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Posts posted by Mercury199

  1. In addition to what Jazzy has presented I would like to bring to attention once more that lore is created for a purpose, if such lore in not followed, it lacks purpose. A great deal of "High Elves" play characters that a number of us see as lore incorrect. High Elves are not High Elves by birth. We fit into a mold, a category, if all High Elves are roses the 13 year old above bears the scent of a tulip.

  2. Your footsteps echo softly against the stone, the ring of Sillir's hammer ever audible as you make your way down the road. You come to a stop blinking once and realizing that something is out of place. Upon further Inspection your realize that the grass, once growing think and verdant, had been uprooted and tossed about. The pattern continues throughout the city. As you approach one of the pillars supporting the mage's tower you see a small note attached.

    "It is seen as indecent to allow stubble to for on ones cheeks, we have taken care of the matter this time. Do not let it happen again - Q&D"

  3. Kolyat reads carefully over the script. Post completion he pins his note below the document.

    May one nominate themselves, as so it appears I nominate myself on the grounds of my assistance in the creation of the referendum and my lack of engagement with others of the nominated, I wish to protect my family much the same as others of the nominated . Should a more complete and more formal explanation as to the other attributes that qualify myself for such a list one need but ask, and I shall explain.

    My second vote however is torn between two very capable elves. I believe it shall however ride in this instance with Ante'vuln.

    -Kolyat Alfakyn

    Kolyat nods solemnly after signing the document and walks away.

    (( will format when not on kindel))

  4. I can relate to your feelings ( being part of a unique roleplay niche myself )Though the method we have tried to keep true to, it to roll with everything. There have been points when we didn't but you're not alone. We know the feeling of getting raided six times in one day ( Thank god that has stopped :P )Sometimes unique roleplay is kind of taken advantage of. My suggestion, is to work out a way you still have fun, these people don't have to be your enemies OOC as well as IC. That is what I have found and it makes things go much smoother.

  5. ((Serva CAN get into the library, he IS a high elf. Half the people here probably cant get into the city or college, but dont just assume that we all cant.))

    (( Adding to that which has been added above, the only two who I have not seen in game that have written on this thread consist of, yourself and out friend with a talented bird ( sorry not meant to come of as cutting or rude to either of you) ))

  6. Not sure if a birth section will be added, seeing as that may get too graphic for the server's ways. I'll have to ask a GM about that, as the server is usually touchy on those sorts of things.

    I must apologize for taking so very long to reply, but here are my thoughts upon the matter. There is a way to role play births in such a way that they are not horribly graphic. Perhaps that would be the best course of action after such a discussion with a GM. Anyhow I still very much enjoy this guide. Keep up the good work.

  7. Frowning at the short response Kolyat decidedly removes the implements of writing, and in a most common fashion begins the construction of a literary note. The note reads

    " Any person or persons voting not in the positive for the implementation of such an referendum should state in irrefutably clear detail why they have taken such a standing. Any doing so should also, with great weight consider the action they have taken, for the strength of the argument behind the negative; is the strength of the argument fought, for the inclusion of the vote. "

    - " Kolyat Alfakyn "

    Kolyat steps back from his work looking it over, a single nod of approval dismisses him, and slowly he walks off, steps echoing through the stone city, as his feet gently fall against the surface of the stone.

  8. Kolyat flips through the letters one by one slowly, making sure he is alone, it is very late at night there is no reason he should not be. As he continues this task , a frown germinates in his lips growing rapidly across his face as he finished the final letter. Without meaning to, the words spill out of his mouth, cascading silently like a tear falling gently and softly plummeting to the stone floor only to shatter itself. " Perhaps one last hope, llir, maybe you are here, maybe through the clouds I can glimpse a star, maybe " he mumbles, and slides his letter out from it's spot placing it on top

    Dearest Lliran,

    These letters have been for an undesirably long period of time, stagnant, unchanging devoid of the breath of life we shall mark by the lack of youth in these letters. It brings a tear to my eye to think that the silent voices entrapped by the gentle scratching of parchment and quill, have faded. So I shall re invite them to enter my company once more. So please lliran of the silent whispers, the trust of the unknown in one another, fall silent not once more. To what though shall I aim my exhalation of life ? Perhaps a friend that I owe a great deal to ? Perhaps a soft and serene memory of a friend I have for ages missed. Perhaps both, we shall see.

