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Everything posted by emberhard

  1. Ok the new world is here, and we have a city to construct, did we ever get that charter up? if not we need to hustle on that, or we can also request a nation for room to build or city. bottom line we need some space, if not for the city but for us ravens to hang our hats, and re-group.
  2. I am requesting to name the ship after Mork Yohom, we still don't have a name for it, and I think he is very deserving of having the ship named after him. RIP Mork Yohom, He died in the Nether for his family, friends and Aegis
  3. found a place, started construction, my mc name is emberhard send me a raven in game for coords Also bring some wood, I am running out
  4. I shall search for a place to make dock then!
  5. on my way to the docks, I was just clearing the verge fort of supplies
  6. I am on, but I think we are going on a different boat, at least that what ogedi told me, but I would be very willing to make ourselves a boat
  7. Also all Ravens who have not done so, please sign this charter, its only really important: City Link
  8. * The fires atop Mnt Ultimum Stabit Light The Dwarven engineered doors open The Hibernating walls of fort Ultimum Stabit awaken with purpose *A not posted on the drawbridge Friends, it would appear we will be spending a small amount of time in the verge, This fort is open to house, feed and accommodate all WR, and all those who lived in Corvus Animas, feel free to makeyouself a home under one of the terraces. -Acting Base Commander Emberhard
  9. I am here, also if we want the new city to be a major political center for treaties etc. then we really need to go for that official city thing, how close are we to achieving it, or did we already?
  10. Are those the two gents that have their name on a house and have not actually done anything with it? Weather they even legitimately acquired it through the town is beyond me, they may have to be evicted.
  11. ((Well I put CA in front of my name (Corvus animas) but sense it is a white raven town it serves both purposes)) Also Corvus animas was recently taken over by the dark brotherhood, and then thanks to a great deal of help from the Relgraurd, Ducan, and the Vangaurds it was re-taken. However the DB are quite steamed about this and we may be able to expect retaliation. Unfortunately Mork is no longer with us, possibly dead, I have not spoken with him in a while, but that leaves open the spot for captain of the guard. On Another note: to all WR members new and old, remember Corvus Animas exists for you, so that you may have a home, and live among other WR, and other people. Your friendly neighborhood Mayor -Emberhard
  12. I think it would be smarter to go after the city charter personally, as we will need a ton of signatures for a nation, either way I will gladly throw in some minas
  13. why won't you allow it to be regioned? don't want it to be under the rule of a nation?
  14. Gents, pacifically ogedi, I suggest you take a look at this, it is very important for the furture of our city and indeed our guild: LINK
  15. perhaps we should begin the foundations of an assignment roster for the new world. I volunteer myself for setting up an early food supply/farm. (If we allready made one sorry, I have not been paying to much attention, or very active lately, holidays :wink: )
  16. hey Ogedi, you will want to check this out Guild List I would have gladly represented us, but I figured you would rather take charge of such matters. Also we may wish to think about revamping our forum post, I would suggest making a new one with the new world.
  17. OMG I've been watching you idiots argue on this forum for way to long! Use skype chat or something! I check this forum post to see if there is any important guild stuff going on and every day I se you two going back and forth. lol sorry, I had to snap :oops:
  18. So I am to understand that those are your builds? if so, good job, cheers.
  19. You gents don't need to be freaking out, the aegis keep is very safe, and if we absolutely have to fall back our verge facility is very good as well.
  20. YAY we upgraded, hopefully the new world is right around the corner, Im getting tired of waisting time in the current one.....
  21. we really need to step up recruitment, I could not help but notice that we don't really have much of a recruitment program, and or training program.
  22. Well thats disappointing to hear, it is literally a stone's throw away from Corvus, and the keep. Gents our home-front is now the battlefront, hopefully my strength will return in time.
  23. I am going to be out nursing my wounds for a while, For those of you who don't know Raven Hold was attacked today, I was one of the first people to respond!!!! I didn't last long lol, as I was also one of the few to respond!!! But yea sorry Relgard but I will be out of commission for a while. On that note, What happened to Raven Hold? Did we ever manage to keep it?
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