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Posts posted by shay

  1. Galanthil Maehr'indor, upon roaming within the depths of his basement hovel lets out a guttural scream, the likes of which could be heard all the way in Providence as the news of his forced un-retirement finally hits the irritable elf.

    "I blame myself, truly."

     He echoes to the unfortunate Aylon who was evidently being forced to keep his great-grandfather company

    "Surely, had I been nicer to that imp of a Maheral he wouldn't have forced his hand and thrust me back into the political landscape. How many times must I echo that I was retired to our populace for such a statement to sink in? I must go tell Henry at once."

    Galanthil sighs, nearly sprinting out of the Elibar'acal house to find his beloved chicken.

  2. Elizabeth the murderous servant sheds a single tear over the sudden news, her hopes and dreams of Empress slaying shut down by a single pair of boobs. “The humanity of it all” she cries out before heading off to find a new life-purpose



    You mean to tell me my good friend Dream and my good friend Herathus are the same person? I’m sooooo shocked by this information. Not sure what I’m going to stress over in vc’s now that I don’t have to worry about calling you by the wrong name, but I salute you my good sir.





    𝓚𝓸𝓿𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓿'𝓼 𝓚𝓷𝓲𝓽 𝓚𝓸𝔃𝔂'𝓼

    A Tuvmas Special







    Saint Tobias’ helpers were busy in the night, working hard to help spread Tuvmas cheer to all the good children in sight. His Village has sprung, and with it many a’ Tuvmas shop, hurry in quick before it all goes “pop”. 

    The heart of the village calls you near, with bells and bobbles for all to hear. Come one, come all, come gather round for Tuvmas jingles aren’t the only sound.

    A SALE I say on Tuvmas apparel, it would be a shame if you missed this opportunity to wear-el. So dear  reader, I present you this festive delight! With only five Saint’s Days ‘till Tuvmas come get them before they take flight!


    Empress Anne Tuvmas Sweater


    ((steve skin))



    Red Wreath Tuvmas Sweater



    ((steve skin))




    Tuvmas Tree Knit


    ((alex skin))



    Frosty the Snowman Knit


    ((alex skin))



    (( Shoutout to @Fiiieee and @DahStalker for setting up Santa’s village in the Providence bank (although really thanks to Fie, Papi and I just provided moral support) Now, you too can sport a stylish Tuvmas sweater for 10 mina if you come on down to the village! Also I'm not Dr. Seuss I know the rhymes are horrid it's okay ))

  4. Sup gamers


    I bought a new ipad for uni and art - super cool whoop whoop, but also super expensive so I’m spitting out commissions like I’m santa on the 25th of December right now 


    What can you commission you may ask?


    Hoh hoh hoh do I have some super cool wow spectacular art for you! 



    Super cool and wow, I know.


    Now, you may be asking : but Grandpa, how do I commission you, and do you do any other art?


    But fear not my sweet summer child for I have answers:





    Information on other commissions  (like maybe a SICK nation wax stamp) and my gallery (which has a lot more than just chibis): https://grandpablue.weebly.com/ 


    Contact me on discord!: Grandpa Shay#1084

    I asked my mom to rate my commissions but she said no (she didn’t actually say no, she’s asleep right now but we’ll look past that) - I still think they’re super rad and cool and can be finished in a day!

  5. VkXlPuDEhUcn0CmoRt-jYw422-PVpz3uRYicJLzKvnAEbEDYtn9U-whvwUpY4cw-izOYmcwEQpZoYW4XZCEyxeIN7LKv4GYSzP0eKhA48KeM7HW6MNUUADZX-u-6k3uEMxz0HWoA


    To be published upon the death of Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal




    Oblivion does not frighten me. The threat of being forgotten does; the idea of merely being left to the insects roaming beneath our feet is an incomprehensible fate for any ‘thill. We all shall die, that much is certain, however it is the nature of death we must loom around. If this parchment is gracing the eyes of beings other than myself, it can be well assumed I have been forced to face oblivion myself. A strange sentence to write indeed, however despite our rather extended lifespans we mali’thill too must eventually face the cold grips of death herself. One can hope that I passed peacefully, no reservations, old and comfortable somewhere surrounded by a plethora of beets. I hope to watch my son grow old, I hope to have more sons to watch, perhaps a daughter. I hope.


    I write this in a spot of hesitation, animosity. The teachings of Larihei are being brushed aside. Her children have been failing of late, her influence, the influence of the Maheral waning. I hope when this parchment reaches the light of day such a narrative no longer applies within our walls. I hope. It is strange to reflect on your teachings, your impact, when you are blatantly unaware of such. Thus, I choose not to. I choose to instead reflect on the good that has fallen upon my blessed life. 


