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Posts posted by Salamandra

  1. Salamandra continues to hear idle chatter about the reformed Mages Guild carried by the wind, so it has been since the fall of Archmage Ambros. A sullen, grave expression consumes his face, as it does every time. Through glazed eyes does the world around him fade as he enters his inner chamber, his library, his abode: the place at which he can truly find solitude. Dusting off the covers of old tomes as he pulls them off the shelves, familiar names reveal themselves. Indelwhen, Dante, Jon, Varstivus, Elwen...he had seen not a token of them, and heard not a whisper. He feels a meager smile form on his face, though his eyes and thoughts still remain in the library.


    He stood there, staring at the open book, its pages all blank. He'd never liked Crumena, Deke. He never liked a lot of the new guild's members, whose faces and names he had remembered. Was it just to dislike the entire guild for disliking many of its members? Because many fruit are rotten, was it right to label all the good fruit rotten as well? Though to see someone beloved to you turn sour, dark, and twisted... was difficult. To see a beautiful forest wither, a grand tower turn to ruin, and-


    Suddenly he blinks rapidly, looking up. The nice inn girl had tapped him on the shoulder, and asked if he was alright; yes, he knew that. "I'm perfectly fine, thank you." he replies, glancing over at the group of men excitedly speaking of the Mages Guild nearby. Optimistic and hopeful. He should be too, but the years groaned at him otherwise...


    He left the establishment, and so it was.

  2. Ramakhet - Spirit of the desert, barren lands, and sand. He is never seen and therefore is only represented by his name. Sworn to scour the world of all life at the end of time.


    Would any shamans actually know about a spirit like this in game? If not how would a shaman learn of this spirit?

  3. When people wanted a magic plugin, I don't think they also wanted to say **** off to the three years of established magical lore as well.


    The magic plugin was a lot of work, I realize that. You know what else was a lot of work, though? Three years worth of collective role-play and lore writing.


    This just makes LotC an even closer comparison to some MMO.


    ***Sam wants me to be nice. I'm censoring this post***


    I honestly think your coding was a ***FANTASTIC USE*** of time if this is what you came up with. I think this plugin sounds ***NOT*** stupid I shouldn't even have to explain why.


    A large part of the reason ***NO*** magic users wanted a plugin was so that they could fend off PvPers with it and 'be' something in battles other than another iron sword armored guy, which honestly sounds like a better idea right now. HOWEVER, now ANYBODY has access to ALL of your spells, and current mages aren't compensated at all for what they've done. ***GREAT***!


    You meditate to learn spells. That makes as much sense as sleeping with an iron sword and suddenly waking up and knowing how to counter-riposte ***MAKES SENSE TO ME***. You're trying to make our server's magic system even more like skyrim than it already is. Where did any of our originality go? So a shaman RPly can walk into the Druid's Grove, meditate, and pow ***MI GED DREWEED ZPELLZ!***


    I can't understand how the magic plugin we were hyped for got turned into this.



    Emily: Lore should be dictating the form of the plugin, not the plugin dictating the form of the lore.

  4. MC Name: ---  XBLxSNAZZLEZ
    Your Full Name: --- Salamandra
    Your Age: --- Over 1000, and will not be disclosed.
    Your Gender: --- Male
    Are you already a citizen? --- Nay
    What skills do you have? Would you be willing to join the guard? --- Nay
    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? --- Alone
    Are you of full Mali'ker blood? --- Not a drop
    Have you previously been wanted by Haelun'or? --- Nay, the opposite. I won't be treading near the High Elves, so no need for that.
    Do you agree to abide by the laws of Haelun'or and the Concordat? --- Aye
  5. Glancing to-and-from the tree did account for a number of minutes of pause, as he pondered what to put on the paper. In no less than twenty words, hm? He wondered what other people had written, as he stared at the tree for the last time before beginning to write. He wondered how many words he would end up writing, glancing to the large amount of space he had been given to scribe his thoughts on. 


    "What I particularly like about the tree is that it is birch, of course, seeing as that is currently my favorite 'type' of tree. It's different than most trees you see, which are quite fat at the top to compensate for the lack of what's below. This tree, however, is more linear: the leaves and branches growing more upwards than outwards, creating an arrow-like shape of the tree as a whole. And finally, it has Lucion's name on it, which ruins the entire thing. All in all, I suppose the tree is adequate. Not bold enough to abnormally stand out in a crowd of other trees, yet just enough to gather attention."


    With this, he submits his expert critics' review.

  6. Salamandra, perhaps oddly, can be seen reading one of the posted letters that normally he would simply walk past and ignore. He wastes no time, his eyes carefully dissecting every aspect of the letter and it's contents, re-reading the entire letter within a few moments after finishing the first time. He then speaks to the parchment before him:


    "There are many things I can appreciate about the Mali'aheral, and only a few things I dislike; though, those I dislike are far grander in scale and importance than the former. Things can be overlooked, and it should be noted that Kalenz has finally managed to reunite the Elven races again, quite a large achievement. However, after reading this letter, I only have one thing left to do..."




    No. I'm fairly certain that every current member of the Ascended were active before we regained our powers. Furthermore, for many of us it took up to half a RL year to actually gain a shred of their strength back.



    My REAL question: Instead of coming up with new protagonists like the Golden Lance, is the server going to stick with the Ascended? Your opinions, unless you have the admin perspective or LM one etc.

  8. Salamandra happens upon one of the notices, and removes it from whatever might be applicable for it in his surrounding.


    "Upon the acceptance of the most recent Archmage Kalameet Izalith..." he says to himself, "the Mages Colleg- aherm, Deke's Funhouse, will be reinvigorating itself once again! Interesting." he mutters. "Here forth the College will no longer be referred to as such but instead the Mages Guild...Mages Guild.....erm....Kalameet's Revised Dark Mage Fun House! I'm a genius!" he exclaims, scribbling out "Mages Guild" on the poster and replacing it with Kalameet's Revised Dark Mage Fun House!" before hanging it back up.

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