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Posts posted by Pliz

  1. Denied

    • I couldn't really understand what you were saying...
    • The bio should be more descriptive, telling why his parents died, where he used to live, ETC.
    • If your character wants to be a warrior as one of his ambitions, why doesn't he respond to the bandits in the forest, and walk away?

  2. Accepted.

    Make sure your character traits will also influence your character in bad ways, Like being curious or sarcastic.

    Also remember not to think of this "God" as the god of Aegis in OOC, make sure it stays in character, and isn't based off any real religion Gods.

  3. Denied.

    I don't see enough weaknesses in your character. I know he can go into rages, but a lot of orcs do that, and it's more a life-style than a weakness.

    Your character is a little too powerful, considering how he can pull out walls, trees, etc, yet can still be smart, and use an axe, bow, and swords.

    Please wait 48 hours to re-post a new application.

  4. Well, Other than the fact that you are accepted onto the server anyway, I'll accept ya!

    Just make sure the "Healing" uses non-magic, unless taught otherwise by an approved guild/figure.(IE: Mages Guild)

    P.S. You don't really need to post in App Submissions if you are accepted, I suggest posting in Lore.

  5. Denied.

    No definitions of Meta and Power-Gaming. You may search them up, as long as they are in your own words, and not copy-pasted.

    Your biography does not give us enough information about your character, and why his ambition is what it is.

    The Open-Ended questions could be expanded as well.

    ~Please wait 48 hours to re-post a new application.~

  6. Pending

    It's an AMAZING application. I just need you to fix two things. Your meta-gaming description was hard to understand, (wording) and the definition of Power-Gaming we are looking for is wrong. Look for the RP Power-Gaming definition, Not an RPG definition.

    Please PM me when you are done~

    EDIT: Alright, Your power-gaming is still wrong, but I won't hold you back for it. I have PMed you the correct definition.


  7. ((I just love how other villains throw up acts so often to take down other villains XD I love having fun trying to finger other villains, and being us villains are so friendly, we dun rage about it :P))

    ((Yeah, but this one is true, and my character just did not like what the man did, as he felt we should've been the one's pursued, not the child.))

  8. Tylos reads the notes and gasps. He then puts up his own:

    "What? Who could do such a thing? Please, please tell us who was the guard with Gideon. I hope Braxis sees this...this can't happen again, it's just horrible.


    *Another tattered note is attached to the one left.*

    I'm sorry, the man had armor on, I could at-least see Gideon's face.

  9. *Many notes are pinned on the Galahar noticeboard. Each of these notes read:*

    Greetings.. Fellow people of Aegis, What I am telling you about today, isn’t for the light-hearted.

    A couple days ago, Something happened at the Keep. I should know.. as I was part of it.

    Some... er... ‘Comrades’ and I... took a man hostage. You may know him, Throdo Therving. We were looking for money, yet the guards somehow found out. They come down, telling us to open the gates. This would be a death sentence, so I refused. The guards eventually broke into the gate, and I slipped away, running outside the keep. I stayed close, hoping my friends would come out alive. As I stood near the closed gates, A child, who was with us when we took Throdo hostage, appeared at the gate, trying to get out. Gideon and some other guard came up behind him, yelling at him for ‘killing’ Throdo. I knew the child couldn’t have done it, for he was but 13. The child pleaded to them, telling them ‘Bayde’ did it. I was later informed, Bayde certainly did it. They decided this 13 year old would pay for Bayde’s crimes, and killed him. ((Not perma =3))

    The point of this note, pinned here on the message-board, is to inform you, the people of Aegis, of what Galahar will do. The boy didn’t do any harm, he was only curious, and followed us. Galahar took pride in killing this child, which disgusts me. Why not bring the people who really need justice, like me, or Bayde, or the other one with us to execution, Instead of taking a child’s life! I’m disgusted at Galahar’s guards, they need to be stopped.

    Yours Truly,

    Bradford Plizga

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