    Maheral Elervathar. First and foremost I would like to thank you for the trust you bestowed in me to uphold the teachings of the Maheralan before you, and Larihei herself. As I write this, I hope your teachings truly reverberated through my being, allowing me to further distribute the word of the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya through the children of silver. If I have failed you, I am deeply sorry. Oblivion does not scare me, but tarnishing your line, your wisdom. I can think of no worse fate. 


    Maln. A title held by so many, yet so few. I feel no need to name particulars, you know who you are. I truly hope I outlive you all and this portion is irrelevant, I  hope. However, I am grateful for your influence, your patience. I am grateful for the consolation, the unnecessarily long conversations to soothe my ego. I am sorry for the outbursts, the lack of empathy. Most importantly, I’m sorry for the teacups.


    The Golden Owls. There are too many of you to mention individually, and I anticipate upon my demise you’ve heard the goings on of my brain far too many times. My love for our nation is indescribable, such is truth. I have oft touted that there is no greater bond than the bond which ties the mali’thill to our blessed bastion. In that festers my greatest lie. There is no greater bond than the bond which ties me to you. Acting as your Matriarch, watching you grow, pester, make mistakes, has truly been an honour. For that I am thankful. Theris will lead you well as Patriarch and, with some luck, shall share the same sentiment as I.


    Finally, Luavyn. Mayilu. If this reaches you I am disappointed. One would hope that we went out together, your rampant babbling pushing me past that final point. If, by some chance, you outlive me let me state this clearly; 

    If you remarry I will haunt you.


    With luck, this parchment will be shoved in a stack of many. Lost, forgotten, and replaced by some final testimony, drafted by myself sometime within my eight hundredth year upon this realm. However, in the chance that this is released, I would like to echo the words of my ancestors, “sacrifice is the first step towards purity.”

    Oblivion does not frighten me.

    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. 





    Maheral, Azorella Elibar’acal





    “This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening.” 

    The words kept echoing in her mind, her eyes rabidly focusing upon Adeline. Her peer. She called her here to apologize. She was supposed to apologize.

    “You’re dreaming. You’re dreaming. You’re dreaming.”

    Despite the incessant ramblings within her mind, Azorella’s body crushed under the impact of the attacking creature. Guttural screams spilling from her mouth, the events leading up to her untimely demise continually playing in her mind.


    “She told me she was sorry, she wanted to apologize. She lied. SHE LIED.”

    With the minimal strength left within her frail body, the Maheral mustered her last line



    With that, she drew cold. Her purple-blue eyes fading. The once boisterous Elfess silenced in one blow.

    “Oblivion does not frighten me.”



  6. fxdzwIs4jGLWw-RXL4XINpkeFeK8Uc-9gzIsYxu8a8lcLy1hUvlTLmZfL8Etj_07bo4zqMWLDG8_xMu3O8xQkr4SjBR_-UibxzMeYRIypDGrJLWjYwBcttdCG8c5tuhAaQGEKMMx




    From the office of the Maheral

    Issued this 8th of the Amber Cold, 1767




    Maheral Iaria Elervathar established elheial’lauriran - a council of the most highly esteemed members of mali’thill society to lend their opinions to the Maheral on matters of culture and the preservation of tradition. Given the intended influence of the institution and its relative obscurity thus far, the responsibilities and intended purposes of elheial’lauriran will be clarified by this document. Members of elheial’lauriran shall include the matriarchs/patriarchs of all active Talonnii of the city who must be present for meetings or send a surrogate from within their Talonnii. Malauriran may choose to participate in meetings and votes of the heial’lauriran at their leisure. Meetings are to be presided over by the Maheral and recorded by their Maelunir. Members of the Diarchy, elheial’thilln, or elheial’lauriran may bring draft legislation before the heial’lauriran for consideration and debate. Each member of the heial’thilln may then decide whether to endorse or reject the draft, and may also have their arguments for or against entered into the public record upon request. Once endorsed by a simple majority of lauriran, a draft shall be considered endorsed by the heial’lauriran as a body and elsohaer and the members of elheial’thilln shall be obligated to meet and consider the proposal and to publish a public response passing or rejecting the legislation within three elven weeks.


    With that much said, it is stressed that the pursuit of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya is of utmost importance, and it follows that stagnation is to be treated as a serious threat within this blessed bastion. Members of elheial’lauriran are expected to be exemplary pillars of  society, shining beacons for those who require guidance. It has come to our attention that some within our ranks have fallen beneath such a standard.


