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Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

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Posts posted by Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

  1. 34 minutes ago, Angmarzku said:

    "You already have **** relations with everyone but Oren, utter mongrels. You also lack emotions, and you're mostly a dead nation." Said a passerby with a certain name.


    "Are there any other nations that actually matter?" Ac'Aelu asks to himself.

  2. A response is penned to one such poster, on a thick sheet of parchment with dark ink.


    "To whom it may concern;


    While the lack of my own name on your list does little but to discredit it, I must risk its addition in order to send this message.


    My name is Ac'Aelu Tinuvial. Prince of Norseth'onn, a city of the Dominion of Malin. A golemancer in fellowship to the likes of Lhindir and Kypris, so threateningly named on your posted documents. In fellowship to two golemancers that you will remove from your list at risk of dire consequences to the art you seek to protect.


    I will not be so bold as to threaten military action, or blood, or any of that overdone tripe, no. My course is simple.


    Should you damage, steal, or otherwise deface a golem of Norseth'onn, be it mine, Kypris', Lhindir's, or any other golemancer of my isle - Another elf of the dominion shall be taught the art.


    Should you harm one of them, I will walk into the heartlands of Oren and teach a human.


    Should your actions be repeated, so will mine.


    -Ac'Aelu Tinuvial."

  3. On 7/25/2016 at 5:16 AM, Zafael said:

    Sulan’sil Member



    MC Name: oppay

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): oppay48




    Your Name: Zafael  Ul'ilidith

    Your Race: Dark elfe

    Your Age: 18

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: yes


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: no but i want to learn.


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?: Yes


  4. 3 hours ago, thaddeus11 said:



    MC Name: Thaddeus12

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): Thaddeus Beadle




    Your Name: Magus Musi

    Your Race: High Elf

    Your Age: 250

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: No, but I hope to.


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: None, but im hoping to learn.


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?: I do, so long as I am with will.



  5. On 7/15/2016 at 2:28 PM, Owl said:

    MC Name: SirSpookyOwl

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): koolkatz999




    Your Name: Allanon Cal'mir

    Your Race: Wood Elf

    Your Age: 50

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: I live in a home in Norseth'onn, though I do not own it.


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: I have no magic.


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?: Yes, Yes I do.


  6. All accepted.

    18 hours ago, Anadunae said:

    Sulan’sil Member



    MC Name: Anadunae

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): LevitatedPotato




    Your Name: Asul'Seth

    Your Race: Mali'aheral

    Your Age: 24 ((I think))

    Do you own a home in  Norseth'onn?: No, I'd like one.


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: Nope. Willing to learn. 


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?:




    9 hours ago, Alreis said:

    MC Name: zenc0

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): zenc0




    Your Name: Alreis Faereon

    Your Race: High Elf

    Your Age: 57

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: Yes


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: No, but wish to be


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?: I swear on my life


    37 minutes ago, Creeperhelix1337 said:



    MC Name: creeperhelix1337

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): creeperhelix1337




    Your Name: Savos Corrin

    Your Race: Mali'aheral

    Your Age: 59

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: No!


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?: No!


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?: Yes!


    19 minutes ago, EdgyMagey said:

    MC Name: EdgyMagey

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged): I'll just PM  it




    Your Name: Evelangéline Avern

    Your Race: Elf

    Your Age: 186

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?: No what's that?


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?:

    Fire Evocation - Teacher

    Telekinesis - Teacher

    Mental Magic -Teacher

    Voidal Shifting - Teacher

    Arcanism - Master


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?: yes


  7. The Norseth'onn Grand Opening




    After three years of construction, the city of Norseth'onn has finally opened its gates. A hub of magic and thought for all the Dominion of Malin, the city is open to all elves who seek to further themselves and the world through thought and study.


    Built on the island of Celein after the Dominion's acquisition of it, Norseth'onn is ran by Ac'aelu Tinuvial and Titania Hawksong. Any questions or thoughts should be directed to them.


    Those interested in residence are encouraged to apply for the housing form, found below. Residents of Norseth'onn are the first to benefit from its inventions, such as the Arcane Familiar.




    Those seeking work should apply for the Silan'Sul, the aptly named Blades of Light. The order, named for their use of manablades, are the first to obtain access to the magical weapons of the city. They are also among the only people in all of Vailor to have access to the arcane blades.




    Golemancers and Transfigurationists should watch for the opening of the Aileran'elmasuleh - The Wizards of the Anvil. This order, based on scientific and magical study and advancement, exists to further the creations of the island. Until the official opening of this order, any interested should seek out Ac'Aelu Tinuvial.



    And in conclusion, all are invited to the Norseth'onn opening ball. This ball will provide an excellent opportunity for any who wish to explore the city and see its splendor.




  8. The Norseth'onn Opening Ball




    In celebration of the island's opening, a Ball will be held in the city of Norseth'onn eight elven days following this message.


    To get there, take the boat from the Cloud Temple docks. The boat is on the same pier as the orc vessel and the Resource Island vessel. Signs will be posted from there to the ballroom.


    All citizens and nobility of the Dominion of Malin, The Nation of Sutica, and the Empire of Oren are invited to attend. Personal invitations will be sent out accordingly.


    There is no dress code aside from a restriction on any hood, mask, or helmet that obscures the entire face (with the exception of Silan'Sul attire).




