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Posts posted by VonAulus

  1. ((Most rp fights I have and do not end in death. You are just left on the ground to pick yourself up. If a bandit were to come up to me, I would start rping, I would not think to take a picture of my inventory. The quickness of a pvp death from a gold sword is too quick. What are you going to do though, power gamers will be power gamers? When PVP is about to be initiated you should HAVA to tell the person and give them time to respond. The whole PVP app thing would not work because the bandits would have to rob other bandits then because there would be no body to fight back.))

  2. *looks at the Dark Elf and precedes to chase him out of town.*

    "Damn Mori and their Mali'Ker slaves, always coming in our blessed city and causing trouble!"

    *places a reply on the board*

    We should take the books back. Reclaim them from these scum!

  3. ((what is your rp reason for you copying our books? You can not even speak common! Some of them are written on elven as well... It is against rp for us to learn Mori speak by you can do whatever you want? Also. Is Izier a Mori? He seems quite fluent in common...))

  4. Can I just say that copying books is un-RP if it's done the way most of you seem to be doing it. Instantly clicking on a bookcase to copy the entire thirty pages of a tome is not feasible. I would expect anyone 'stealing' books out of the library to actually use /write and copy them by typing. The timeframe and effort this will get you are far more realistic and will actually allow for some getting-caught RP.

    If I find more people instant-copying books I will fill out a ban report.

    This ^ This is why you invent a printing press!

  5. *Octavius nails a note to the notice board, the paper has metal scrapes imbedded in it.*

    Today I was in the college when I ran across princess Sythra and Prince Bravepaw wandering around. They had a guard with them as well. There were no other Mali'Aheral around but me so I approached them and introduced myself. I then asked what they were doing here unattended and Sythra told me she was a representative of the High Elves. She added the other two were under her accompanyment. I simply asked her what she was doing looking around in our sacred college and she refused to answer me. She completely dismissed my authority as guard and legionary of our blessed city. She said take it up with the Silver Council. So here I am, writing to you, the members of our beloved council with a question about what are the rights of non high elves that happen to have a title from another country? Do they have diplomatic immunity? I had heard we are no longer to go on their lands, but they can pass freely on our own? These moments trouble me... Thankyou for any reply.

    -Octavius, Auxilary of the Legion

  6. I would like to compliment our community for all the work we have done. Activity was through the roof this week and I got some good rp in. However. I wish for us not to participate in this click fest. Some of you may know from my YouTube channel of my favor of role-play fighting. I would rather see these orcs role play instead of clicky clicky. But that is my two minas... I hope to see you all in Haelun'or!

  7. I love almost everything about Haelun'or! I do sometimes get frustrated when I am the only one on and there is no one to rp with. If there are multiple people online, some that are easily bored will see everyone around and stay online. I like the way that the college has been used so far. I think, though, we should have an inventors guild instead of just 100 experiments in the one part of the college. It does not look the best.

    I think we should try to stay out of war, it is not our way. We should help our allies and protect our goals, but not go out of the way to fight. We are about knowledge, not loot. Forum activity is good as well. We have a high amount of posts for the amount of people.

  8. *sits by the blacksmith in Solace and composes a letter*

    Karin'Ayla or Ker'Ayla friends, this is Octavius here writing back to my friends and colleagues. How are things going in the blessed home of the Mali'Aheral? It is quite busy in the "peaceful" town or Solace. It is actually not very peaceful there... I was challeneged to a duel by some "earl" becuase I called him a lad. Quite rude... anyhow, there is a nice little potion shop that interested me. They had all kinda of rare items and mixes of herbs and animal products. Quite a colorful set of shelves. Right outside this place, a man named Lucas Black was being held to the ground because he murdered some uruk. I would have congratulated him if there were not many guards and civilians around. A gang of ruffians and hooligans joined around and helped him escape. The weirdest part was when the doctor got hurt... who is going to help the injured now? These humans should have enough sense to protect their doctor. I hope everyone back in Haelun'or is doing alright. I will return soon, please write back. Van'Ayla.

    *attaches the letter to a bird he carries it to Haelun'or.*

  9. Today, I built a prototype for a machine that can mass produce books.

    *you see some sketches of the machine*



    It takes a specially engraved iron plate for each book. ((iron block)) This should revolutionize the book producing world.

    - Auxiliary Octavius

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