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Your Favorite Impure

Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Your Favorite Impure

  1.           Aenor's lips would continually be anchored into a frown for a few hours, his mind wandering upon hearing the news of Aelthus' passing as he sits within his study. Admittedly, at first, his thoughts went to who would be the next to replace Aelthus as Chirr, though he soon shook his head, almost ashamed that's what first came to mind. A soft exhale soon breezes past the grizzled elf's lips, Aenor rubbing at his nose with a disgruntled expression as his thoughts shift "Aye, he committed a heinous crime, an officer of the Sirame, no less. Yet," Aenor's gaze would pan over to the nearby window, the first rays of the sun just beginning to peak over the verdant treetops "Is this really a fitting punishment?" Aenor would remain silent, simply observing the sky as it continually became a tinge of pink, and then a hue of orange.

             Aenor's scarred lips would suddenly meld into a faint smirk, the memory of a young, puppy-eyed Aheral wishing to join the Sirame in Vailor coming to mind "You had such promise, kae'llir."  He would think to himself, rising from his seat to pace over to the window. His gaze pans down to the forest floor, as the early risers of the city begin their days, meandering about to and fro. After a good while, Aenor swivels on his heels, beginning to stride out of his abode and down to the lower levels of the city, beginning his own schedule. A final, single thought would pass his mind on the matter "You served well, Aelthus Aureon. May Cerridwen find use for remains, and may you hunt eternally with the Horned Man." 

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