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Posts posted by Gwonam_Blaze

  1. Your application has been denied for the following reasons:


    - Your entire application lacks formatting and is difficult to read. Please split it in to paragraphs to make it more appealing and less of a pain to try and read.


    - Your definitions are mostly unacceptable; Your powergaming definition isn't quite right and the rest of your definitions could use more detail to let us know that you understand their meanings thoroughly. You can research the definitions any way you please but do not directly copy them from anywhere (use your own words)!


    - Your character is said to be 16, but the minimum age your character may be in your application is 18.


    - While your biography was pretty good and certainly contained enough lore, it just seemed to trail off in to another random event in your character's life rather than thoroughly explaining the one it is currently on. For instance, why did he visit an old lady for a day? Who was she? What happened between the events of the Orc attack and your character meeting Mason, and what lead up to Mason training your character? Who is his allegedly familiar sister who was never mentioned before in the bio? In general, try to give a bit more detail on the events that took part in your character's life rather than swiftly listing a bunch of short random ones that don't give us much story.


    - Your ambitions could use more detail or even an outright expansion. Wanting to become the 'best swordsman' in the land is by far one of the most cliche and boring ambitions used in applications. Perhaps add what he'd like to do after he reaches this goal.


    Honestly I did like your application, despite how difficult it was to read, but it needs a lot of work before it can be accepted. Just follow the advice I provided carefully and you should be able to easily improve it to 'acceptable' level. You may re-apply in 24 hours. If you have any questions, feel free to message/PM me!

  2. Your application has been denied for the following reasons:


    - Your definitions are extremely short and lack detail. Please expand on your definitions to show that you are fully aware of what they mean. Research them however you wish, but remember not to directly copy the definitions from anywhere!


    - Your bio isn't bad and is fairly original, but it is a little bland. Please give us more details on your character's life such as big events that have had an impact on her entirely. Also, while you're on the right track by using appropriate cities from our lore, Arethor was a city in Asulon; the realm we had left about 20 in-game years ago, meaning your character is far too young to have been born there and be 18 now. Either increase your character's age accordingly or use an appropriate location from Anthos (The realm we currently live in).


    - I'd like to see a little more lore used in your bio. You definitely had the right idea by using some, but it isn't really enough to tell us you've read the lore thoroughly enough. Just add a little more next time please. If you need help finding server lore, consider using our official wiki here: http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/


    - Your weaknesses don't really make sense and don't seem like real weaknesses. Please give us more details or add more weaknesses altogether. Keep in mind; A weakness is something that puts your character at a disadvantage compared to another character.


    - This is more of a preference, but will improve your chance of acceptance if fixed: Throughout the entire application, you have used little correct grammar (mostly lack of capitalisation). Please make sure that the grammar in your application is as pristine as possible.


    Otherwise, not a bad application. You may re-apply 24 hours after your denial. If you have any questions, please feel free to message/PM me!

  3. Your application has been denied for the following reasons:


    - Your definitions, though fairly accurate, don't demonstrate that you are fully aware of their meanings. Consider giving examples of their definitions.


    - Your bio is rather lack luster, providing only very basic information on your character's early life and doesn't explain much about him. What about him was a clear sign that he was a natural hunter, exactly? What else has happened to him in the time between his childhood and now? Please expand on your bio to make your character more interesting and provide more details on the character's life so we have a better idea of who he is and what he's done.


    - Your bio lacks any server lore. Please add plenty of server lore that appeals to your character (For instance; don't say he grew up in Malinor, the Elven capital, use an Orcish city from our lore instead). If you need help finding lore, use our wiki here: http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/ or try asking for help on the forums and in-game. Also remember that the current land we live in is Anthos, but your character would have likely been born in Asulon.


    - Your ambitions are very basic. Expand on them by telling us why he wishes to aspire to them and what he wishes to do once he reaches them.


