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Status Updates posted by Dalax1257

  1. 8th aplication, lucky number.

    1. LaCabra (Soda)
    2. danic


      I believe its 7 thats lucky

      but oh well! :)

  2. 8th aplication, lucky number.

  3. Accepted :D

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Congradulations. Welcome to the 10% of Applicants who actualy get accepted.

  4. I did it!! Acepted!!!

  5. I was on D: My minecraft crashed

  6. Im back, just posted my ban appeal.. Its been a looong time.

  7. Metagaming/Powergaming, not filled? there were clearly words below the powergaming/metagaming line...

    1. CosmicWhaleShark


      You need to input definitions, not just describe them. The app team needs to know that YOU know what they mean. Adjectives tell nothing about the players knowledge of the terms

  8. Metagaming/Powergaming, not filled? there were clearly words below the powergaming/metagaming line...

  9. Metagaming/Powergaming, not filled? there were clearly words below the powergaming/metagaming line...

  10. Oh my lawrd how did you get a pic of my baby?

  11. Time for villan aplication, I need the format...

    1. danic


      Gotta wait 1 week after being accepted to post a VA

    2. Dante


      I thought it was two...

  12. Time for villan aplication, I need the format...

  13. Time for villan aplication, I need the format...

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