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Posts posted by Dakirennis

  1. Eldiv'cruan - The Deviod of Pain




    Forged in the strife of the Fringe wars, The Div'cruan were created to protect the Mali'ker and their homes within the Under City. Their duty is first and foremost to their people and will stop at nothing to see them safe.

    As their name entails, they are to show no pain and no fear when they meet their enemy. The Mali'ker are a passionate people but we must not let passion get in the way of our duty, for passion may lead to bloodlust. You must be devoid of feeling, just as Onyx is devoid of light. There is no joy in killing, there is no disdain in it either. Killing is simply a method to keep the Mali'ker safe. Nothing more, nothing less - Nothing.







    These are the recruits and soldiers, the bulk of the Mali'ker forces. Their duty is to follow the orders given to them by their superiors and protect the hollow.








    The Mali'ker are a wise people and many of us are well versed in the magic arts. This rank is provided to those among us who wish to defend our people with the arcane. This rank holds the same position as the Llum'mirue. ((A different rank will eventually be added for Sorcerers that are promoted.))







    These mali'ker have been promoted by either the Arbiter or the Lord for outstanding duty. Their duty is to moderate and oversee the Llum'mirue. Giving them orders and following the word of the Arbiter and Lord.


    The cloth of this uniform is colored violet, in honor of a fallen Ihnsil'vira named Lenden.

    May he walk in peace among our Ancestors.








    A rank given only to a select few veteran Div’cruan who have displayed outstanding devotion to the hollow, the Lord and the Ancestors. These are the commanders of the mali'ker troops. Tasked with issuing orders to the soldiers and handing down orders from the Lord. Their word is to be followed to the letter.






    All headgear is optional when within the city, but must be worn for battles.






    The Kliave - A fierce two handed blade forged by Dak'ir Des'Nox. A mixture of a claymore and a battle axe. While it may be five feet in length, the weight of the blade forces the user into very dedicated swings. A one handed version of the blade is available as well and handles much like a machete.




    The Cross Spear - The same size as an average spear, this weapon gives added range to the dark elven melee arsenal .





    The Arbalest - While we are primarily focused in close quarters combat, ranged weapons are still a necessity. The arbalest proves to be a very accurate and powerful weapon.




    The Kite Shield - Heavy and versatile, the kite shield further protects the Div'cruan.





    War Chant


    War Seeker (Dark Elven Song of War)

    Igne’sae Uhierir









    El’tos’narn lye adil tuva

    El’tos’narn el’igne’sae uhierir

    El’tos’narn lye adil tuva

    El’tos’narn el’igne’sae uhierir


    Miyumier berr

    Miyumier sil

    Miyumier ker

    Miyumier ihnsil


    El’tos’narn lye adil tuva

    El’tos’narn el’igne’sae uhierir

    El’tos’narn lye adil tuva

    El’tos’narn el’igne’sae uhierir


    Chul igne’sae

    Chul evar

    Chul miar’sae

    Chul okar


    Lye igne’sae uhieriran


    Devoid of pain

    Devoid of happiness

    Devoid of speaking

    Devoid of smiles


    This is the way we want all

    This is the way of the war seeker

    This is the way we need all

    The way of the war seeker


    Carry bow

    Carry sword

    Carry dark

    Carry spear


    This is the way we want all

    This is the way of the war seeker

    This is the way we need all

    The way of the war seeker


    Must war

    Must protect

    Must harm

    Must safeguard


    We war seekers






    Avariss - Athri - Tyri Uuthlini  - Mizziyrn - Dak'res Des'Nox - Veldryn Ikur' Uuthlini - Ituri Vanrya -           Limith Oussana -



    Vuln Shadeleaf - Nauron



    Arveldir Des'Nox



    Alakagh Uuthlini






    You must live within the Under City. Do you?:

    Do you pledge your life in service to the Mali'ker and the Lord of the Under City?

    Skype (Optional):


    After applications, interviews must be held in person for evaluation.


    ((Thank you to Wardog for the help with this. Also, if the elvish in this post is incorrect, please feel free to point it out to me so I can edit it.))

  2. ((As someone who's just started trying uruk roleplay I've been having a bit of difficulty getting my a grasp on blah. I already knew some of the dialect coming into it, but new players who have never experience it before might really struggle with it and just call it quits.))



    *To add, if an Orc is deemed a traitor and whitewash solely for how his words pour from his mouth, there is something inherently wrong with Orcish culture that does not conjoin with it's other pieces. One should br judged by the honor and wisdom of their actions, not their preferred choice of vocalization. ]]


    Also, I agree with this wholeheartedly. You could end up running off new players before they even have the chance to learn proper blah if they're immediately branded as whitewashes. I've only been playing an orc for a couple of days but this seems like a good decision to me.

