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Posts posted by Estellan

  1. Hey guys, i'm the chief engineer at Freedom Ridge.


    I just wanted to show you this picture of the Freedom Ridge Colony Centre in progress. The different districts will branch off of this room. You can see the VIP district to the left on the picture, and the mine in the center of the wall directly in the front of the picture. The two hallways next to the mine go down to our farm that is as big as this room!

    Wow, that was only a few days ago but it looks so alien....and empty now! 0.o

  2. Position applying for: Guard.

    Previous experience (if any):I havent played on this server yet but I am quite good at using a bow and a sword if that helps.

    How long you have been playing minecraft: About 5 to 6 months.

    How long you have been playing this server: Havent yet played the server but found out about the server about 1 week ago.

    Useful/important skills:I can sort situations and arguments. I am good at defending and attacking and I can play on the server alot so the town can be safe from raiders.

    Why you feel we should hire you: I am a very good sword fighter and I listen to orders from other people and im always willing to help.

    IGN: ethanrs.

    Accepted. Sending you directions now.

  3. Update: Our Chief Engineer himself is working on a new jewel of our colony. We have tasked him with creating "the most magnificent Guild-Hall possible based on a military-style guild". In his predictions, it will be a quarter to a half the size of the colony in actual area and will contain:

    Reception area - With the best architectural marvels in the colony situated in your reception area, any potential recruit who walks past will be in awe. Wow your friends and enemies!

    Captain's Quarters - Complete with luxury fittings such as carpets, paintings, a secret passworded safe and a private glass box where he can view training in progress in the training hall

    Training Hall - Where soldiers of the owning guild can learn to fight or better themselves in the art of war

    Meeting Hall - A place for battle plans to be made, victory songs to be sang and for general gatherings

    Barracks - With fully fitted rooms for up to 25 soldiers, no man in this outpost will ever be without comfort

    Armory - With workbenches, forges and enough passworded chests to store a whole army's gear this will be a vital cog in your well-tuned guild killing machine

    Officer Barracks - With 5 luxury officer rooms, larger and better equipped than barracks rooms you can be assured your officers will appreciate the comfort and privacy while formulating battle plans and training regimens

    Keep - A central fall-back area should the unlikely event occur that the colony and then your Guild-Hall be over-run by the enemy. Make a final stand behind these solid defenses, designed to give the defenders maximum chance of victory. Very narrow corridors make fighting a skill game rather than a numbers game, and multiple booby-traps will suprise attacking foes!!

    Diplomacy Suite - Invite other guild leaders over for diplomatic talks in this suite, equipped with benches, tables and a fine, red wool carpet.

    Dungeon - Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer....and behind bars!! With 3 rooms and space for 2 prisoners in each, you can keep 6 of your captive enemies for questioning or worse!

    The final selling price for this is yet to be decided, but we will keep everyone updated with how it is going. Feel free to mail me and ask!

  4. I WANT TO JOIN... We can beat the Undead if we try so pick up your swords and join us, FOR OREN, FOR AEGIS, FOR MINECRAFTIA!!!!!

    So stop Being Cowards and take a step into Manhood Or you might just go and join the coward squad (there the first to get killed by the Undead), HELP FIGHT FOR OREN!!!!!!!

    They will fear us for the rest of there eternal lives!!!!


    Way to revive a long-dead thread?

  5. Position applying for: Explorer

    Previous experience (if any): None really, Walked around the wilderness for a bit

    How long you have been playing minecraft: around 8 months

    How long you have been playing this server: I started yesterday

    Useful/important skills: None as of now

    Why you feel we should hire you: I see alot of people applying for guard, Exploring doesn't really require any special skills and I can do that all day until I acquire experience and get better and better. I'm also looking to integrate a community and your colony looks really good for that.

    You are a mind reader. I just came on this thread now to advertise for an explorer! We'll only need you for a few days but after that I am sure we could find you a permanent position. I will mail you directions on how to find us.

  6. Position applying for:Recruit Gaurd

    Previous experience (if any):I was in past orc armys such as the rex but these armys have long been gone now

    How long you have been playing minecraft:For around a year and a half now

    How long you have been playing this server:since late June

    Useful/important skills:I am a good tactian , I have alot of expreience with a bow and sword,I am also an orc so i apply fear to human enemys

    Why you feel we should hire you:i am a good warrior i play on the server alot ,i am a good navigator.

    IGN: OOC:JORDANB885 IC:Jorcan

    Accepted - Welcome aboard! I also got your message in the colony on the noticeboard, and message me when you get back on and we can talk about that room :)

    Hmm.. I may be interested in buying a guild hall there...

    Feel free to pop by anytime and view our current guildhalls to help make your decision. We custom make yours depending on what you need.

  7. The only real way to mitigate it would be to implement a white list. But some of you have dynamic IPs so that would be a little hard to keep up to date. And if the DDOSer is savvy, they'd spoof their botnet. And then we're back to square one.

    Unfortunately the only true way to defeat a DDOS is to have more bandwidth than their combined botnet. But thats a pretty expensive solution. But it does work, which is why google and yahoo aren't crippled unless a group gets together.

    HOW expensive? I would be personally willing to sacrifice a paycheck or two to make sure we all have a lagfree experience. I'm only new here and don't have many friends but still want everyone to enjoy this server as much as I have been doing.

    Edit: Also, as someone who has taken part in many a DDoS attack (not against this server) I can say half of the fun is watching the recipient, whether that be a person, group or company, rage hard over the fact they are lagging/inactive.

    Remember guys, you may be mad but don't show it. That will only encourage them.

  8. Freedom Ridge Colony is hiring Guards! Perks include a free house (getting larger with higher ranks), free access to farmland within the colony, 25% discount when buying colony housing, 20% discount when buying shops within the colony, free food and more.

    If you are interested, please send me a forum message for more details, or post in our Guild thread at: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/26974-freedom-ridge-colony/

    Thanks, and have a GREAT day!

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