    There was once a white haired woman who in our city did reside. I have heard what I would not doubt is her mention before in these letters. The inn was quiet that late night, a soft warm summer breeze made it’s way through the open doors, tussling our hair. She was uncontrolled, unrestrained in her expression in her unstoppable divulsion of herself. I talked little preferring to listen to the two women discuss the matter at hand, it was long winded and through much an emotional twist and gust the direction was ever changing though the encompassing destination remained constant. Her hair was a light blond oh what a common color but one I do find most pleasing. Though wrought with the tremors brought by the utter shock of emotional upheaval her voice kept it’s foundation, and what a sweet soft melody it is.

    A gift was promised next. A silvery circle alive solely in the velvety ebony of night. A lonely silver circle watching over, observing us as in the night we whisper the final words to our lovers before laying our heads down to rest. As we softly sing our children to sleep or tell them hushed stories to sweetly lay them to rest. Lilting melodies, a loving trick, and all that we do silently is observed. But how should one acquire such a thing ? The softly troubled spoken llir ventured a defeated melancholy answer “ One cannot “.

    I was inclined to believe, sip my wine let the bitter taste dance with sharp heels across my tongue. But a revelation spread across myself and I exclaimed softly “ I can bring you the moon “. Surprise quickly shaped to reason by the hand of an artesian well refined at her trade posed the challenge “ Then fetch it”. As I stood, the look from the other was quite clear, alarm. Her thoughts must have hammered as such in her mind; "How could this stranger to me know how to fetch the moon ? " As I lead them out to the court yard a soft smile spread across my face, the expression a whisper to the moon divulging all I was about to do, and in it’s radiance the moon smiled back.

    “ There it is “ I gestured slightly all attention, focus, pointing unrelentingly to the circle, the brilliant gleaming disc. “ There it is for you to enjoy, to bask in the light your’s to share, your’s to keep, but always you shall have the moon. “ a soft smile, one of hidden amusement, a silent revel hidden from observing eyes, subtle approval, these were my rewards. The moon however was not impressed it had seen a loving trick before.

    What the moon doesn’t know is that after ages passed, sunsets shared without a whisper, embraces that never concluded, I find that the one to whom I gave the moon has faded. As the warmth of the sun stricken stone under nights lonely darkness, fades so did she on a gentle breeze. Perhaps I could give once more that silvery disk, perhaps, oh if I could. For that other woman, the one who has not faded with the passing breath, the quickening of the step. She has remained, as a llir for which none could fathom to desire. So unto you my llir, I give the moon. Should you ever need see my gift. Let the nights soft rapture pull you in and the light bask you as you know the soft voice and lilting melodies that your llliran send on the lips of the silvery moon.

    - The nameless Llir

  9. In the safety of solitude Kolyat quietly deposits a letter his footsteps accompanying him from the college

    The arcs and lines crossing the page are familiar to that of a letter read not long ago, though this one just at first glance is obviously much greater in length, you begin to read

    Dearest Lliran,

    These letters have been for an undesirably long period of time, stagnant, unchanging devoid of the breath of life we shall mark by the lack of youth in these letters. It brings a tear to my eye to think that the silent voices entrapped by the gentle scratching of parchment and quill, have faded. So I shall re invite them to enter my company once more. So please lliran of the silent whispers, the trust of the unknown in one another, fall silent not once more. To what though shall I aim my exhalation of life ? Perhaps a friend that I owe a great deal to ? Perhaps a soft and serene memory of a friend I have for ages missed. Perhaps both, we shall see.

    There was once a white haired woman who in our city did reside. I have heard what I would not doubt is her mention before in these letters. The inn was quiet that late night, a soft warm summer breeze made it’s way through the open doors, tussling our hair. She was uncontrolled, unrestrained in her expression in her unstoppable divulsion of herself. I talked little preferring to listen to the two women discuss the matter at hand, it was long winded and through much an emotional twist and gust the direction was ever changing though the encompassing destination remained constant. Her hair was a light blond oh what a common color but one I do find most pleasing. Though wrought with the tremors brought by the utter shock of emotional upheaval her voice kept it’s foundation, and what a sweet soft melody it is.

    A gift was promised next. A silvery circle alive solely in the velvety ebony of night. A lonely silver circle watching over, observing us as in the night we whisper the final words to our lovers before laying our heads down to rest. As we softly sing our children to sleep or tell them hushed stories to sweetly lay them to rest. Lilting melodies, a loving trick, and all that we do silently is observed. But how should one acquire such a thing ? The softly troubled spoken llir ventured a defeated melancholy answer “ One cannot “.

