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Posts posted by Estellan

  1. I have been accepted but not yet changed from a Wandering Soul, but all I have to say to people is that when you get the "You are Accepted" that feeling is worth all the messing about!! The bio is also helpful when reading other people's applications so you get to know some future friends better!!

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:


    -How old are you?:


    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    GMT time, England. Although I will soon be moving over to Canada to work there for 6 months.

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    Exceptional, if I may say so myself! I finished college with A-levels in English Language and English Literature. I rarely make errors.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am an 18 year old English male, very into Lord of the Rings. I particularly enjoy playing RP games centred around it, which is why I am applying here.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Anywhere from 5 hours to 35 hours

    -How long have you played minecraft?:

    1 year

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?:

    I played Roleplay servers on Lord of the Rings Online. Apart from that, I have little experience with "true" roleplaying (ie. with other humans) but it seems like something I would enjoy. I do, however, understand that roleplaying is taking on the persona of another person, usually fictional. You act like they would, talk like they would and even make decisions that they would. When faced with a problem, I will think "How will Estellan solve this?" instead of "How shall I solve this?"

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:

    Hopefully full of people like me who enjoy Lord of the Rings and Minecraft. I just want somewhere nice, respectful, fun and not filled with people wanting to destroy everything around them.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    I played on Thizzlefry's minecraft server. I still play occasionally but it is very quiet. Also there was a griefing problem at some stage; that I did not enjoy.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:

    I agree to the rules as they seem very reasonable. The lore is extensive so I cannot memorise it all off by heart, but I will make every effort to be inkeeping with it.

    -Name the 4 races on this server.

    Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Orcs

    -How did you hear about us?:

    I was looking through minecraft graphic mods, saw a post on a photo realism mod about this server and almost cheered at the thought of it. From there I came here, did a bunch of reading and am now applying.

    -Did you vote?:

    On 2 of the 3, one wouldn't work for some reason

    -What was your favourite Law?:

    No killing without RP. It would really annoy me for one of my own team to just stab me when I am doing something.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:

    None, really. If I had to pick one, it would be not destroying the landscape - only because it is vague. Is building something considered that? Or digging a hole? I wish it had more detail so I don't get banned!

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?


    -Other information:

    My character is an expert in survival skills and wilderness living. This is because I am too in real life as I teach Wilderness Survival and Bushcraft. As a result it seemed fitting, since my personal passion went hand in hand with the RP career of my character.


    -Character Name:


    -What is your Race?:


    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account:



    Estellan is a Kinman, born in Breeland and raised in Ost Cyrn, Lonelands. After it was overtaken by Orcs and the Eglain were forced back to Ost Guruth, he joined the Breeland Kinmen and helped to keep law and order in the usual lawless outskirts of the countryside. Acting as a mixture of a scout and lawkeeper, Estellan's Kinman career led him to far corners of Breeland, coming up against a variety of challenges. It was during this time he was called "Estellan", due to his true Eglain name remaining a secret known only to him. Estellan derives from "Estel" meaning "Hope" as he was a symbol of hope to many during his career. The loneliness didn't bother him, as he preferred being alone and it also left him undistracted in his mission to one day forge a world where the good, common man can make a fair and safe living in the world. After quitting the Kinmen at age 30, Estellan moved to Central Aegis, looking to further his aforementioned dream. He dreams of gathering enough good reputation and finances to one day establish a village where trading and money are used to get what you want - not fighting.

    -Character Age:


    -Character Appearance:

    A human in close-fitting green/olive/brown leather armour, with a hood and mask across his face revealing only his eyes and forhead.

    -Character Personality:

    Morally just, loner, hard worker

    -Your ambitions:

    To work hard and help people when they need it most. One day to gather enough fortunes to have somewhere to call home, and possibly after that work together with others to make the world a better place.

    -Can your character read or write?:

    Yes - Common Human, Dunlanding, some very basic Angmarim and some basic Sindarin

    -Can your character mine?:

    Yes, as a Warden self-sufficiency was a vital skill

    -Are you a capable builder?

    Simple "bases" are necessary for Wardens to survive in the wilds, but Estellan cannot build great castles or forts.

    -Can you wield a sword?:

    Although Wardens typically favour spears and shields, Estellan can use a sword.

    -Enjoy Farming?:

    To some extent, as it is useful as a skill

    -Does your character have any special skills?:]

    An expert in wild living, fast learner, very good business skills (from his Eglain background)

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    Even better - here is a link to the download and a gif which shows the skin running - Click

    -Other Information:

    Estellan does not enjoy killing, and will use it as a last resort. He also has a dominant personality, but is willing to work for others if the cause is right.

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