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Everything posted by Crowly

  1. In honor of Valentines day, my brother is getting married in Skyrim XD

  2. Thanks! She's excited to be out as well. And I'll work on that.
  3. Hey, I don't need to impersonate one of your members anymore. She escaped herself XD Also, I am interested in joining as well. I don't care what you would have me do. My character is (if I can ever get the lore approved.) a lizard man alchemist who can sense heat (not through walls) and taste the air. As such, I'm pretty good at tracking people down.
  4. ((Sorry. All of that was ooc. Please place imaginary parentheses around everything said)) ((Also, if it helps your decision at all, It will be a bad impersonation, not reflecting the true group in any way.))
  5. Hey, quick lore question, are there even hints of this group in game? Maybe whispered rumors of a group behind the government? I'm asking because I would like to impersonate one of your members in a clever plan to free my friend. However, I can't do that if nobody knows of the group's existence. I haven't looked at the group's member list, so I couldn't even tell if I was talking to one of your members, thus adding to the suspense.
  6. [Yeah, and Winfield Scott was the ORIGINAL general of the Union. After he and the next two generals messed everything up, they hired Grant. You're argument is invalid.]
  7. You didn't mention me. Am I accepted or denied?
  8. Recruitment Application Minecraft name: Voodoodoodoo6 Character name: Crowly Brief Character History(minimum of 6-7 sentences): I was born to a ranger and his wife, who raised me not only in the ways of combat, but also in diplomacy. My father was killed by the Wardens during a confrontation between the two military groups, though he never bore any grudges agains the other group. When the men who turned up to tell my mother of the bad news, a group of vardens assaulted them while I was away and killed my mother. I was raised by my uncle until I was 18, when I left and continued my training alone in the forest. My only goal was to join the rangers and bring peace between the two groups. My goals, however, were not to be. When I attempted to join the rangers, I was turned away over the simple issue that I refused to ask people to remove hoods. I felt that this was an unnecessary harassment of the people of Oren. So then I set out in search of a new guild, and thought I had found one in the walkers. But unfortunately, they were still a young guild, and as such were not as serious as I would have liked, seeming to only find pleasure in goofing off and starting conflicts. After leaving the walkers, I traveled to Winterfell to pursue my passion for writing. I was in the process of saving up to buy a house in the town when I was introduced to this group, and here I am today. How much time do you spend on the server?: It depends on the day. I try to spend 2-3 hours a day, if not more, but it is usually broken up throughout the day, with the most time being dedicated during the late evening to night. Race: Human Will you be a Knight of Aeriel or Archer of Aeriel?: I would prefer to be an archer. Your goals/ambitions in the Knights or Archers of Aeriel: To protect the innocent and defend the people from the undead. Good deeds you have done?: I try my best to help all in need, even if it means risking my life. I’ve defended people from robberies as well as from undead, but I’m also willing to give them food if they are in need of some. Have you done any bad deeds?: Everybody slips occasionally in their walk with Aeriel. I’m sure I have at some point or another, but not often enough to commit to memory. Are you against the undead? explain why.: I am against Iblees. The undead are just poor confused souls which have been drawn into his snare. I will not hesitate to kill an undead, especially if they threaten any other living thing, but I do not hate them. Do you have faith in Aeriel and will tell of this to others? Please explain why.: I do. He has helped me in times when it seemed as if I couldn’t make it through alive. He has also blessed me in my journey and led me here. I am proud to tell anybody who asks who guides me through my life. Edit: This is the app for the protectors, so if I need to submit a new one, please tell me. Also, I still wish to be an archer, even with the new options.
  9. I think the main thing that is hindering our progress at he moment is the fact that the server has yet to update. Once it does, however, we should have plenty to do.
  10. Oh, hey. Alright. Well, I might not see you that often then, as that's 4:00 in the morning where I am. What time zone are you in? What time does tuktuk get on? Also, What should me and Brandon be doing until we have more stable leadership? Should we just train?
  11. Hey, I talked to Brandon today, and we were both wondering what missions we are able to do? Or should we just train for now? I mean, I don't mind, especially with this new addition of (stupid) stats.
  12. Hey, what time do you guys get usually get on?
  13. And I'll join the nightwalkers, if that's okay.
  14. Yeah, sorry about that. It was late at night when I found it and I didn't even think before I started doing stuff. After a while, I realize what I was doing. I'm so sorry!
  15. I've found the fort and am working on some of the landscaping.
  16. Beware the hoods!

  17. And Rocktoke, I'm the guy you spoke with last night.
  18. MC name: Voodoodoodoo6 IC name: Crowly Why I would like to join the Nightwalkers: I would like to join the nightwalkers for a few different reasons. It sounds like an interesting guild and it looks like it has potential. I believe it would be a good experience to join a growing guild to see and hopefully to help push through all the problems and hardships that come at us on the journey to becoming a great guild. Skills that I can bring to this guild: I can bring several skills to the walkers. For the night walkers, I can bring my knowledge of swordcraft and archery, as well as some experience in stealth and strategy. For the Day walkers, I can bring my knowledge of architecture, farming, and hunting. As such, I am willing to join either of the two groups, although I would prefer night walkers. But, if you need me in the day walkers, I am willing to do that as well.
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