    I was inclined to believe, sip my wine let the bitter taste dance with sharp heels across my tongue. But a revelation spread across myself and I exclaimed softly “ I can bring you the moon “. Surprise quickly shaped to reason by the hand of an artesian well refined at her trade posed the challenge “ Then fetch it”. As I stood, the look from the other was quite clear, alarm. Her thoughts must have hammered as such in her mind; "How could this stranger to me know how to fetch the moon ? " As I lead them out to the court yard a soft smile spread across my face, the expression a whisper to the moon divulging all I was about to do, and in it’s radiance the moon smiled back.

    “ There it is “ I gestured slightly all attention, focus, pointing unrelentingly to the circle, the brilliant gleaming disc. “ There it is for you to enjoy, to bask in the light your’s to share, your’s to keep, but always you shall have the moon. “ a soft smile, one of hidden amusement, a silent revel hidden from observing eyes, subtle approval, these were my rewards. The moon however was not impressed it had seen a loving trick before.

    What the moon doesn’t know is that after ages passed, sunsets shared without a whisper, embraces that never concluded, I find that the one to whom I gave the moon has faded. As the warmth of the sun stricken stone under nights lonely darkness, fades so did she on a gentle breeze. Perhaps I could give once more that silvery disk, perhaps, oh if I could. For that other woman, the one who has not faded with the passing breath, the quickening of the step. She has remained, as a llir for which none could fathom to desire. So unto you my llir, I give the moon. Should you ever need see my gift. Let the nights soft rapture pull you in and the light bask you as you know the soft voice and lilting melodies that your llliran send on the lips of the silvery moon.

    - The nameless Llir

  10. Kolyat's steps echo softly through the college adding an unsurprising and rather common undertone to the various conversations and interactions peppering the otherwise silent environment. But a moment he hesitates, the quiet heartbeat, the choice between isolation, or or his lliran. He dwells over the choice but a moment there, though hours after he chose to wander the college, meandering through the library appearing as carefree as the summer breeze, his thoughts in their winding twisting paths without fail returned to that same point. " Why did I chose to be alone ? " The words were as powerful as any blow. His utter disbelief at the fact that he had said such words made him shiver. But the point that weighed most heavily upon his mind, is why he had need ask them in the first place, but perhaps another could answer his concerns.

    Blinking he swung his head around, a strange expectancy that a blow was ensuing unsettled him. He was alone completely alone, solitude, then softly broken by a soft hum, a careless lonesome thread, waving gently in the wind. This told him in words unspoken, how the solitude would not have to be shouldered alone. That perhaps there was yet hope. His feet followed the soft melody, as if along a path already know, and to it's end he went.

  11. [ ohh this is such a beautifully written reply but I have to go for a bit and cannot write a proper reply just yet. So I shall reserve this spot ]

    As the two elves make their way quickly through the city, eager to increase the distance between the college and themselves. Kolyat turns his head casting his gaze to Vuln as they walk. His eyes betray his utter glee and merriment, a mischievous smile boast it's presence on his face, the look reflected on the face of his companion. They stop at a secluded spot, a wall facing the sea, the cool night wind brings a slight shiver down his spine.

    He looks around cautiously ensuring they are alone. He begins quietly but the excitement in his voice is unavoidable " Oh what great sport we have ! Though reason would suggest that as soon as the discovery is made, restorations will begin. Perhaps we need another distraction "

    A few silent moments pass before Ante'vuln's face takes on a most mischievous,complexion. She gently lays a hand on Kolyat's shoulder a slight gentle tug asking so subtlety for an audience with his ear. Obliging he leans slightly to the side allowing for the cupped handed whisper to be shared. The merriment worn upon Vuln's face as she begins, spreads like fire across paper onto Kolyat's. He bites down on his hand bending forward in an attempt to prevent the incriminating laughter building in his chest. He turns upward looking to Vuln laughter reflected in each others faces. After several moments he dares to speak doing so in a hushed whisper " But my Queen ! Would it not be better to couple the two ? We have more than enough webbing and the floor is not so large as to where we would " the peel of laughter interrupts his hurried speech and he bites hard on his wrist, tears of bliss now freed rolling don his cheeks. As he takes several deep and controlled breaths his gaze find Vuln, caught in a similar state. Under the moonlight their tears could be quicksilver, shed out of unadulterated joy. After a handful of breathless moments and many more gasping for air, they recover .

    [ post under construction not yet done ]

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