    Date: Sunday July 17th at 7PM EST


    Location: Norseth'onn Ball Room.

  9. Silan’sul - The Blades of Light




    Founded in 1566 following the Dominion of Malin’s acquisition of the island once known as Celein,the Silan’sul, The Blades of Light, serve as Norseth’onn’s military and guardforce. The order has an emphasis on the use of magic and magical weapons.



    I - About The Order

    II - Hierarchy

    III - Construct Division

    IV - Application



    About The Order


    The Silan’sul’s purpose is to protect and further the assets and goals of Norseth’onn. Generally, this will involve typical guard activities, as well as expeditionary tasks to help retrieve relics and other artifacts for study.


    A secondary purpose is to test the creations of island’s labs and scholars. Inventions such as the Arcane Familiar and the Manablade find use in the order.


    All those who are proficient in combat; physical or magical, are welcome in the order without discrimination. Training services will be provided to both those interested in physical or magical arts.






    Sil’ikurn - The introductory rank of the Silan’sul. This rank will comprise members of the order who are either untrained or untested. As the name implies, members of this rank will be outfitted with iron weaponry rather than the manablades that senior ranks are given.


    Sil’taynei - A step above the Sil’ikurn, Sil’taynei are fully introduced members of the order. On reaching this rank, members will be given a green-whisped manablade to denote the position. Sil’taynei who are interested in magic are also eligible for teaching, should a teacher be willing to take them. Sil’taynei do not have authority over Sil’ikurn, however.


    Sil’vallel - Sil’taynei that distinguish themselves as leaders will be promoted to Sil’vallel, and will be awarded a blue-colored manablade for their efforts. Sil’vallel have authority over both Sil’ikurn and Sil’taynei, and will often be in charge of trainings and small excursions.


    Laurirsil’ayalker - The officers of the Sulan’sil. Sil’ayal that are especially capable will be promoted to Laurirsil’ayal. In addition to their blue manablades, laurirsil’ayal will have a seat on Norseth’onn’s military council.


    Laurirsil’ibar - The singular head of the Sulan’sil. The Laurirsil’ibar typically wields a white manablade, but is permitted to choose any color. The laurirsil’ibar controls the military, and sits on Norseth’onn’s upper council.




    Construct Division


    Constructs of all sorts are used by the order. From Golems to Familiars, anyone skilled or interested in handling such creations are sought to assist in the creation and maintenance of these weapons.


    ((Anyone who wishes to play as Golem or Familiar of any sort in the Silan’sul are welcome to submit a specific application for one, however it is noted that playing one has some specific requirements:


    1 - You must familiarize yourself with the lore and/or guides for the type of creature you’re interested in.


    Familiars - https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/143143-atronachfamiliar-binding-guide/


    Golem guide will be posted when finished.


    2 - As stated in the guides, one such creation is bound to the will of its owner. If you’re interested in playing one, you must recognize that you cannot disobey or otherwise disregard your owner.


    3 - If you play a one of these creatures, you are bound to a perma-kill clause. If you go inactive or otherwise break a requirement, your construct is liable to be deactivated and thus perma-killed.


    The application to play a Sulan’sil construct is found below.))






    Sulan’sil Member



    MC Name:

    Skype (Not required but highly encouraged):




    Your Name:

    Your Race:

    Your Age:

    Do you own a home in Norseth’onn?:


    Are you skilled in any magics? If so, which?:


    Do you pledge to serve Norseth’onn, and the Dominion of Malin, with your blade? To defend ourselves and our ideals both here and across Vailor?:




    Construct Application


    MC Name:

    Skype (Required):

    Preferred Type (If familiar, state element):


    Have you read the lore/guide for this creature?:

    Are you aware of and agree to the PK clause?:




  10. Those exploring the island that was once known as Celein may notice a number of fliers adorning the in-progress settlement being built near the island's center.



    Norseth'onn, of The Dominion of Malin


    As per the terms made in the treaty between the nations of Celein and Sutica, the land formerly known as Celein was put under the control of the Dominion of Malin. Since the emigration of the previous residents and the deconstruction of the old city, the settlement of Norseth'onn has neared completion along the inlet on the island's eastern shores.


    Under the leadership of Ac'Aelu Tinuvial and Titania Hawksong, the city will continue the works of the Institute founded in Celein, and shall be a home of research and the application of it. Mages of all types, and Scholars of all sorts will be welcomed here to hone their crafts and assist in the discovery of new things, while even those of a less scholarly sort will be welcome for work in assisting them.


    The city will open for residence in a few elven days, and those interested in assisting with the creation and maintaining of the guardforce or the golemancy division, or even those simply interested in residence, are encouraged to send a word to Ac'Aelu Tinuvial or Titania Hawksong.


    More information will be made public soon.


    ((City will open on July 7th, when I return from a short trip.


    If you wish to contact me, my IG name is Combustionary and my skype is TheWafflian, either way works.))




  11. Just now, Dohvi said:

    After reviewing the evidence I've decided Darkdragon will not just be banned, but megabanned. And his team will be annexed by FM invaders. 


    Put your red soapstone on the Anor Londo steps in 1 hour. Password 'July'. No estus. No Estoc.


    We settle this like men.

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