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Posts posted by Salamandra

  1. I see Dohvi's builds I be like:






    But then brothas b like: oh he's a high elf tho. I like, pls





    But i'm leik "high elves r gud at stuff 2, and this one good at buildin, look at his builds:



    Approve by Sala? Approve by Sala.


  2. A. Too bad people couldn't live up to their word.


    People have a hard time understanding the benefits of dynamic RP and that you can't please everyone, but on a liberal server like LoTC I'm not sure what else I expected.


    Now personally, I have taken part in 0, zip, nada, not a single Undead event in Athera whatsoever (as I started avoiding them quickly after their release, and only recently returned after being gone for 4 months). So now as I've said, keep in mind that I have no personal, first-hand experiences with these new Undead at all. 


    However, I did have one run-in with an Undead whose name I never bothered to receive because I was only watching, and the altercation was very brief. About eight armored warriors had a single Undead before them, and it became obvious this would turn into a PvP brawl (this was in front of the path that leads to old Anni'sul, near the tree-top inn where Haelun'or stands now). I hid in the trees and watched as PvP was declared, and from what I witnessed, the single Undead slaughtered them all relentlessly by summoning mobs, lightning, and at times taking out an enchanted diamond axe to finish them off. In my mind, this event was no different than what a Harbringer would have done whatsoever.


    "But what choice do I have? They all want PvP and I have godlike plugins to help me, I can't possibly lose!"


    - Now a theory of mine is that perhaps an antagonist could be more enjoyable if they PURPOSEFULLY although not PATHETICALLY lost sometimes. You have about 8 armored men in front of you, and they are respectably "close". An old member of the Undead would have been finished if this were the case, as once you got in close the fight was generally over. Perhaps you would've taken a few men down with you, but you certainly wouldn't have won (in my opinion). 


    After that, coinciding with my experiences roleplaying on the server declining as they have before, I generally avoided the Undead as they seemed no different from the Harbringers with a new name, and a new storyline. After that I left the server for a while in silence, and here I am again! I wish I had more feedback to give, although as I've said I have really, very little experience with the antagonist.


    I'd just remove them now. You tried bringing them back as a positive antagonist for the server, and you failed. I don't blame you.

  3. I recently had problems, recently being today where I could NOT stay on the server no matter what. I eventually found out it was because I had a really old version of Seus Shaders AND More Player Models, so I had to re-download at new version. 


    I have no idea what your problem is, but I completely deleted .minecraft, then re-installed everything. If you are on a laptop, a fix I found is going into your Nvidia control panel and setting the global video card (thing) to the Nvidia High Performance Card. (At least if your problem is Shaders.)




    2. Your java updated?


    3. Unplug it and plug it back in?



    Otherwise I'd just assume you might have some mods conflicting with the server, or something. Is it safe for me to assume you haven't tried re-installing minecraft altogether? You might try that also.

  5. Are you willing to wait?: Yes, please take all the time you need.


    What body build?: Extremely tall, as if he were supposed to be a High Elf, but someone forgot to hit the 'off' switch. (7'3 precisely)


    What position do you want?: Something simple like this, just him with a staff.



    Character skin: http://i.imgur.com/wQCPF8n.png


    Eyes?: A deep blue color-wise, in terms of emotion just rather flat. Blank, granted you can only really see one.

    Mouth?: Again just rather flat, he's not supposed to look extremely unhappy or anything, although he's not happy either.

    Eyebrow?: ^ Perhaps slightly angled down, it's up to you what looks best.


    If you want mobs or items around your character list (up to 2): A large wooden staff that stands about as tall as he is, held in one of his hands. 


    Scenery:  Any place that you'd like in Athera around the Elf Nation/City. Artists' choice.

  6. Mairane'a would think to herself "I feel my application is worded correctly, it is simply the person who is reading who doesn't understand" 



    I feel its good for people to be more detailed in their applications, the only reason was that i denied you was that you put in one word answers


    hopefully no hard feelings 


    [[There's no hard feelings out of character at all, no worries.]]

  7. Salamandra would sigh upon hearing of his denied application, and mutter into the air:


    "Perhaps one should more carefully word the questions on their applications if they seek more appropriate answers. I will not be blamed for answering the questions in an accurate manner according to her specific, or rather lack of specific, wordings. I should have known this would be no different from any other human establishment from the start...


    Nonetheless, the purpose of the guild is admirable. How time will either aid or destroy the guild has yet to be seen."

  8. -=Recruit Application=-


    -=Out of character information=-

    Minecraft name: XBLxSNAZZLEZ

    Have you ever been banned before and why?: No.

    Age: 19

    Skype: xblxsnazzlez

    How long have you been playing on the server?: 3 years now.


    -=In character information=-

    What is your name?: Salamandra

    How old are you?: Much older than you, I can guarantee.

    What gender are you?: Male, one should hope.

    What are you interested in?: Enchanting.

    What do you want to Achieve from joining the Guild?: The ability to enchant things at will, and be provided with the resources you have offered.

    Where have you been educated/and by where/who?: My mind, myself and others.

    What are you skills?: Many.


    -  Salamandra

  9. Salamandra merely stares at the notice, his eye first straying to his name before he continues to read over the entire document. His eyes linger there, on the notice afterward, though unmoving. He stands there in silence.


    He is standing on a dark plane, with blackness extending as far as the eye can see. Mist lingers at his feet, and he stares only directly forward, quiet as the grave. In the distance a dark silhouette approaches, stepping closer. A light briefly shines down to reveal the face of Callax (his appearance at the time of his death). The walking corpse disappears from the side of his vision, and vanishes. Another stands behind him, hiding in the place the living cannot see. How many stand behind him were too numerous to count now. He can only continue to stare forward.  


    "You will be missed." he comments to the paper, stepping away to wander off someplace.

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