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Everything posted by Salamandra

  1. ^ Whered you learn magic Scylas, i'd like to know :P
  2. Turning Evil today, somebody's going to try to kill Salamandra (jacihead)

  3. Turning Evil today, somebody's going to try to kill Salamandra (jacihead)

    1. 0000


      Oh remember me? xD

    2. Salamandra


      I remember seeing your name! :D

  4. [i have a home in Lowencaster] If it gets passed. If not i'll take a home there :D Lowencaster is a town for the magical community, i couldn't resist xD
  5. Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! >_< It says he's undercover for some Undead thing :mrgreen:
  6. I want to see these magic using members we have!!!! Where are they? :mrgreen:
  7. Went to the keep today, saw friar7 [friar5's brother] Nobody was there. I would like to see some of these supplicants or acolytes we have there..... Sign says Shadows is gone?
  8. NUUUUU!!!! >.< /takingovertheblackhandthread ;)
  9. Did I kill you? O_o

  10. ^ I second that notion. Plus, I really don't know if I want to become evil for a while, not only because of the things stated above, but because Sala's in a <3 situation with someone. Can't drop that bomb too soon if we get married xD
  11. You have a ban report on you, i suggest you take a look

  12. Hmmmm... I'll probably become back before my switch to evil. :P I'm still studying with the mages. Well, teaching other people. [Head Mage Teacher,Woot!] I plan on becoming a Guild Master if I can. I'll return sometime at random. It's a mystery ^_^ -I never see anyone there, it'd be nice to see people at the keep!
  13. Stay good? Or go evil? The choices....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aryon
    3. Salamandra


      I like cookies..... Riight now it's depending on if Sala falls in love with this girl or not >_> If he does, he'll turn evil later :P

    4. Salamandra


      I like cookies..... Riight now it's depending on if Sala falls in love with this girl or not >_> If he does, he'll turn evil later :P

  14. Oi! "WHAT!?" Oh...sorry.

  15. ^ EDIT: I'm actually not joining the Black Hand. xP (You understand I've had my VA accepted for a month or two?) I just haven't really used it yet. :P (Trying to join the Shades now, which I don't really know how long that'll take. I'm probably remaining a mage until a few weeks after the new map, idk.) :D
  16. I'm trying to get into the Shades, there's only 1 spot left. We'll see what happens. <3 Probably not coming back, unless to kill people xD
  17. I will join the shades..... [Or kill myself trying]

  18. I will join the shades..... [Or kill myself trying]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aryon


      Goodluck.You would be a great Shade "D

    3. Salamandra


      ^w^ Sala haz fans? :D

    4. Salamandra


      ^w^ Sala haz fans? :D

  19. Brought out my evil side today... [RP with Dreadmoore(Cookie9000)] Was awesome until I had to get off xD

  20. Brought out my evil side today... [RP with Dreadmoore(Cookie9000)] Was awesome until I had to get off xD

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