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Posts posted by shay

  1. [!]

    A new notice can be found pinned around Taliyna’maehr



    At the conclusion of our two referendums, two council positions have now been filled.




    Ganved Elibar'acal has been elected to serve as the second medi’ir of Taliyna’maehr, alongside Galanthil Maehr’indor.




    Ljhin Evergale has been accepted to serve as the Okarir’maehr of Taliyna’maehr.






    ANOTHER scroll can be found in the Eternal Library, still guarded by two Llythir at all times


    The Silver Council has almost been filled, however the Okarir’maehr position remains vacant.  Only first-class citizens who are currently housed in Taliyna’maehr may vote. The voting period will last a total of two elven days.



    (( MC Name: ))


    Do you accept Ljhin Evergale as Okarir’maehr?

    ( ) Yes

    ( ) No

    ( ) Abstain


    You may vote once. An abstain will not count towards the nominee, but it will count towards quorum. Quorum for the vote shall be twenty votes. If quorum is not met, the referendum will fail.


    Choose wisely.






    Literal Translation: Guardian of Wisdom

        Guardian of knowledge and pinnacle of learnedness, the Okarir’maehr assures that the city marches ever forth on its mission to progress. It is the Okarir’maehr which is perhaps the most revered of all Okarir, for carrying out this most blessed task.


        Duties of the Okarir’maehr

        1.) Eternal Guardianship.  The Okarir’maehr presides over the Eternal Library, assuring that the knowledge of generations past, present and future are tended to— for it is this library which is the most revered of all places within Haelun’or.

        2.) Eternal Instruction.  The Okarir’maehr presides not only over the library, but also the Eternal College— ensuring that lessons and knowledge are not simply recorded but rather passed from generation to generation as knowledge to advance our blessed Kin.

        3.) Eternal Supervision. The Okarir’maehr presides also over the laboratories of Haelun’or, ensuring the continued progress of our people that they might remain the forerunners of learning and technology - both Arcane and Mundane.

        4.) Chronicling.  The Okarir’maehr takes upon the task, in addition to the Maheral, of chronicling the path of the mali’aheral— assuring that our ways, traditions and acts are passed onto future generations.


    Credit to : https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157528-laws-and-goverment-of-haelunor/

    I lowkey forgot to add this to my last post, don’t hate me, xoxo gossip girl



    (( MC Name: GrandpaBlue ))

    Name: Galanthil Maehr’indor

    Do you accept Ljhin Evergale as Okarir’maehr?

    (x) Yes

    ( ) No

    ( ) Abstain

  3. [!]

    A scroll can be found in the Eternal Library, guarded day in and day out by two Llythir



    Our blessed state is down one Medi’iran once more, thus the hour of election is upon us. Only first-class citizens who are currently housed in Taliyna’maehr may vote. The voting period will last a total of two elven days.


    Your candidates are:

    • Ganved 
    • Illidar   



    (( MC Name: ))



      ( ) Ganved

    ( ) Illidar

      ( ) Abstain


    You may vote once. An abstain will not count towards either nominee, but it will count towards quorum. Quorum for the vote shall be twenty votes. If quorum is not met, the referendum will fail.


    Choose wisely.





    Literal Translation: Helpers

        The duties of the Sohaer are extensive and may, at times, require a voice to speak in his or her absence. Thus was the birth of the two Medi’iran (Singular: Medi’ir); two publicly elected officials who tend the city in the Sohaers absence. While their opinions carry great weight within the city, their powers are ultimately the most limited of the Lauriran.

        In spite of this, the Medi’iran have become a tangible governmental force; their presence even sometimes acting as a second and much smaller council to the Sohaer in times that Elhieal’thilln cannot be fully arranged.


        Duties of the Medi’iran

        1.) Counsel. It is the duty of the Medi’iran to provide counsel to the Sohaer on all matters, both foreign and domestic.

        2.) Vision. The Medi’iran are the eyes and ears of the Sohaer , relaying all pertinent information found directly to him/her.