  3. A letter of reply is sent, carried on the back on a small grey jay.


    Phaedrus, my brother. I hope you can forgive my indecisiveness during the conflict with the Silver. I would be honoured to assist Laureh'lin in any way I can. As well, I offer the Div'cruan and any workers as well in helping to rebuild the city. Simply direct us to where the effort is needed most.

    Below the city once named Annil'sul, several mali'ker clean up rubble from the battle that took place above them. Stalactites laying broken on the ground now being shuffled into neat piles. Dak'ir watches as his people finish up, thanking the Ancestors that the clash had not brought their hollow down on their heads. Flanked on either side by the Div'cruan, he called out to those present.
    "My kin. Much has happened. Bronze has beaten back Silver and taken the city above... Many of you now wonder, what is to become of us? We will do as we always have, endure. Onyx stood by as Bronze and it's allies took the city. But no longer. It was wrong of me to stand by and watch our pale skinned cousins butt heads and now the mali'aheral are expelled from the city. We no longer need to put up with their biases and arrogance. I have known Phaedrus for a long time and put my faith and trust into him. So as of now, our neutrality ends and a bond of Onyx and Bronze begins. We will stand along side them as equals and with blade and plough we will flourish more than we ever have."
    He bows his head lightly in thanks to those who have listened. Turning on his heel and ascending the steps to the gates that he had once ordered shut, marching through them into Laureh'lin.
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    Letters find their way to the Emerald and Silver districts. One addressed to Elorna, the other addressed to Andria. As well, a copy of the letter is posted to the board in the general district and the Obsidian.
    Karin'ayla my friends. It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. But with the coming conflict I will do what I believe is best for my people, as I always have. I will be leaving the gates of our district shut and creating a new entrance at the back of the city. We will be separating from the city until further notice. I do not wish to see friends tear each other apart over something that could be simply solved with words and leeway. Our citizen door will remain open within the city but any mali'ame, mali'aheral or those of other races must approach our new gate to enter our hollows. I only hope that our people can remain united, we will always have much to offer each other. But as of now, we shall remain neutral in the coming days, lest we receive aggression from either side. Eldiv'cruan are to remain within the hollows, our blades will protect our own. 
    Farewell for now, mali of Silver and Bronze.
    Onyx will remain shrouded and protected.
    Dak'ir Des'Nox, Okarir'ker.

    ((Just as a note. This is not us separating from the nation, just the city. As personally I think this whole thing is silly and do not wish to get involved at this time.))

  6. A note is written



    I invite the okarir'ame and okarir'ker to vote. I cannot garnuntee that your votes will count but I will attempt.


    ~Iatrilemar Elervathar


    Dak'ir sends a letter of thanks as well, sealed in onyx wax with his personal emblem.



    Phaedrus Lle'hileia.


    Lucion Sullas.


    Should neither of these contenders be valid then I shall use my votes on Iatrilemar Elervathar.


    - Dak'ir Des'Nox

  7. Des'Nox




    "In midnight clad."



    Family tree




    (This is only the direct family line. Other Des'Nox exist outside of this line such as distant cousins.)



    Origin and History


    Rooting from Asulon, the Maki'ker of Des'Nox are a nomadic clan. While they tended to keep to the elven lands, they were almost hermit like, new members only joining after marrying into the family. As roamers, most children of Des'Nox grew up learning to hunt and craft things that could be sold rather than read and write. This left most of the clan illiterate for a time, meaning that any ancestries were left to memory instead of being recorded. Only until recently have they finally settled down and their history been archived. During Anthos, most of the clan had split up and gone their own ways. What led to this is unknown. Only until the arrival of Athera did they begin to unite once again.







    Their skin color being about average, sometimes a little darker and their eye color being the common red. It is their ebon hair and height that sets them apart from the normal dark elf. The normal height for males of the clan being almost six feet, four inches. While the women of the clan hover around a flat six.


    bRnOvLe.png          Tdwkqfx.png




    A Des'Nox is usually pretty reclusive and a bit stubborn. Tending to either keep to their family or just dark elves in general. It takes a bit of time for them to warm up and actually have a full conversation with another person outside of their comfort zone. But once a friend they are pretty valuable. Most from the family are very helpful and stick to their guns when it comes to doing the honorable thing. As tradesmen they like to take great pride in their work, seeing whatever it is they make as a challenge to create art.