    - Your weaknesses aren't really weaknesses. The Orcs have a curse known as 'Bloodlust' which causes them to, every so often, go on a furious rampage, making your character's anger not a weakness. Also, 'Sharks and Bears' doesn't really make sense as a weakness, as these beasts are predators to everyone. Please either expand greatly on your character's weaknesses to explain why they are weaknesses or add more that make sense. Keep in mind; A weakness has to be something that makes your character flawed when compared to other characters.


    - The link to your skin doesn't seem to be working. Please provide a working link or clear screenshot of your skin. If you are unsure of how to do this, consider checking out this thread:http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/51343-how-to-obtain-your-skin-screenshot/


    You may re-apply 24 hours after denial. If you have any questions, feel free to message/PM me!

  4. Your application has been accepted! Congratulations!


    An all around decent application. Definitions were dead on and mostly gave good examples! Your bio contained a decent amount of lore and was fairly original, even with the death of your character's parents. Your weakness could perhaps use some extension or you could perhaps consider adding more weaknesses altogether, but besides that your app was very good! If you have any questions, feel free to message/PM me, and have fun! A GM should implement you shortly.

  5. Oh boy, here you go, here's the 100 Mega Man themed sprites I made for LotC members:




    Here's some Gen V pokémon drawn as Gen I's (Very small, so I had to gyazo them):


    Joltik: http://gyazo.com/c609eda516b4368a6f30d6211dcc7f83


    Galvantula: http://gyazo.com/646cbd9f1ee89c29458e947a0888ed93


    Klinklang: http://gyazo.com/1b02a1fa969b63ea7b3d8c1bfbe3909f


    Snivy: http://gyazo.com/7b5a8f31511607d19945209f6173a8cf


    Also, here's a Mega Man 2 themed 'mugshot' of Vithquar (made only using the NES palette):




    This is just some of it though. I have a massive folder dedicated to my pixel art. If I shared it all, it'd make this page take up half the website's space, probably.

  6. Your application is denied, for the following reasons:


    - While I'm VERY pleased with the effort you've put in to improving your bio I cannot accept your application as the cities you have included are, once again, from Aegis, which is a realm have long since left and your character is still far too young to have been born in Aegis and be just 24 today. The realm we currently live in is Anthos, so please use cities and locations from here next time please.


    Other than that, your improvements were very good and I can see you're enthusiastic about being accepted! You just need to make the desired changes in your next application. You may re-apply in 24 hours. If you have any questions, feel free to message/PM me!

  7. Your application has been denied, for the following reasons:


    - Your metagaming and powergaming definitions are incorrect, and your roleplaying definition could use some work. Try researching their definitions, but remember not to outright copy them from elsewhere.


    - Your bio doesn't include any server lore and never specifically states any nations or kingdoms despite mentioning them so many times. If you need help finding server lore, use our official wiki here: http://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/


    - Your bio suggests that your character is far too 'Over-powered'; 28 is exceptionally young, even for a Human, to have mastered Blacksmithing, Archery and Swordsmanship.


    - The final sentence of your bio about your character becoming an 'Adventurer' is fairly cliche and very vague; be more specific about what sort of adventures he wants to embark on and how these affect his ambitions.


    - Your weaknesses aren't so much weaknesses as they are general concerns. Try to add something that could give him a disadvantage in certain situations, as well as perhaps combat.



    Please re-apply after 24 hours (after your denial here, not your post) and feel free to message me if you have any questions!

  8. Mcname:
    Forum Name:
    Skype Name:
    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications? 
    After my nearly 2 and a half years of experience on the server, I certainly think I'm capable.
    Why you want to be an AT member?
    I mostly wish to help new comers get on the right track and to accept those who show true dedication and determination behind their application in to the community so they can experience the immeasurable amounts of fun I've had on the server. I'd also like to help the AT clear through applications quicker so that souls have to spend less time waiting and the rest of the AT has more time to themselves. I can also spend a lot of the free time I have (which is usually spent doing literally nothing) finally doing something both productive and helpful toward the server, which is something I feel  I really should do after the years of entertainment it's provided me with.
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