        3.) Veto. It is the reserved right of the Medi’iran to veto any decision made by the Sohaer without unanimous agreement from the Hieal’thilln or the Maheral.

        4.) Substitution. The Medi’iran, at the Sohaer‘s request and with the Maheral’s consent, are permitted to serve as a temporary substitution for Elhieal’thilln should the need arise. The usurpation of the will of Elhieal’thilln is to be done with caution — lest the Sohaer deem the Maheral or Medi’iran to have stepped beyond their bounds.


    Credit to https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157528-laws-and-goverment-of-haelunor/


    (( MC Name: GrandpaBlue))

    Name: Galanthil Maehr'indor


      ( ) Ganved

    (x) Illidar

      ( ) Abstain

  4. [!]

    Posters can be found pinned around the city, and in the mailboxes of all citizens

    18th of The First Seed, 1615


    In light of the recent extreme vacancies in elheial'thilln, the Silver Council has drafted a new system for the selection of council members. In the event that elheial'thilln has less than four council members, and no Sohaer at one time, this system will come into place.



    The Divu’cinh System


    1. If there is only one, or no Medi’iran, the longest serving Okariran will be offered the vacant positions. Should no Okarir step up to fill in the vacancies, the council members will be responsible to elect a candiadate to fill the spot, each Okariran entitled one vote each.

    2. If an Okarir position is vacant, the council members will be responsible to elect a candidate to fill the spot. The remaining Okariran having one vote each, and the medi’iran having two. Should a supermajority not be reached, the positions will immediately be opened to any willing first-class citizen, and a referendum will be held.

    3. After a candidate has been elected, and a supermajority reached, the council will announce the nomination to the public. Should a sufficient amount of grievances be submitted within four elven days, a public referendum will be held. If a simple majority of the public deems the candidate unworthy (be that a Medi’ir, or Okarir), they will be removed from office, and first-class citizens will be asked to make new nominations, and a referendum will be held.

    4. Should no grievances be aired within the proper period, the nominee will proceed into office as their elected position.





  5. [!]

    Posters can be found pinned around the city, and in the mailboxes of all citizens

    7th of the First Seed, 1615


    Once again our council has found itself having one too many vacancies. In light of these unacceptable conditions, some changes have been made.




        The duties of the Sohaer are extensive and may, at times, require a voice to speak in his or her absence. Thus was the birth of the two Medi’iran (Singular: Medi’ir); two publicly elected officials who tend the city in the Sohaers absence. While their opinions carry great weight within the city, their powers are ultimately the most limited of the Lauriran.

        In spite of this, the Medi’iran have become a tangible governmental force; their presence even sometimes acting as a second and much smaller council to the Sohaer in times that Elhieal’thilln cannot be fully arranged.

    One Medi’iran spot will be filled by Galanthil Maehr’indor, the former Okarir’mali of Taliyna’maehr. The other Medi’iran slot will remain vacant for the time being.



    The Okarir’mali is the foremost guardian of the people of Haelun’or. They are to assure the council runs effectively, and be the right hand of the Sohaer. He or she presides over the path to purity, upholding the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.  He or she bears the weight of order, and the one elected to this position must possess the respect of the citizenry and Okarir above all else.


    Lyu’sul Ni’leya will step in as Okarir’mali.



    Preserver of our kind and protector of the Silver City. It is the Okarir’tir who serves the City and its Military, preserving Order and the Law as necessary.


    Varen’thal Ilmoriel will step in as Okarir’tir.



    Guardian of the land and keeper of all that which is material. Without the Okarir’hiylun the City would be akin to an elf without the sustenance needed to sustain him.


    Kaun Crotania will continue to serve as Okarir’hiylun.




    This leaves one Medi’iran position, and the Okarir’maehr position vacant. Any first-class citizen is encouraged to come forth to the council and fill these gaps. No longer can we remain in these unacceptable conditions, we must act with diligence.


    Further information on all council positions may be found below.



    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


    ((all position descriptions can be credited to the formerly linked Laws & Government post ))


  6. [!]