    Beliefs and traditions


    Religious Views

    Like most dark elves. The Des'Nox clan worship their Ancestors. They pray or reflect on the actions of their forebears for guidance.


    Rite of passage

    In the early to mid teens of young Des'Nox children, they go through a trial to enter adulthood. A simple test of survival and mettle. The clan will simply leave the child or children behind and return for them at a later date. With the only rule really being that you may not follow the clan, some parents will give their child supplies. While helping them is not against the rules, it is more simply frowned upon. For example: Giving your child a knife is nothing compared to giving it a bow and arrows. By giving them supplies, you're seen as not having faith in their abilities to survive.


    The Night

    The Des'Nox hold a certain affinity for the night. As they were originally nomadic, the night offered protection from the usual daylight dangers. But to them, the night was so much more. In concealing themselves, using the stars as guides, and even hunting. To them, the night is many things, which is why they hold it in such high regard. They also believe it is where the dark elves came from.


    "The night. It is a blanket that warms us, armor that shields us. It is what we come from and what binds us all, in midnight clad."

    -Der'es Noxius, clan founder.



    The Des'Nox clan has a strange way of naming it's children. They use a combination of syllables from the parent's names as a way of symbolizing the unity between two mates. It's not uncommon for names to be passed down through the generations. (For example: Dak'ir's father was Dak'rezar). Traditionally, the mother's name comes first for their daughters and the father's name would come first for the sons. Full names imply that the member was either a bastard or simply married (or adopted) into the family.



    Their pleasures are simple. But celebrating is something the clan frequently enjoys. Weather it be the birth of a newborn, the bond between two lovers, or even a successful hunt. A Des'Nox will turn it into a festivity accompanied by tale telling, drinking and music. They often favour string and simple percussion instruments.



    The vagabond clan did what it could to make a living. While most were adept hunters, coin was still needed for a living. Most clansmen were skilled crafters and tailors. From dresses to wooden toys and even carved jewellery, the clan honed their skill into what they could.


    Black Stone Bracelets

    Most notable of their craftsmanship are the simple black stone bracelets most, if not all, Des'Nox are seen wearing. Mainly being something partents gave their children or juveniles gave their allure, it represented their love for that person. They were usually crafted from dark colored rocks, though some including onyx or obsidian. It was thought that the more beautiful the bracelet, the more that person cared. As the clan was poor, it meant aquiring gems or carving stones would either take a lot of time to find or cost them more than they could afford. As it was mainly given to another as a clan tradition, these bracelets were almost never given to those outside of the clan.



    -More coming soon-



    This clan is currently only adopting close friends and lost members.


    ((Send me a pm if any of this sounds interesting to you.))

  8. vlJBJHh.jpg



    A small note pinned upon various notice boards across Athera would be found addressed to the mali'ker in a perhaps familiar handwriting.


    Following the fall of our city beneath Annil'sul I collected all documents and scriptures that were archived by our people. I fully intend to continue keeping these notes and expand them as best as I can, so that these scraps of knowledge may never be lost. Should you wish for your clan's traditions and beliefs to be archived, simply send me the documents and I will make sure they are kept safe.


    May the Ancestors guide you, Dak'ir Des'Nox




    ((Please give this a read before posting your clan.))

    Kind of felt this was needed. I admit that I'm ripping off Mith's Bloodline post here but I thought it could add a bit more depth to the dark elves for new players or people just wanting to try them out wanted to learn how some of the clans work or what they believe in (Ousanna's and the Ancestors or that dang moon worshipping Shadeleaf clan). Or maybe some people can use this thread to recruit new family members! So all that's really needed is what's asked for in the letter. Familyecho is the site most everyone uses to make their family trees. This will be a thread for somewhat bigger clans, three or four plus, to avoid a several dozen posts of one person clans with a one line history. I also ask that this thread be kept only to posts about each clan (Like Mith's Bloodline post) to further avoid clutter. And of course, trollish clans will be removed. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM! And a thank you to Overland for reading this over for me.


    Hopefully this goes well and perhaps we'll see some new clans pop up with rich back stories and ideals or maybe some old clans can use this thread to bring new members into the fold. 

  9. Kmeemxl.png


    A missive is sent to all members of the Div'cruan.





    In response to Kalenz's order to the Elberun'cinhir to keep the main square in order. All Fi’taliiyna of the Div'cruan will do their part and now answer to Phaedrus should he require assistance in the square if their Ihnsil’ikur or Riv’tahu allows it. If you are not called upon you are to continue your watch over the hollow and only assist when needed.



    Dak'ir Des'Nox.

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