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Kickstarted and Running

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Posts posted by Kickstarted and Running

  1. "For it is not to the defense of the Church of the Canon, that the High Pontiff calls those to, rather it is for the greater defense of humanity against those who worship Iblees. The fallen ones, and the Acerbites, all threats to humanity as well as the Church. I would not object to one denying a belief in the Almighty Creator, for it is in the times of war and death that humans must unite. Heretic or faithful, heathen or canonist, farfolk or raevir. I care not about your creed at this time. Unless it is that in the name of your heathenist faith you strike against the servants of the Creator, that is the time which I will respond with force against the heathen. I will rally the faithful and I will defend the Church, the faith, and the High Pontiff." The aged Abbot responds.

    "So nothing. Pretty piss poor."

  2. Humbert, the Vice-Chancellor of the Curia scowls "These imbeciles who call themselves soldiers do not understand that in-fact the High Pontiff only issues a writ against the cult, in no way commanding them to destroy this plague. Yet if we in fact did raise an army, the Pontiffacy would be accused of wanting war against humanity. I have not seen any absolutely idiotic soldiers groan and whine on warrants against criminals yet they scowl at these posters wanting to bring justice against cultists? Are they even true followers of the Church?"

    "And what if I'm not of your faith? What are you going to do?" Frederick retorts

  3. There's ore but it you need to go to the far away and obscure mines and travel for about 20 minutes to find an area that hasn't been touched.

    I think the server has anti-xray plugins too. I know we had one in Anthos, dunno if we have it still.

  4. (("One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them"

    The bold words are the correct words. I was correcting the first bold word where he had "bind" instead of "find". Bind comes at the end of the inscription.))

    ((Don't argue, he has memorized Black Speech. You will lose 8/8 times))

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