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Ergent Seth

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Status Replies posted by Ergent Seth

  1. So ready to play Lord of the Crack tonight :D

  2. 2 days running without sleep. Shooting for three.

  3. Basically all my characters friends are dead, with the exception of Regaki who I never see and Lafthi whom I am constantly harrassing.

  4. Taking a break for a few days, family issues, yadda yaddy the works. Love y'all

  5. Well since everyone knows.. RIP Maeghan, I'll miss you. You were one of my good friends. *goes to cry

  6. On this momentus day, many for the first time beared witness to the grand and glorifying voice of the stud muffin himself: Repiteo

  7. Must...eat...attractive...female...who's a good RPer...

  8. 400 posts. meh.

  9. Chinese, yum.

  10. Chinese, yum.

  11. Steel Package it is then :)

  12. Being a slave is fun!

  13. 1) Do NOT update Minecraft. 2) Wait until the server leaves Maintenance mode. 3) You will be re-whitelisted. 4) Be amazed at Asulon

  14. At least...take out the wandering souls, for God's sake.

  15. This is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.

  16. I beginning to get bored of RP. When new map comes out im sure things will already be planned for me anyways. All i know is, is that im not going into any capital unless on buisness. So no housing for me anywhere. Only the Mage's........ le sigh

  17. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

  18. Since I'm trapped in The Void...I'm hanging with Iblees...I think Iblees should be a hot female Dark Elf.

  19. Will be gone until the 7th, will miss you LOTC!

  20. New years eve…. everyone is out partying, with friends and having a good time… Me, Im sitting here bored shitless, watching crappy tv shows and praying my VA gets accepted...

  21. Skins for new char done… Still need to write damn back story… and get a VA accepted.. Procrastinating sounds good

  22. Hello! If you are reading this, it means I have officially declared my account inactive. I am rather tired of LOTC and I am taking an extended, possibly permanent, break. Thanks for reading! Bye now!

  23. It is my great joy to announce that on the 22nd of Malin's Welcome, 1342, that my daughter Dahlia D'Avore was born

  24. WubWubWub- Why I love Secret Santa stuff? Now my Deadmau5 collection has doubled >:)

  25. What a waste of carbon molecules. Your 'superior mentality' disgusts me. Damned spawn of a defective sperm and a reluctant egg.

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