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Posts posted by 154684321654951

  1. A few things I wanted to clarify, draw light upon, whatever..

    In your bio you mention being enslaved, and I quote "I hated them for it". I'm not sure if this is referring to the slavers, or apes in general. Just curious as to where you were going with this. And secondly, by "the jungle" (referring to where you were raised) are you referring to the original island, or just any jungle. If you were raised on the original island, you'd likely been tought to hold a bitter hatred for all apes. Regardless, you have a nice app, one worthy of being accepted!

    Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have.

  2. I instantly recognized that as a metalbending police uniform for your first reference. Second? I'm not sure...

    For whatever reason Cerberus popped into my mind, but now I can see that it does look like Beifong's armour. Mass Effect has just been on my mind lately I suppose, also I may write a bio in the style of this one soon.

    Anyway, looks cool!

  3. Something I feel I should make a note of here. I see the biography as a role-playing tool, not a place for your character's story. Reading your character's story, while interesting, is an invitation to metagame. My character does not know any of that! Perhaps that would be better suited to a post on the forums somewhere, or an in-game book?

    Rather, I see the biography as a place to describe physical attributes, or other things that can be discerned by the eye on your character that are hard to represent on the skin. For example, you could include their height, weight, body shape, muscle mass, any important or key features they have, the way they carry themselves, etc. The list is very long, and I much prefer to see it used this way. For example, here are the "biographies" of some of my characters:

    Lily is a 6 ft 11 wood elf with waist-length, fiery orange hair hanging freely. She is a fit and athletic elven woman, while lacking in distinct body mass and muscle strength, being gifted with a lithe and nimble form.

    A young and slender elven woman, Talari wears her shoulder-length blonde hair loose, with the exception of two longer strands which fall over her shoulders and down her chest. She stands a tall 7 ft 2 and usually wears a faint smile, matched by her soft blue eyes. She usually wears a hooded cloak, with the hood sometimes drawn to obscure her face.

    Cyrial is an older elven woman, clad in the robes of the Sanctuary Monks. Her eyes are a soft, dim purple, and she carries herself in a calm and collected manner. She stands 7 ft exactly.

    I agree with you, but this way people can link their tome's worth of bio as well as having a little description for their character.

    Everyone is happy!

  4. Your application has been denied.

    A few problems.

    1) Your bio is 3 sentences, this is a bit of a problem as it tells us more about your mother and father than about you. I know it says short, but, make it a little more informative.

    2) You mention your character being able to persuade people using his eyes, or trying to at least. But, your character is 21, and I doubt it's at all acceptable for a mature Pantera to act cute like this.

    3) You're way to friendly in the first RP example. As a kharajyr you're raised to detest and loathe any thing that isn't a kharajyr. Unless you can explain why you'd be sympathetic towards a human in your bio this'd need to be changed.

    4) I can't see your skin, just post it using another link.

  5. For me, game of thrones has some of the best music. Season two in particular.

    Meeting people:


    Travelling at night:


    Before a sacrifice for the bloodmoon: (Kha' know what I'm talking about)

    Sad, aftermath of an event music:



    Vale music:

    Heroic music:



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