    It has been noted that the Aldin Talonnii has seen a sustained lack of presence within our walls. Their patriarch Goan Aldin, their sole representative, seldom leaves the comfort of the expansive Aldin abode. As a result of this stagnation, Goan Aldin will be removed from the heial’lauriran and the Aldins are henceforth stripped of their right to claim Talonnii status.


    In contrast to the decline and stagnation of the Aldin Talonnii, now shall we recognize the vibrant activity and dedicated service of another bloodline of the Silver State. The Maehr’tehral bloodline shall be elevated to Talonnii status, their patriarchy and representation on the heial’lauriran being vested in the esteemed Nelgauth Maehr’tehral.


    The Lauriran of Elheial’lauriran

    As of 1767

    Aiera Sullas

    Anethra Uradir

    Azorella Elibar’acal

    Dele Seregon

    Iatrilemar Elervathar

    Nelgauth Maehr’tehral

    Sulraell Visaj


    This list is subject to change.





    Maheral, Azorella Elibar’acal

    Maelunir, Acaele Lazul

  7. Azorella stifles a laugh, her eyes glancing over the notice before the Maheral once again tosses the parchment from her second-floor office “it appears the Uradir has trouble reading” she hums before returning to her work 

  8. fxdzwIs4jGLWw-RXL4XINpkeFeK8Uc-9gzIsYxu8a8lcLy1hUvlTLmZfL8Etj_07bo4zqMWLDG8_xMu3O8xQkr4SjBR_-UibxzMeYRIypDGrJLWjYwBcttdCG8c5tuhAaQGEKMMx




    The Maheral’s address to the Blessed Citizenry of the Silver State of Haelun’or

    Issued this 14th of the Deep Cold, 1766








    Most Blessed, 

    It has come to my attention that, despite my labours preventing the engagement between Miss Evelon Faeliel and Mister Muriel Uradir, the involved pair are scheduled to marry this Elven year. 

    The union between Mister Delos Telperion and Miss Nuala Uradir connected Miss Faeliel and Mister Uradir through their respective familial trees, therefore making them but second cousins by marriage.

    I ask, as your Malaurir: Have we become so desperate for unions within the blessed bastion that we are willing to look past the roots of otherwise pure familial trees? Have the Uradir become so terrified of extinction that, despite the efforts of the seemingly fertile Okarir’mali, they are willing to further besmirch their otherwise proud and pure bloodline? Have we become so blinded by feelings and lust that we hold no shame in marriages similar to those held by the Valah?

    For our entangled Talonnii members, this is a pursuit for validation entirely by the means of an association condemned by your Maheral.

    The Uradir Talonnii must not tarnish the reputation built over so many years by the revered Kalenz Uradir. Despite the notable failures of recent members of the Talonnii, still too few compare to the distinguished Uradir. 

    The Faeliel Talonnii, however, while small and otherwise irrelevant, must not betray the memory and service of the late Gusten Faeliel.

    Although the imperative of reproduction must always be acknowledged, elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya must be upheld first and foremost. To allow this union to proceed is to accept blatant impurities within this Blessed Bastion.

    As is my duty as Maheral, no such acts shall be blindly accepted within the Silver State. Henceforth, any state support of the union of Miss Faeliel and Mister Uradir shall be revoked, the pair in question subject to mandatory re-education lessons.

    Emotions are no excuse to forsake the teachings of Larihei. Let this message reverberate, Mali’thill. Sacrifices must be made for the upholding of our blessed societal standards, lest we fall to the fates bestowed upon those lesser than we. 




    Maheral, Azorella Elibar’acal


  9.  YCDan5y.png

    "Sacrifice is the first step towards purity."



    -= Family Tree =-


    -= Physical Appearance =-



    The Elibar'acal tend to have golden hair and blue eyes, and a small physique. While one may not notice the physique to begin with, many would see that the Elibar'acal become slimmer with age, some becoming dangerously thin. Their height rests at about 5'9-6'0 for females, and 6'0-6'4 for males.

    Physically, they are generally very weak. Once in a while, exceptions emerge. An Elibar'acal may be born with silver hair. This is regarded as a sign of cunning for the Elibar'acal, and those who have silver/white hair have often followed this trend

    -= Personality =-



     In terms of personality, the Elibar'acal vary. However, the family itself is very strict, seating discipline and purity atop the agenda, liberal ideologies quickly crushed within the family. Strangely, though, they can be seen as very unorthodox. They can sometimes be found talking to themselves, they have very tight-knit bonds with friends and family, sometimes defending them past the point of logic.

     They are indeed a strange family, but a successful one nonetheless.


