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Posts posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. -Feels Special-

    I talk normal for a goblin :3

    But i can talk orchish. But i'm horrible at it :P

    As for the dumb orcs. Many new people actually just learn Orcish ((Orcs)) and stick to it. They are not stupid unless they write "Did u tocuh meh huamie" Then that is just a bit of a fail, Even for orcs :P Since it doesn't use the right grammar for orcish. (Actually thinking of writing an Orcish Dictionary))

  2. *Puts a note on the board*

    Hello Sir,

    If there are any positions left i would love to take the Farming or Hunter position. As hunting is a easy as killing a sheep with a diamond axe. So Farming i am not so experienced on it. As my knowledge of it is quite abundant. So these are the two jobs that would suit me. Contact me if there are any concerns by pigeon. ((Pm me))

    Thank you sir for putting this into consideration


  3. *Chuckles to Himself as he listens to the speech*

    He mumbles to himself "Letting an elf rule that is not wise is a mistake.. As maybe one day this will be me or the person next to me. That's why the orchish system is surprisingly better. As this man would be a nice person to meet, Learn how he copes with everyone hating him.

    *Walks away from the scene,Covering his face with his hood as he walks out of the area*


    Slave Contract:



    Will you, and always, serve your master loyally?

    I will.

    Are you aware that punishments may be given away freely as we shall please?

    As my master can do this. As i will tolerate them. No matter what circumstance

    Secrets given out will result in Death ((IC and OOC)). Are you aware? (Breaking this may result in a ban)

    As i know that, I will never spy on you or reveal who you are.

    Whom do you serve now?

    The Black Hand

    Whom do WE serve?

    You all sadly serve the Dark one.

    Which higher up power do you serve?

    I only serve the black hand. Unless a Friend of them i will not tolerate any undead, Just laughing at them for their stupidity

    ((This was IC aswell))

    Thanks for Reading


  5. MC Name GrimReaper98

    RP Name Falgor_The_Goblin<

    Why Do You want To join

    As Falgor likes the way he can make things called elixirs. He likes them very much as he grows on his skill. He is hoping that this will improve his skill and let him know more about the things he can use. And hoping they can cure his phobia of cacti. He doesn't like running in orc lands

    Your education

    Read and write fluently from spending 5 years in a library. Alchemy (Basic) Skills.

  6. *CoughFOAAREBANDITSCoughCough*

    So many Ban-reports on FoA cause every doowanger could join and praise the god "Aeiral" Because they said they could, Just happy they have disbanded :D ((No offence to anyone)) But maybe we could get a PEACEKEEPING order following Aeiral's word

  7. *You See a Note on the Gate*

    Hello fellow idiots,

    As you might not realize Aerial is not real. She was made to make sure everyone doesn't go to the fallen one for council. As you might be sharpening your blades don't. As if you're such a true believer you won't attack me and just ignore this. As i mean no harm this is just my opinion on these gods, My philosophy to be exact. I hope you were enlightened by this

    -Falgor The Goblin

  8. IG name – Falgor_The_Goblin

    MC name- GrimReaper98

    Timezone- GMT +11

    Which "job" you are applying for?- A adventurer or an engineer. ((Might want to be negotiator once app gets accepted and made)) You decide

    Why you would like to join- The whole reason of it being an Anti-Environment group sounds fun.


    Minecraft name:GrimReaper98

    Forum name:GrimReaper98

    What do you think are the top five things, that are most important in an application and why?


    The biography is a really important part in an application. As i've seen with apps 90% of them get denied because they write a 5 sentence biography. With the biography it sets out the guidelines of your character, meaning you HAVE to follow them throughout the server. This is an example of a biography that i found that had an error in it. "Once his leg was cut. The left leg was crippled for life" Then next sentence "After he walked to the temple" Since he just destroyed the last sentence by saying he walked and he was cripple. It proves he didn't read over it. And the biography needs to relate to the lore. As you can't be a 9990808 old elf or born in the Mines of Moria.

    2) Race Stereotypes

    Honestly i hate seeing an Elven archer or an Dwarf miner pop up in every second app. This makes the server repetitive and get boring. With the Stereotypes the only thing it shows that you haven't thought about anything relating to the character and half-hearted it. Though i won't care if it makes sense and it's unique. Like someone called Honeydew would piss off any app team member just reading that name and it's very unlikely for it to be accepted.

    3) Grammar!

    Grammar is a vital part of any application. Making it easier to read for the team and makes you seem like you're smart enough to role-play and understand the mechanics for it. As for the grammar it depends on the person and their mood. Certain app members will auto denied after 2 or 3 grammar mistakes. As i will probably be one of these people since grammar is vital and I hate reading over classmates work that you can't understand. And this is the exact same as reading a 3 year olds work to a mature persons work.

    4) The RP question

    If they don't answer it the app should be denied instantly. Since it makes people aware ((The app team)) Whether or not you have potential on this server. The question is a fairly simple question so people shouldn't miss it but people do. And games like WoW aren't really RP experience . So answer the question truthfully

    5/6) Non-RP skin and One worded answers.

    The non-rp skin is an obvious one. No one wants to watch a couple of Bob the builders running around burning things,But if the skin was suppose orc. It would create a terrifying atmosphere and brighten up the experience.

    The skills questions that are one worded are bad. Especially if you go "I'm good at everything" Just face it. Nobody's perfect. Plus characters with flaws are more enjoyable than the Jack of all trades characters which normally power-game anyway.

    Thanks you for reading this and i look forward to a response


  10. I was just wondering because i am thinking of becoming a slaver for my villian app. Yeah killing off your character would be funny because you escaped somewhere. I don't think it should be that drastic. Maybe they don;t get killed off till a member slays them and it's permanent etc.

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