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Status Updates posted by Mercius

  1. So much work, so little LotC :(

    1. Valzar


      If only your job could be

      to play LOTC all day.

      Id never stop working haha :)

  2. Oren has divided then. One can only remain neutral for so long, seems it's time to choose which way to go.

  3. Just purge this pitiful rebellion and bring Oren to glory! If they won't see words, have them see action instead!

  4. Oren is in a sorry state indeed.

    1. Trouvo


      they werent before?

    2. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      I kinda exiled myself from this kind of quarrel some time ago. I just feel a bit sorry for Gaius, coming home and having to read through all this shenanigans.

    3. salmeer


      But i got it there =D

  5. Was watching an epic little duel and some great RP in Galahar and then I get disconnected halfway through. Sad times.

  6. I feel like I spend way too much time on the forums.

  7. The Application Forum... It's so... TIDY! :D Thank you Tythus and anyone else who was involved!

  8. Interesting times in Oren...

  9. Can't reply to Applications. Sad and confusing times for Mercius.

    1. Pliz


      You as-well? I thought it was just me =\

    2. Mercius


      Tis very strange.

  10. On holiday in the United States! May not be as active as before until I get home on the 4th of December.

  11. Thank ye kindly Y'ARRRRR!

  12. As much as I'm trying to get through the applications. I would like to play on the server for just a little bit. Hopefully more Application Team members will be online soon!

  13. Now in possession of an accepted Villain App for my Oren Ranger duties!

  14. New app team is good. Too good. No apps to look over!

    1. Minealga


      Who are the members of the app team?

    2. Minealga


      I see at page 1 and page 2,many uncommented apps.

    3. Mercius


      Here is a list of current App Team members:


      When we respond to a post, it is automatically placed on page one. But these applications are usually older than you think! We are trying to get through applications as fast as we can, but we have much to do :)

  15. Applications are under control again. No more page 10!

  16. It's been an interesting day. That's for sure.

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