    Posters can be found pinned around the city





    First Class Citizens


    First class citizenship application




    A First class Citizen is defined as those who:


    • Are pure-blooded Mali'aheral.    

    • Have vowed themselves supporters of the High Elf ideal (maehr'sae hiylu'ehya) and promise to uphold its customs.            

    • Have shown an elementary understanding of the Elven Tongue (san'Mali) and are able to speak basic sentences.            

    • Voting Citizens must be present within the community, and contributing members of our blessed society.            

    • May vote if they possess a home (lin) within Haelun'or or its governed colonies or share one with exclusively other pure-blooded Mali'aheral.    



    First Class Citizen Rights


    • First Class Citizens have the right to vote and participate in elections.        

    • First Class Citizens have the right to declare self-candidacy for an open position on the Silver Council.        

    • First Class Citizens have the right to a prompt and fair trial (The Obvious Laws exempt).            

    • First Class Citizens have the right to a proper home.       

    • First Class Citizens have the right to a laboratory if available.    


    Second Class Citizens

    Second Class Citizenship Application




    A Second class Citizen is defined as those who:


    • Are not Mali'aheral.    

    • Have vowed themselves supporters of the High Elf ideal (maehr'sae hiylu'ehya) and promise to uphold its customs.            

    • Have shown an elementary understanding of the Elven Tongue (san'Mali) and are able to speak basic sentences.        

    • Have something to offer Haelun’or, be that a skill or their body.   


    Second Class Citizen Rights   


    • Second Class Citizens may vote only if called upon by the Silver Council.    

    • Second Class Citizens have the right to bring grievances to the Council.        

    • Second Class Citizens have the right to operate a business within the Lower District    

    • Second Class Citizens have the right to a prompt, lawful trial (The Obvious Laws exempt).                

    • Second Class Citizens have the right to a proper home if available in the Lower District.        


        First and Second Class Citizen Responsibilities



    • Defend the State        

    • Know the laws    

    • Report crimes                

    • Obey and respect the Silver State            

    • Serve on a jury if called upon.        

    • Be a peaceful, law abiding citizen.        

    • Vote when applicable        

    • Uphold the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


  7. Galanthil guffaws at the flyer, pinning up a short reply before walking off, tears falling from his eyes from laughing too hard

    "If one were really concerned about stagnation, they would attempt to fill one of the almost countless positions on the council. Trying to remove the only competent Councillor from his position is foolish."

  8. (( MC Account Name: )) bluestarr


    Full name: Galanthil Maehrindor


    Gender: Male


    Age (In exact years): 69


    Profession, if applicable: Cook, I suppose


    Origin of birth: Lin'everal


    Thilln ito nae'leh? thilln ito kae'leh


    How can one proclaim his/herself as mali'thill? I think my previous responses made that clear enough


    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you? Knowledge and health


    What is your idiosyncratic vision of the future of our blessed race? Why is this even a question?

    Each of the following responses is written twice, once in what seemingly is a toddlers handwriting, the other a much more legible print

    ((MC Name:)) Eladriendil


    Name: Athri Acaele Maehrindor


    Age: 4


    Gender: Male


    Parents/Guardians (If applicable): Galanthil & Yulnii Maehrindor

  9. Name:

    Galanthil Maehrindor

    ((MC Name)):






    Elvira: The Sorrowful

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral?

    See question 4

    How long has one resided in Haelun’or?

    See question 3

    Will you place the wellbeing of Haelun'or and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?

    Any true Mali’aheral would in a second. Why this is not on the citizenship application baffles me.

  10. Galanthil approaches the noticeboard holding a wrinkled paper and a large blob of some horridly smelling, sticky, oddly coloured substance.  After multiple -failed- attempts he is able to get what is left of the substance to hold the wrinkled paper at the bottom of the noticeboard. After admiring his fine, disgusting work for a few short seconds gally trudges off, leaving the mess for "lucky" citizens to see.

    I need dors dores doors . Bring them to my casel casle FORT. -Galanthil

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