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Posts posted by 154684321654951

  1. MY bad, met EST :)

    [Right, sorry I should of guessed :P

    But you're right, 10pm GMT is around 5pm-6pm EST. I'm not sure if the event will start on the dot, but when we get closer to the date things will be likely set in stone, so to speak.]

  2. *A banner hangs on a wall inside the Blessing, it reads*

    Prepare yourself for a grand event coming this annual Bloodmoon. A feast will be held on the night before to celebrate the marriage of Tla'Tiazar, and the festival will continue to the next day to honour the rising of the new Tlatlanni Tiazar!

    The owner of the Blessing and several other hunters will be providing food for the event, but we do recommend that you give congratulations to the Tla' and Miian, his future wife, by bringing a gift or a donation of food.

    All Kha are invited to the event. It will be held in the Blessing, outside the market area, and within the temple for the wedding of Miian and Tiazar.

    [ As for timing I'm thinking next weekend, it's inconvienient to do it in the week and most people are normally available on Saturday so...how does Saturday, 5th of May sounds to everyone? About 10pm GMT?

    So in the end 13 people can make Saturday, and 3 people can't with a remainder of seven people who aren't sure. I've added another poll date to Friday 4th of May at 10pm GMT.Vote in the new poll so I can compare results.

  3. Roxxy, go ahead and make some skins up and send em' to me. I am almost finished with a simplified military... Though I wanted to be unique with it, I doubt it is going to be much more than a private-corporal-srg-lt-captain sort of system masked by different namings for the ranks... And Sala, Dat rainbow text generator.

    Where could I find your updated military lore? I'll get working on uniforms soon.

  4. I'm not talking about "Anti-Kharajyr" things. I'm talking about the large influx of bad RP'ers. This also opens the door for meta-gaming and power-gaming. This then leads for the ability for our island to be found. (Through Kha' who don't listen. They might just leave the island and be like "Hey guys, I didn't read the lore! Wanna come see our island?")

    Or worse, hitting on elven women as a Kharajyr. (e.0)

  5. I've been waiting for someone to make this! I was going to but then I was stricken with laziness. If I come up with any words I'll let you know.

    Actually here are some for mobs:

    Spider - Many-Legs

    Enderman - Dark-Walker ( Passive) Dark-Stalker (Attacking)

    Zombie - Rot-walker or No-breath

    Skeleton - Rattle-walker / Rattle-bone(s) /

    Pig - Pink Nose

    Cow - Moo

    Wolf - Howler

    Chicken - ???

    Anyone know any more?

  6. What your wiki name will be (case sensitive): Roxthesox

    Why are you trustworthy?: I've been on this server for a fair amount of time, since November I believe. I wouldn't dream of doing anything stupid on the wiki, I love this server too much to risk a ban. I'd like to help keep my race's pages up to date with information.

  7. 300px-Lunar_eclipse_June_2011_Total.jpg


    OOC information:

    The bloodmoon isn't assigned to a specific date, but IC it happens around once a year (or five real life days). Therefore we shouldn't have bloodmoon festivals within a couple weeks of eachother, the bloodmoon is a special phenomena that we as a race have come to celebrate.

    Like I've mentioned, while it is just an astronomical event we believe it is an annual sign from Metztli. We assign events to it, like marriages or in more recent events: the declaration of a new Tlatlanni.

    Though the event is meant to be annual, we only celebrate it now and then with an event. If you get what I mean.


    It is believed by the Kha' that once a year, Metztli graces her children with the presence of the blood moon. The great red orb appears in the sky for a single night before disappearing as the sun strikes it's powerful rays across the sky. To the Kha, The Blood Moon is not a sign of war or violence as those who study the kharajyr would like to believe. The Blood Moon signifies the creation of the first kharajyr, it is the same colour as the blood from the ocelots of Metztli's island.

    While to the kharajyr Metztli is always watching her beloved creation, her presence is greatest when the blood moon is at the top of the sky. At this time it is common place for the Tlatlanni or one of the four Aelkos to sacrifice an animal (the juiciest and most plump they can offer) or a captured slave who has been deemed worthy of sacrifice. It is known that the sacrifice not only shows the kharajyr's love for their divine mother, but also that it gives her great strength. With the added strength from the sacrifice Metztli will shower her creations in gifts of many kinds.

    The bloodmoon is honoured by all kharajyr as a celebration of life, creation and good cake.

    [ If you have anything else you want to add post it below :) ]

  8. My orc was born into a human guild, however he was teased and outcasted so he left and joined the orcs. Their is nothing against it but having a baby orc living with humans it kind of like having a bull in a china shop. Recipe for disaster. And if a bother birthed a half-orc child she would most likely be split in half and/or die.

    Hmmm, so I suppose an orc child would still have "orcish tendencies" like to fight and stuff? I just thought that if it was raised from birth as a human then it'd act like a human. Either way, only wondering.

  9. While I've never rolled an Orc and I know very little (some) about their lore and culture, but I had an idea the other night and I've been looking for a place to post this.

    Would it be too lore-breaking to have an orc who was raised by humans? I know there's an orc word for someone who actually just lives with them, but say he/she had been raised as if they were from Salvus for example.

    I'm not planning on rolling the described character, but I wanted to get an opinion on it from someone who knows orcs well.


  10. ((If you had the name of the main character of my favorite series... Who was a human... As your Kharajyr character's name... I would've made a VA just so I could kill your guy... Pick a different name, something more tribal...))

    Or follow these easy steps!

    1. Buy Skyrim

    2. Install and play Skyrim.

    3. Jot down the name of the first Khajiit you meet.

    4. ????

    5. Profit and/or new name.

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