twiddling his thumbs, turning to Dofur

    "W-Well, ye' i' can be dangerous. But I wunt allow any danger te touch me people. I'll test i' meh self continuously befur letting' anybody touch i'. I promise ye' nairy danger will come te t'e 'alflin's wit meh contraption"

  5. Cinad hears the question, turning to Faldo

    'ow will she stay up ye' ask? Well.... We dunt know. We 'ave a concept on 'ow she will, which we r' not willing' to give out yet. But t'e actual part 'asnt been built yet. Along with yer other concern; if sum 'alflin's run like t'e idea, den dey sun have te bother wit i'. Now we may be a nonambitious people, but we 'ave te leave SOMET'ING behind. We could all be eatin' by Orcs in t'e next mornin'!

    An' wat would we be known by? "Dem short people in holes". We would be fur gotten! I simply wunt meh people t'e be known fur somet'ing. Ders so much we could do wit it. We could 'ave rides 'round deh Vale, imagin 'avin' a mug o'ale and yer friends up in deh skies, tellin' stories. I' could be used fur celebrations, imagin Branfest, bu' wit streamers floatin' down amongst t'e 'alflin's!

    He pauses, turning his attention to Lyra, grinning slightly

    Well den ye' can get in meh project an' tell deh birdies dat yer self!

  6. The small, dull blue eyed Halfling, stands as high has his little toes can take him. Looking around at his people, going about their usual business, he clears his throat, and shouts as loud as his little lungs can follow.

    "'Ello my feller 'alflin's! Ye' all might not know me one bit, let meh introduce me self! I am Cinad Clockwork! I'm not usually in t'e Vale often, my reason I'll announce shortly'! First let meh ash ye' all; 'ave ye' ever looked up in at t'e sky, seein' all deh Birdies flyin' over ye'? O'course yet' 'ave! Us 'alflin's 'ave te look up at evereht'ing! We be t'e shortest people on Asulon! We also be t'e best, aye! While dem talleh races bicker about war and government, we 'alflin's sit back, enjoying a mug o'ale an' a fat slice o'cake! We also be t'e smartest! Us 'alflin's be known fur our intelligence! 'Or people be chock full o'smarties!"

    Cinad pauses, finger in the air, copper goggles in hand. He notices he has gotten everyone's attention, his tone drops to a more depressing theme as he continues.

    "But we also be known fur bein' pushed around... T'e orcs torture 'or people, t'e humans act as if we ain't 'ere! Well no more! I dream te make a name fur deh 'alflin's. A name dat will go down in 'istory! We 'ave always been t'e shortest. Looked down upon, literally. I'm sick of i'. Now I'm not sayin' I wasn't a' 'alflin', or I dun want t'e height Aerial chose fur us. I'm jus' saying' I wunt te be t'e one lookin' down on dem! Now ye' may ask "Well Cinad, 'ow do we do dat?" I've got deh answer fur dat tew!"

    The dulled eyed Halfling excitedly pulls out a scroll of thin paper, holding it up; it appears to be a rough drawing of an odd ball with a boat attached to it. Cinad shows it around, grinning.

    "See dis? Dis is an idea me sisteh, Cora Clockwork, t'ought up of. She says it will allow us t'e... fly... Ye', ye' 'eared right. Te fly! Wit te pretty birdies I mentioned earlier! I know dis sound tew guud te be true. But we alreadeh' started t'e construction! We got 2 outta 4 t'ings built! An' dey function perfectly! T'e 'alflin's may be t'e shortest, but if me an' mah sistehs idea works, we will be t'e highest!"

    Cinad tucks the sheet of paper away, now fiddling with his goggles.

    "Now ye' maybe t'inkin' dat no nutin' guud can come outta dis. 'Or creation can't be used fur war er a weapon. I's tew fragile. A single arrow would take 'er down. Mostly travel i' be used fur. She can hold up tew 2 er 3 'alfin's, bein' she 'eld an iron weight, an a dwarf.

    If 'or idea werks, deh 'alflin's will be furever known as deh creaters' o'flight! T'e dwarves got deh earth, T'e elves got deh furest, t'e orcs der desert, an' deh 'umans deh plains. An' t'e skies fur deh 'alflin's!"

    Cinad exclaims the last sentance, panting loudly as he finishes, his cheeks a-flush with red. Strapping on his goggles once more, he stands tall, proud of the large speech he has just given.

  7. Cinad reads the note carefully, raising an eyebrow curiously before walking away. As he walks, he softly mutters to himself;

    "Why would t'ey t'ink Dynasty 'as t'e prince? O'boy... W'at 'as t'at lad gotten into... 'Ere 'e is, 'aving fliers shown around t'at he's commited a crime, W'en 'e should be 'elping us work! I 'ope 'es okay...

  8. Cinad sighs, rummaging through his things. After lifting a bag of redstone, he find the journal. Flicking it open quickly, he slides in 2 pieces of paper, snapping it shut again



    "T'ere we go, nice an'safe, t'ose blueprints are. Can't let t'em fall into t'e wrong 'ands! Lets just 'ope Ellsia's dwarven friends don't go t'rough our stuff..."

    He grunts contently, placing the journal safely under the floorboards beneath his bed, before scurrying off to continue his research

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