    -= History/Beliefs =-




    When the High Elves first bathed in the golden pools, they inherited an incredible thirst for knowledge in the arcane arts. One family of High Elves, however, gained the opposite viewpoint. They saw magic as a weakness, a liability which would restrict one's true purpose in life. They were the Elibar'acals, the Golden Owls of the Elves. In secret, they developed their own magical abilities which would negate the power of the Arcane that their brothers and sisters were learning. It is here that one finds the strange flaw in Fi'hiiran'tanya. To defeat magic, the Elibar'acals created their own, one that left them weaker than most other High Elves.


    At first, they kept it a secret. Rumors spread of the extensive family and their ability to defeat those who wielded the arcane, clerical, and druidic arts. They would keep to their towers, achieving no real feats in the years of Aegis. They merely perfected their art and their form, and married infrequently, and with strict requirements for allowing a mali'aheral into the family.


    Upon returning to the city for a third time, the families apparent anti-magic abilities have been lost to them. Instead, the family devotes themselves to the upkeep of puritan ways, while still toting their blatant anti-magic beliefs. Those family members not present within the city can be found living a more nomadic lifestyle, travelling throughout the realm with the Elibar’acal caravan.



    -= Etymology =-




    Directly derived from Elvish, Elibar’acal translates to Golden Owl  in the common tongue


    [If you've any questions regarding the Elibar’acals, please send me a discord DM. Grandpa Shay#1084]

  10. Azorella sits within the confines of the Elibar’acal manor, a warm hearth burning in the background. The elfess would sigh, flipping over the notice for what seemed to be the hundredth time, the weight of her assignment beginning to set in.

    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya” she mutters softly before reaching for a quill.

    There was work to be done.



    The following notice would be hand-delivered to every citizen of Lareh’thilln by a large troupe of Uhieran




        OF 1754

    Issued on the !3th of Malin’s Welcome, 1754


    Favoured Blessed Citizen of The Silver State of Haelun’or,

        ElHeial’thilln has been criticized as of late, the council itself sitting subject to heavy controversy and criticism. Your blessed Diarchy and the Silver Council will not sit complacent to these events and remarks. If we as a nation are to move past these recent taints  we must converge and you, our blessed denizens, must voice your thoughts.

    It is with this that we, your council members, summon you to a General Assembly of mali’thill within the next Elven day. We ask you to bring forth your thoughts, concerns, and general comments. It is only together that we may continue to progress and thrive as a nation. It is within your hands, children of silver, to bring forth the change you would like to see. 


    We shall remain prosperous. The blessed city and council of Silver will never falter. 



    maehr’sae hiylun’ehya


        signed by,

        Maheral Iaria Elervathar

        Sohaer Dimaethor Elervathar

    Okarir'mali Azorella Elibar’acal 

    Incumbent Okarir'san Aerendyl Lor’demar

    Okarir'tir Alaion Miravaris 

    Okarir'indor Uppori Visaj 

    Okarir’tanya Anethra Uradir


        [[Citadel, 8th of February, Saturday. 21:00 GMT / 22:00 CEST / 4 PM EST]]

  12. [!]

    The following notice would be delivered to every citizen of Haelun’or by the hands of small Uhieran children,  the notice itself smelling oddly of beets


    The Blessed Union of Laurir Azorella Elibar’acal and Luavyn Aldin


    Rejoice, citizens.


    We, the ever blessed, have found ourselves once more basking in the light of a period filled only by peace and tranquility.

    With that said, you, the denizens of our ever growing bastion, are owed a wedding.


    Let this parchment serve as a formal invitation to the union of the esteemed Azorella Elibar’acal and Luavyn Aldin. Both ‘thill members of prominent  and state-recognized talonnii. 

    The ceremony will take place within the walls of the ETERNAL library, within the Elven week.

    All citizens of Lareh’thilln are welcomed and expected to attend.



    Azorella Elibar’acal


    Medi’ir to the Okarir’mali


    Luavyn Aldin



    Following the notice, one would notice a rather colourful addition to the invite.



    The Grand BEET Ball


    Following the union, a formal ball will be held to celebrate the blessed beet, and the advancements made by Azorella Elibar’acal, pertaining to the beet. 


    The beet, and its effects, quite like this nation is everlasting and must be celebrated. 

    All citizens of the Silver State are welcome to come celebrate the beet, Larihei, newly forged bonds, and the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. 


    The dress code will be formal. The colours of apparel, reflecting the hues of the beet and the Aldin talonni, shall be red. 


