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Posts posted by Dakirennis

  1. Dak'ir happens across one of these papers. He furrows his brow upon reading the second question before writing his own answers.


    1. Do you believe that elven kind is truly united

    No, and it never will be.


    2. Why is it that dark elf would be scrutinized if they mated with a high elf, note that both would be pure elves

    Why in this good world would any self respecting mali'ker mate with a high elf? To do so is to spit upon our ancestors and we are too few in number as it is. Besides, mali'aheral are frail beings, the children would never survive.


    3. Do you believe that child of mixed elven heritage (still purely elven) should be exterminated

    No. But if the mali'aheral choose to wipe out those that are half aheral, let them. They do not care if mali'ame and mali'ker mate.


    4. What do you think can be done to improve your government if any are needed"

    I frankly do not care what the high elven government does. As long as people have a home they can feel safe in.

  2. The citizen list has been updated and the following people have been accepted.




    xXxOneLovexXx - Malii Uuthlini

    Halrak - Hal Rak

    Wenderstreem - Zahir Lorenz darthirii

    Temple_Monks - Elizabeth Atriana

    flyingfishie1 - Darklux Hadel

    bulldogsoccer8 - Serena Malvaesil

    aelvus99 - Antian Troy

    NatTheLumberjack - Kaelin Kheloann

  3. All small homes have been accepted as well as the family home for the Malvaesil. 


    Mth, you application needs character/usernames as well as some of the people to apply for citizenship.


    Rexx your application has been denied as you citizen application was.


    And finally. Your home has been moved Tebo. You, Feyko (lookaquarter), Hardstyleraver (Alakagh), and Veldryn (Timelord_Lalve) and Lenden (LinkKN2). Have all been moved into a home as the four of you are guards and Veldryn is a smith.


    Welcome to your new homes.

  4. Minecraft Name : Dakirennis

    Skype (You may PM this to us if you wish.) : You already have it.

    Character you wish to play? : Lelantos

    Have you ever played a Wood Elf before? : Yes

    Have you read our lore? : Of course. 

    Why should you play one of the Acius family? : You told me to.

    What do you consider an OOC strength of yours? : I bring the funny.

    What do you consider an OOC weakness of yours? : My sense of time.

    Give us a paragraph of how you would play your Acius, should you be accepted. :


    Lelantos lets out a long drawn out yawn as he wakes. He turns around placing a hand on Asteria's back to stir her from her slumber before getting up and putting on his garb. Grabbing a spear, he steps out of his home and into the Acium, stretching as he walks towards the river. Nodding to those he passes, offering soft-spoken greetings. As his bare feet touch the sand, he lets out a relaxed sigh. Moving towards the water, his eyes narrow as he looks into the depths before walking in to about waist depth. He holds the spear above his head steadily as he looks for his quarry. remaining absolutely still. Suddenly in the corner of his eye he catches a brief jolt of movement, he turns swiftly, thrusting the spear into the blue. His eyes widen as he feels the spear strike it's target. Wrenching the spear from the water, his excited demeanour quickly fades as he observes the large piece dulse. His shoulders slump as he drags the spear with him, dragging his feet home to see what Asteria has cooking. 

  5. The citizen list has been updated and the following people have been accepted. Welcome to the city.



    Cneyele - Aeltis Mur'vil

    mthdominator - Nadal Ravexi

    Lookaquarter - Feyko Drei

    tlstickle45 - Athri

    birdwhisperer - Leyu Vallel

    Greenpelt201345 - Illidir'Rova

    Tebo1714 - Thaibo

    Dohvabro - Tahorran'Taliyu

  6. Kmeemxl.png
    When applying for other people, they must have applied and been accepted as citizens before moving in.
    Small home application.


    Designed for one to three people. These homes are scattered throughout the hollow.
    They no longer require an application. Simply seek out Dak'ir or Zahir to obtain a home.
    Medium home application


    Designed for four to seven people. There are a three lanes in the hollow that have these homes. They are allowed one major expansion of equal size to the main room already provided.
    Are you a citizen?:
    Are you moving in with friends or family?:
    If yes, what are their names ((Username))?
    How many kin are you applying for?:
    Clan home application


    These homes are for clans that consist of six or more mali'ker. The caverns are located at the shore of the underground lake and may be expanded as to accommodate for their homes and facilities as they need.
    Are you citizens?
    How many kin are applying for?
    What are their names ((Username))?
    Who is your clan head?
    What is your clan name?
    Give us a description of your clan. It's beliefs, ideals, and emblem.
    Expansion rule.
    If you need to expand for any reason, simply keep in mind of other homes around you. Do not break into or attempt to claim another person's home. Any housing disputes are to be brought to the Okarir'ker immediately.
  7. All applicants listed have been accepted. Welcome.


