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Posts posted by Tom_Whiteman

  1. MC name: Tom_Whiteman

    Character's name and age: Alrian/119y.


    Character’s Race: High Elf.

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/125674-alrians-ma/#entry1208722

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Second Generation Necromancy.


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: After the reign of the Undead, Necromancy dwindled among mortals. Few remembered how to do it, and those who did were incapable to use it. Wrothgar, an ex-Undead, discovered how to manipulate life force, cast it, and adsorb it. This form of Necromancy was referred to as, "The Second Generation." Naruntah'Jynx came by a tome, where he studied the new form of Necromancy. Both Wrothgar and Naruntah became masters, teaching students and passing on their ideals. 

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    The Connection to Necromancy...

    (Keeping the lesson to a short summary, just so the reader gets the main idea of the lesson and what this lesson would teach. Roleplay is saved for in-game.)


    Alrian would bring his student to his dwelling, the necromancer would tell his student the oath he would be sworn to if he decides to continue and become a 'weaver' (necromancer). If the student were to agree, Alrian would produce a reverse-tether and latch it unto the student, giving the student an above-average pool of life force to use. The student would now be prepared to continue onto his first lesson...



    This is the first lesson after the connection to the magic.

    (Keeping the lesson to a short summary, just so the reader gets the main idea of the lesson and what this lesson would teach. Roleplay is saved for in-game.)


    Alrian would bring his student to a flower bed in an isolated area. He'd begin to emphasize to his student that he/she must bring out the life force in them, using an abundance of focus. The student must picture their life force, and see that picture expand outwards (they can picture it any way they want, some students may do this through a more unique way). Through many trials and errors, the student would soon grasp on the basic idea of how to bring their life force out of themselves and into the physical world. The student's task would be to drain a single flower in the bed. After the student's success, they would learn the essential skill of draining life force from another organism. The student's homework would be to drain what plants or very small animals they see. 

  2. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: Tom_Whiteman


    How long have you played on LotC?: I've played on and off since October of 2011.


    How many hours per day/week are you available?: I'm available practically every day, however, if I were to give an estimate I'd say a good 7 hours every week would be put into the MAT alone.


    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?: Yes I have, I've written and read magic lore, I believe I have an amazing grasp on it.


    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?: Shamanism.


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: I was on the Event Team for roughly a month or more. But aside from that, no, I have not held a staff/lead position.


    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team: Yes I do! thomascovey1181.


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: Nope, never have I gotten one the time I've been doing magic.

  3. MC name: Tom_Whiteman

    Character's name and age: Alrian (goes by many names), 117y


    Character’s Race: High Elf.

    What magic/s did you learn?: Necromancy.


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Cneyele taught me necromancy throughout the course of many months, the general group of necromancers also making sure I understand the lore.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:


    Second Generation Necromancy - A dark art which uses the user's life force as a fuel for spells/curses/taint. The user gains life force through expanding their own and draining living objects. 

  4. MC name: Tom_Whiteman

    Character's name and age: Zogrocka, 353y


    Character’s Race: Uruk

    What magic/s did you learn?: Lutauman, Elementalism.


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: First learnt Elementalism from Boogerbuster, later self-taught under multiple overseers and the shaman council. Learnt Lutauman through trial/error, communication with older shamans (ICly), and communing with other spirits.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned:

    Elemental - A form of shamanism which involves communing with elemental spirits and manipulating the elements. 

    Lutauman - A form of shamanism which involves communing with the ancestral spirits and harnessing blessings.

  5. MC name: Tom_Whiteman

    Character's name and age: Zogrocka, 353y


    Character’s Race: Uruk

    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/92002-zoggahktusks-ma-elemental-2/

    What magics do you desire to teach?: Shamanism -> Elemental. Shamanism -> Lutauman


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic:


    Elemental - A form of shamanism which involves communing with elemental spirits and manipulating the elements.  

    Lutauman - A form of shamanism which involves communing with the ancestral spirits and harnessing blessings.

    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student. (Do note, we will be contacting aspiring teachers for a quick interview, to try to better gauge your knowledge and understanding):


    The first lesson would stretch along the course of many days, the student spending many days with his/her teacher in attempt to connect to the elemental plane. After multiple (results vary) attempts, the student may finally connect and begin his exploration with his master, delving into the Old Blah and ancient lore. He may run into a spirit, however, his second lesson is creating a pact with it.

  6. "Yur Rex lozt da klomp fir hiz Rexdom dub timez. Rix fell ovah agh flatted himzelf. Latz fullow agh nubded dark shomo, kub." Grogmar retorts at the Rex's dog "Agh mi nub shayr mi landz wid whytewuzh skahs. Peep latz ad da wagh.. Kubbie." He grins, lifting up his carbarum warhammer and getting his carbarum armor ready to steamroll the Rexdom of 5 Orcs.


    Zogrocka would smile, the spirits themselves allowing him to walk freely on the lands, for he has been cleansed by them. Grogmar is just committing moral crime, not upholding honor. :D

  7. Zogrocka'Rax, The Rex, would hike the Savanna region of his War Nation, all but unaware of the Azog's daunting offense.


    [[Gotta deny conquest and a few of these rules, would like to change many things around before I accept this.]]

  8. Kol'Ordan raises his hand "Mi agh Chokobu whur Hu's ryght agh lebt hund bruddahz. Wuld dat nub miin dat azh uv uz wuld tayke hiz playze?


    "Hu-din had nub playz en dah Urukz, hi wuz juzt ah runt, yedt hi wuz trynna overthruw mi kommand on da bruddahz."

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