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


    [[ooc information: the wedding will be held at 2pm est on Sunday, February 9, in the Haelun’or library. The ball will proceed directly after the wedding in the tavern. Get your red fits on gamers, a red wedding is coming.]]

  13. [!]

    The following notice would find itself in the hands of every occupant of the city Lareh’thilln.




    16th of the Deep Cold, 1750


    Rejoice, Mali’thill. 


    Your once construction ladden cihi is quickly transforming from a barren hazard to a warm, welcoming establishment. With the nearing completion of the city rehaul, we find ourselves once more fully inhabitable by all first class, mali’thill citizens.

    All those eligible by the previously stated standards who have requested a residence have been assigned to one of the following districts:





    Nestled in the heart of the city lay the district named after our prosperous Diarchy, namely Maheral Iaria Elervathar. Occupants will find themselves overlooking a bustling trade district during the day, but will find peaceful solace in their homes at night. Inhabitants will enjoy easy access to all pieces of the city, thanks to the district’s centralized location.



    Res. 1

    Elke Caradoc


    Res. 2


    Kournos Fuin

    Res. 3



    Res. 4


    Roy D'avre

    Res. 5


    Aerendyl Lor'demar

    Res. 6



    Effile Ker'Vulniir, Velulaei'Ilum 

    Res. 7



    Ariselle, Elsye Haler'thilln 

    Res. 8


    Nuala Dorberos

    Res. 9


    Evelon Faeliel





    Named after the great Maheral and founder of Haelun’or, Dio Astore, those lucky enough to be located here will find themselves still enjoying the centralized feel of Elervathar Avenue, yet they are introduced to a more private setting. The houses within this district overlook the remaining districts, an envious position indeed.




    Alrin Sul'Sumana



    Cinh'llytn Len'irrin



    Thoras Elyrion





    Named after yet another founder of Haelun’or, Ellir’siol, the inhabitants of this district find themselves in one of the most secluded areas of the city. The district home to flora, artwork, and a private yards, the families settled here will find themselves comfortable and content.



    Ellir- 1


    Muireal Aedonin

    Ellir- 2


    Naeri Maltac

    Ellir- 3


    Goan Aldin

    Ellir- 4


    Nerithil Valarieth

    Ellir- 5


    Alaion Miravaris








    One of the most illustrious districts within Lareh’thilln, the Visaj ward, named after Sohaer Dimaethor (Visaj) Elervathar, is home to the esteemed Talonnii manors, along with the Elibar’acal Block, and sporadic housing. Those additional inhabitants to the district will find themselves graced by easy access to the Eternal Library and square, along with the lower plateau elevator. 


    Visaj Ward


    Visaj- 1


    Mia Asclepius

    Visaj -2


    Valliline Yllasalor

    Visaj- 5


    Sabet Sythaerin

    Visaj- 6


    Ihnsil'ahril Avilum

    Visaj- 7



    Visaj- 9


    Silir Uradir

    Visaj- 10


    Ceruberr Asul'ailer



    Elibar’acal Block

    Apt. 1


    Amaryllis Taliame'onn

    Apt. 2


    Kinahen Athrilum

    Apt. 3



    Apt. 4


    Faelia Ayal'Athri

    Apt. 5


    Eliza Velleseth

    Apt. 6


    Irowennar "Irow" Elsinahl

    Apt. 7


    Travis Savoir

    Apt. 8


    Valens Ith'ael






    Azorella Elibar’acal



  14. fxdzwIs4jGLWw-RXL4XINpkeFeK8Uc-9gzIsYxu8a8lcLy1hUvlTLmZfL8Etj_07bo4zqMWLDG8_xMu3O8xQkr4SjBR_-UibxzMeYRIypDGrJLWjYwBcttdCG8c5tuhAaQGEKMMx   






    Blessed Citizens,

    We, the ever blessed have prospered in the face of adversity. We have crushed the threat of impurities that assault and threaten our very way of life. Why is that we, the ever surviving and pure organization of ‘thill are being plagued with complacency. Why is it that so few wish to see our community progress. A cihi once rampant with oem’iian finds itself barren once more. Now singular adult Mali roam the streets, contributing little and complaining often.

    Your Heial’lauriran are disappointed. Your Diarchy is disappointed.

    Larihei is disappointed.

    It is up to you, blessed citizens, to reverse this sentiment.

    No pure ‘thill can be satisfied by their lack of contribution in the form of offspring. Only ‘ata will stand content in their failure to progress the state.

    As Kalenz Uradir once said, go forth mali’aheral and produce crotch fruit.  The maehr’sae hiylun’ehya compells you.

    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


    Okarir’mali, Azorella Elibar’acal

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