    MiniSpigot - Elayne.

    xZaebos - Ituri Vanrya

    Timelord_Lalve - Veldryn Yir' Uuthlini

    LinkKN2 - Lenden

    DecotheLamb - Delilah De'laronge

    Caelria - Maethon Annyer'sil

    HardstyleRaver2 - Alakagh Uuthlini

    balluffip -Cerys Raven'kor

    Megazero34 - Yriel Malvaesil

    Gath_Stormer - Miraiblis Mens Malvaesil

    brandonthegreat1 - Alendar

    Yannirog - Verelas Gimlvel

  8. Kmeemxl.png


    Mali'ker of Athera, the time has come to gather and live in unity as we once did.
    Within the hollows under Annil'sul we have carved out our own city and taken root. Join your kin so that we may flourish as we once did.
    MC Name: --- 
    Your Full Name: --- 
    Your Age: --- 
    Your Gender: --- 
    What skills do you have? Would you be willing to join the guard? --- 
    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? --- 
    Are you of full Mali'ker blood? ---
    Do you agree to abide by the laws of Laureh’Lin? --- 


    MiniSpigot - Elayne.

    xZaebos - Ituri Vanrya

    Timelord_Lalve - Veldryn Yir' Uuthlini

    LinkKN2 - Lenden

    HardstyleRaver2 - Alakagh Uuthlini

    balluffip -Cerys Raven'kor

    Cneyele - Aeltis Mur'vil

    tlstickle45 - Athri

    birdwhisperer - Syndaria Des'Nox

    Greenpelt201345 - Illidir'Rova

    Dohvabro - Tahorran'Taliyu

    Wenderstreem - Zahir Lorenz darthirii

    Temple_Monks - Elizabeth Atriana

    NatTheLumberjack - Kaelin Kheloann

    kasper5550 - Kalleh Darthirii

    Malou33 - Celien Darthirii 

    miningtilldeath - Viralurth

    firestar344 - Fer'siyuern 'Yuern' Oussana

    patu97 - Goldyn Darthirii

    angmar1 - Cíldor Darthirii

    Leetles - Allynn

    PantsInYourAnts - Pharaun Dyrr

    jonhan2 - Mithius Dalma

    Ztb_00 - Avariss

    Mizziyrn - Mizziyrn Des'Nox

    KibagoKid - Hare Druid Taynuel Deathsbane

    cowsgopoo - Domelvia Flormai

  9. Dak'ir yawns as he finally wakes from his nap. He turns his head lazily to a piece of paper that Lain must have left for him in his sleep. He sits up in his chair, looking at the sprawling mess of paper that was his desk, and beings to read over the letter. Rubbing his eyes as he reads it's contents. He slowly stands making his way out of the room, leaving the letter behind. Taking his axe that lay against the door way, he steps out into the hollow of Ker'lomi. 
    "Arveldir! Lenden! Alakagh! Get your logging gear, we have work to do!"
    They quickly follow along. Dak'ir grinning as he listens to Arveldir and Alakagh bicker as they climb the steps, Lenden chuckling as well.
    "I've always wanted a boat." He muses as the gate rises.
  10. BzSQRTo.png


    Dak'ir slips inside the tea house nodding to those he knows, dipping his head lower when he spots the Librarian. He takes a seat near Dwyn, kicking his feet up on an empty seat as he listens. After a moment he speaks up.


    "My people have been collecting wood. We do have some in surplus. A new blacksmith just arrived as well and I believe he's been hard at work. Also, our new cook Della has been baking constantly. I'm sure she'd love to help out if either the mali'ame or mali'aheral are in need. Most recently we've been working on getting stone to Elorna so that her people can complete their walls. All in all, my people are doing well. We have do have excess coal though, should anyone require it.

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