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Posts posted by Salamandra

  1. Flormai manor from any map represent. 


    From what I recall this is the Flormai Manor in Normador. 

    Hrmmrm that looks like the treetop house we had that lagged into oblivion when it rained so we retreated back into the other house outside of the island. Did you ever see the Flormai Hotel/Manor in the Conclave? Has to be the coolest place we've had, pretty proud of the build build but I don't have screenshots. :c Poking the other nerds and hoping they have some. 

    Funnily enough this is the only one I have.



    Actually I found one from the pillow room. For some reason I can never edit my posts on here so I have to make a new one. Also, nice nppeck!


  2. Application for Solo Player


    NA or EUW: NA


    Name (Skype name, if not forum name): xblxsnazzlez should still work I think.


    IGN (In Game Name for LoL): lotcSalad


    Role(s): All


    Top five Champions (Most played on your account): I missed all of season 5 because I stopped playing league for a considerable amount of time, but I'll just put down the characters I like the best.


    Swain, Rengar, Garen, Jinx, Thresh


    Why should another team draft you?:


    Why should I play on your team? I'll join if you need a person, otherwise I'm fine if all teams are full. I'll be a replacement if someone dies or whatever.



  3. I think the server has had enough of the Kharajyr (Speaking of when I was last on, which was a month or two ago). They pretty much died out, as I'm sure many of us can relate to who are from LOTC groups where a few people stop coming online, and then more and more follow suit because there's not much to do. I wandered through what was left of the Kharajyr's Island/Land and saw a single person the three times I visited (Zeriko, scum(Inside joke for old Kha)). 


    I did consider playing one, and was the first person to have their Kha app accepted way back when (Asulon?). It was extremely enjoyable, and I don't regret playing a Kharajyr or becoming involved with them at all. I stopped being involved when the Soul'Kha was wrongfully banished by Tla'Morthawl.


    The Kharajyr were a nice addition to the server at the time, but the server constantly changes at a pace not many can keep up with. Soon the Kha-pelt rugs were a prized item in any home, and they were pushed off their island into caves (Mori), yadda yadda. I'd personally like the Kha to die off or return to the ancient motherland never to be seen again, but seeing as I'm currently not involved with the server I don't expect my opinion to be taken seriously. In that case, keep doing what you're doing.


    @Sky: That was more than one sentence and genuine, I hope.

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