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Posts posted by 154684321654951

  1. A few problems with your otherwise good application:

    - You never mentioned your age, this is kinda important for kittens.

    - Would you mind fixing the format of your skin, providing a 3D render rather than the image?

    Fix these and you're accepted.


  2. *A piece of papyrus hangs on the side of a tree near the palace, it reads*

    To the strong and fierce of the Kharajyr,

    On the horizon lies a grand tournament for all those who would enter. It shall take place in the arena which sadly has recently become barren. The fights will last two rounds, a warm up round with fists and claws, and a second round his wooden training swords.

    Once a roster has been formed, a fair prize will be revealed by the Aelkos. Should you best all others in the arena then it is yours. To enter and join in on this event sign your name and title below. Should you wish to learn more, contact Ri'Dato.

    *A roster has been quickly drawn up*

    First round

    Kija vs Karthorn

    Makiit vs Kirilenko

    [ Once we get a fair amount of people to fight I'll decide on a date for the event, which may span over a few days. In your post, should you be joining, let me know what works for you so I can get a feel of where everyone is. Also, vote on the poll ]

  3. You're application is denied.

    For a start your RP examples are far too short, they should be a few sentences at the very least. You also mention your character is shy, but loves to show off his knowledge, this doesn't really make sense as the two contradict each other.

    Your bio, should be a little longer as well. Think carefully about your character, add some interesting backstory that makes you interesting without powergaming. Also I'm not sure what the Ma' prefix is, I'll have to check that, and finally I can't see your skin.

    And your first character can't be a Kharajyr, you need to be accepted onto the server as something else first.

  4. Ri'Dato hears of the news, for reasons unknown he has been shut away in his den for a while. Only leaving to the palace to briefly speak to Tla'Tiazar. He wakes up a few hours after dawn, he looks through his window to the azure blue ocean. He sighs and climbs to the first floor.

    After eating a hearty breakfast he leaves his home to walk the island, as is his usual routine. As he passes more and more of the citizens he's meant to keep happy his heart begins to sink and his mind rushes through scenarios. He had scene this before, a similar mood had settled upon the island upon the death of Tla'Xerdun.

    From a good friend he learns the terrible news. Shocked, he slumps onto a root of a tree, not knowing what to feel. Ri'Dato had never been a true companion to Miian, but she comforted him upon the execution of his brother. Dato pinches his brow and shakes his head, but before he can excuse himself from the company of his friend he is told of Tiazar's son.

    A fury of thoughts rush through Ri'Dato's head, it then fades. He begs his leave and makes his way home, not sure what to feel or think.

  5. [[ On the topic of stylized speech, I try to make my character, Dato, speak in relatively good english, but never abbreviating things. I think the best simile I can make is comparing him to someone who speaks english as their second language.

    For example:

    "Oh yeah of course, I wasn't going to go down there today because of the flooding. Perhaps another time I'll travel to the swamps" This isn't how Dato speaks.

    "Mhm, yes..I was not going there today, the water has gotten too high. I will journey to the marsh some time later" is sort of what I'm going for when RPing. It's very subtle and occasionally I'll take tips from Wardog and say something like "That'sa not good for you". Another thing is that I do not speak in third person, I simply like talking in the first. ]]

  6. Ri'Dato watches from a distance, his form is shadowed by a large branch shooting off of a tree. He scratches his chin, seeing if he has met this Kharajyr before. His name rings no bells, and Dato is confident that he has met all of the island's tigrasi. He shrugs and speaks quietly to himself.

    "I must go introduce myself soon.."

  7. [[WELL THEN. We'll remeber that next time our gracious Tla' and his Aelkos' are under attack! ]]

    [ How about you remember my foot going up your ass! Back to work! *cracks whip* It's this or the slave pits!]

    [Also, we should add a little subsection for Dra and perhaps some important Ra, just the important members of our society. ]

  8. The punishments would vary depending on who they are, what they had done while they were away, and how long they were away.

    I would think... 3 MC days on average in the cages. However in the most extreme cases they could be tortured or even sacraficed.

    Sounds good, ye' hear that! None of you better leave, and just to clarify they aren't to leave the city walls right. The desert is off limits isn't it?


    The 'No leaving the island!' rule has now been removed! Yep! That's right you can leave!

    Well.... It is still ICly against the law and you could be punished ICly for it. But it is OOCly fine to leave now.

    Note you do not need permission for short visits to Haelun'or and back. I understand many of you have business there and they are pretty safe against the plague. As long as you don't move in with them then it is ICly fine.

    Perhaps we should create some specific IC punishments for such a crime. As of now it's a bit vague and who knows, a kharajyr may take his/her chances running out of the city.

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