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Your Favorite Impure

Diamond VIP
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Posts posted by Your Favorite Impure

  1. As someone who's been there pretty much since the conception of this lore done by Leo, I can personally say that I've seen all the time and effort that's been put into this piece to make it fleshed out. It's definitely made it so the wood elf community has something to define themselves by, and it's been a huge boon. Definitely a +1 from me!

  2. 7 hours ago, Arkelos said:

    This is why I consider the health benefits of bleach.



    For all those white girls who simply cannot get enough, and for the rest of us, who have had enough of white girls. Just in time for the season!


    I like my memes

  3. Aenor would dip his head in a solemn manner upon finishing reading the letter, before turning his gaze upwards as the darkened sky begins to lighten with the hues of a deep orange and fiery red. His expression melding into one of sorrow, Aenor would soon regain his usual stoic gaze; the grizzled, weary mali determined to continue to serve the elven people "You raised me up from nothing, dear friend, raised us as a people up. You were once someone I despised, and are now one I would follow blindly into any plight. You have done something I thought was impossible, and continued to impress. Let it be known that Tristin Tresery is the first true leader of the mali people as a whole in an age, not just in title, but in spirit. Ay'elame, ay'elDominion." 

  4. Aenor would pause momentarily in his tracks, glancing around at the busy bodies striding to and fro as the construction of Linandria nears its completion "Mm, I must take Laethis up on that offer to have tea sometime soon." The weary mali's body is soon wracked with a fit of coughs, before he rolls his shoulders back, oblivious to the happenings in the other parts of Axios "Ah, well. All in good time."

  5. Just now, Sythan said:


    I see your point. After thinking over my own post for a while, I think the root of a lot of issues can be pinpointed at economy and minas. Ever since the 'Keys' system was introduced, minas became even harder to come by (tbh I havent voted in a long while, so maybe things have changed. Correct me if they have.). So perhaps making a more reliable source of minas for the people who aren't of a high leveled profession would help even things out a bit. 


    I will keep to my original stance of I agree with a wipe. I think keeping them from Athera to Vailor was where the issue started, since people then assumed we'd keep them forever. I do agree with what people said previously, that the amount of XP you get in 5.0 should be determined by how much you have currently.

    Likewise, I can see your point very well also. Though, I have also admittedly not voted for quite some time, though one can assume it hasn't changed too much in terms of the ease of gaining minas. I also agree with your last statement though, as I feel it would overall be more of a compromise than what is currently suggested. o7

  6. Just now, Sythan said:


    In my opinion, the 'minor bump' is nothing compared to how this will positively impact player retention. I'm sure many people have seen new players trying to sell low tier swords in which results in failure, as people have been grinding blacksmith since Athera.

    I started on the server at the start of Athera, and the fact that I had the chance to keep up with the top people in a certain profession made the server more appealing. More competitive. I think newer players who are in a closer league with veterans will help the player retention issue.

    I've always found that people being much higher than I to be a motivator rather than a deterrence. This whole skill wipe concept really doesn't help the "little people". Where will they get the tools and gear required to level most of the skills? The individuals who are already high leveled will be well supplied regarding this (due to being in cities/guilds/etc), thus they will more quickly level and those who are apparently unmotivated to grind will once more reacquire their previous state of thought/feeling.

  7. I have a more proper title for ya:

    All memes aside, I'm not a fan of this wipe, and I'm not even that high of a level compared to most of the players really being affected by this. I stated this in the past: that the only thing this will accomplish (unless skills were wiped for a completely new system) is a grindfest by those who are already high levels and those who care enough to grind. In the end you'll have the same result within a month or two and this will be just a minor bump in the road that many would rather avoid. 

  8. 5 hours ago, TheMostGinger said:

    The first time I was murdered, which was the 2nd day I was on the server, and I didn't understand the whole Cloud Temple/PK stuff fully. I was freaking out in PMs to the guy who killed me, because I thought it meant the end of my persona forever and that I couldn't make another character XD

    Holy ****, I'm pretty sure I was that guy. Was it in Anthos?

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